Sunday 14 October 2012


Saturday 13th October... a day to etch in the memory - the day of the crop finally dawned!!  Rather than make Wednesday's WOYWW post very very long, I decided to record the day here for you all now!

Set off for the station with my heavy bags (I don't do travelling light)
First disaster averted- signalling problems meant my first train to Clapham Junction was running late - would I make the connection?? Just....phew!

Julia met Janet and MaryAnne and me at Andover station - we'd recognised one another as WOYWWers by the size of our bags in the car park.... lol!
 Was greeted in the hall by Jan's idea of my working space.... to make me feel at home! However, I did take advantage of the table also provided, as the floor was (cold) hard - I am used to carpet, dahling!!! Brilliant fun though, thanks Jan - I have even changed my profile picture in honour...
 sorry I have cut MaryAnne in half here - Janet and Jo working hard...
 Di and Sam (Hettiecraft) working hard - and my Christmas card production line! Sam and I soon  made ourselves feel at home and spread out on the floor at the end of our table.  I painted the fabric for these on the floor (a carpeted bit!) to avoid splashing Sam's beautiful book she was working on.
 This is my fellow Crafty Boots DT member, Zoe. Lovely to meet you, (see you in November!)
 Even though the morning was spent eating cake (oh, what cakes, they were wonderful - wish I'd taken a photograph of them too!) we tucked into a hot lunch provided by Jan - beautiful food, (ate far too much of that as well) Here we all are, well away from our crafty tables - good job it was a big hall...
Janet's beading class in full flow...
Sam (her back) Janet, Cardarian (Dolores) Donna and Morti
 Sam's Fergus came along to keep an eye on things.
Lots of people taking photos all the time... Kyla, Di and Sam here...
Zoe and me - I look a little serious here! Must frown less...

The lovely Julia herself with me, we're in the middle of clearing up (hence the badly positioned table!)
and Sam with Julia (and the same table!)

I got home around 8.15, caught the end of Strictly Come Dancing, and soon went to bed, cream-crackered! But what a lovely day - a HUGE thanks again to Julia and Jan (and Jan's family) for the hard work setting everything up (not to mention the goody bags) and well done on raising so much in the raffle, Jan!
Have spent most of today dozing on the sofa, as I was overcome with fatigue!! but I have made a few more Christmas cards too...


  1. What fun. I really enjoy your photos, and you did a super job with these. I love your new "look." You did that floor proud!

  2. How lovely to see it all in photos. Thanks for sharing it Helen...I almost feel I was there now :-)
    A x

  3. Great post, love the pic you took of me, may have to pinch that if I may?! It sure was a super day, loved every minute of it, chatting, crafting and yes those cakes! See you in November. Take care Zo xxx

  4. Looks like a splendid time was had by all. Great post & fab photos.

  5. Oh it looks like great fun was had by all! Love your designated area :D

  6. Well done Helen for getting the feel of the day just right....Fergus looks good which is more than I can say for me...have my eyes closed but hey ho!!
    Fabulous day and glad to have shared it and the table with you!
    Til the next one Honey

  7. Oh you got some good pictures...I had an epic fail on the concentration front!! It was a good day so thrilled tire talking about another one!

  8. It was a fab day Helen and was lovely to meet you. Pam x

  9. The pictures are fab Helen and you all looked as if you were enjoying yourselves.....mmmm the food sounded good as well. Thank you for sharing such a fab time. Annette x

  10. Fabulous pics Helen... looks like a fantastic day was had by all... Thanks for sharing.. Hugs May x x x

  11. Yes a great day, lovely to meet you and your big bag at the station. You managed to get some good pics, I sort of forgot about taking many, especially at the end. I will think of you when I am scrabbling about on my craft room floor! happy crafting

  12. Looks as though you all had a fabulous day. It's always nice to spend time with other crafty people. The food looked good too xx

  13. It was truly a fabulous day, and I was so pleased to meet likeminded folk.
    Loved your textile and painted cards, a great idea.


  14. I do wish I had been there. It looks as though you had a wonderful time at the weekend, crafting, cake, food and good friends. What more do you need? Have a good week. xx Maggie

  15. Looks like so much fun! LOVE the space on the floor! That's hilarious!

  16. Yusss!!!! What a fab day it was indeed.... And so lovely to meet you and everyone else...

    I also epic-ly failed on the photo front. I got a few early on but didn't get much at home for the "after show party"...LOL when I post up my pics of the cakes (no fail there, LOL), feel free to snag a copy for your own delight and delectation...

  17. Fab report and pics of such a great day that none of us, who were lucky enough to be there, will ever forget. It was so lovely to meet you but I didn't seem to have enough time with anyone just a short time with everyone!
    See you tomorrow1
    Jo x

  18. Brilliant photos and report Helen, love the one of you on the floor!


  19. HI H!

    Was fab to meet you - as Jo said - jsut nto long enough to 'meet' every one - next time I bagsy a table next to you so we can really talk...

  20. Looks like you ladies had a wonderful time, I so wish I lived closer so I could come play with you! ( just not on the floor! ) lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  21. Brill pics! Great to see what you all got up too - and LoVe the story behind your new profile pic :)

  22. what fun, and how funny to have floor space reserved for you!

  23. looks like it was great fun. one day I'll do something like this.


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