Wednesday 17 October 2012

WOYWW 176 - after the Crop

We all had a lovely time at the WOYWW  Crop last Saturday - about 20 of us - eating and chatting and laughing - oh, and some crafting too... My story and the photos I took are in the post here   Julia and Jan did a fabulous job organising it all and looking after us all day - thank you both again. Can we have another one, please?!

So anyway, today I have wide angle views of my living room/craft room - totally shaming, in all it's messy glory! I probably shouldn't show you this in this much detail, it looks awful! (Julia, I didn't win the lottery so not only no 15 bed mansion for the retreats, but no designated craft room either!)  You can tell I live alone (and don't have many visitors....)

 the cushion on the stool is where I sit (crouch) at my computer (showing Twitter of course, I am addicted to Twitter!) surrounded by stuff...You've seen in most of the boxes before.
 this is where I kneel on the floor - my craft mat now has the laminated sign from the crop that Jan made and I brought home with me...I shall treasure it.
 workspace close up - everything nice and reachable!
the far corner next to the sofa - under the radio is a stack of 2 crates of papers and stuff that I rarely get into (for obvious reasons!)  the drawers hold  various bits and bobs and the box on top, TH stuff. In the foreground, some of my craft mags that need reading.

Haven't had time to do my challenge card from the Crop yet, Julia - should be ready next week!

Check out some much tidier spaces here at Julia's place!


  1. Wow love all the goodies on your crafting area wow you have so much stuff how do you find what your looking for?
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the crop, did you find time to create lol.
    Have a great crafting week...


  2. Oh Helen, one of these days your gonna stash yourself in lol Glad you had a good time at the woyww get together. I love that you kept the sign, you should of got everyone to sign it.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugz Minxy #1

  3. how lucky to go to the crop! I'm on the wrong side of the pond' I'm afraid! Happy woyww! Lindsay #7

  4. I'm with Minxy. I would have gotten signatures from the crop. Of course, I got to see your crop photos earlier, so loved that they gave you your own "space."

    I can see why you have few visitors. I often wonder what my place would look like if I had lots of visitors. Oh wait! It would still look anally neat as usual (grin). Have a great week, dear. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

  5. wow, you do have so much stuff! glad you enjoyed the crop!

  6. It is hard to beVery Neat when you have a lot of gear! What a space!! Love the sign on your desk!hehe
    Judy #10

  7. Ohhh, you were so lucky to go to the crop! So cute that you kept the fllor sign!!!

  8. Helen you're my hero!! But if I ever show your pics to my hubby I think he'll lock me up just in case!! How much stuff, do you reckon, is in there that you've never used??

    Brenda 3

  9. I thought of you all on Saturday. How fun!!! And I had to laugh that you had a premier space at the crop reserved just for you!

    Keep trying that lottery!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #18

  10. Very interesting craft area you have, if I lived alone I'd have mine set out just like yours lol
    Bridget #21

  11. Oh dear, Helen. Revealing all like this doesn't do neatniks like myself any good at all ... my fingers are itching to get in and sort and organise! Then play on the floor too :))There must be a cure for it ... I mean me, a cure for me ... because you are clearly happily tweeting and creating away in your wee crafty space reserved for you :)) Here's wishing you a great week and a happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #40

  12. Ohh glad you all had fun. Hopefully there will be another one, so I can join in.

    Kay (Toodles)

  13. My knees are screaming at the thought of working on the floor Helen but how lovely to have everything you need to hand....and so much of it too :-)
    A x #62

  14. Well I think your craft space looks fabulous - as long as you can find stuff when you need it you are fine. Sounds like you had a blast at the weekend. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57

  15. WOW lots of fun stuff to look at and play with in your room! I love it that I can look and look and still see something new to look at. I don't know how you do it getting up and down from the floor...way too much for my old bones. Have a great week. Vickie #71

  16. I think most of us have all this stuff, just not on the floor. Now we've met and I see how bendy you are, I get the floor thing..although now we've met, you see why I don't do the floor thing!
    Dont sweat over the challenge, I haven't done mine either!!

  17. Oh HELEN! Methinks you are in dire need of an extension :) I so loved your Xmas cards and that star stamp. And your attention to detail, while sitting on the floor, was amazing. Lovely to meet up at the crop and with luck we wil see each other again. It feels like chatting with a friend, this weel, and not just blog hopping :)

    Cheers m'dear.

    Mary Anne (20)

  18. Oh Helen. I can see why you haven't asked me round now, nowhere to put me! I think you are very brave to post these pictures, it took me a while to even find your stool! Think you might need to stop buying and start organising (or have some crafty friends round to relieve you of some stash). I still can't quite believe it - Happy WOYWW BJ#30

  19. Wow Helen, now that's one big crafty space! Having had a knee replacement I could just never do what you do but I certainly admire those who can. Great photos of the WOYWW Away Day roo. Have a happy WOYWW, Anne x #41

  20. Good morning; just thought I'd pop my head round the door and say Hi. Can't get in further can I? I'm so pleased to see you making full use of your floordrobe! It's funny seeing everything spread out like that but I think if a lot of us crafters emptied our cupboards and hidy holes we'd fill a space like that too! Hope you have a lovely week.
    Neil #61

  21. Your craft room is a veritable alladins cave.
    Sandra @93

  22. No wonder you have to work on the floor, what an amazing craft space. Aladdin's cave of papercrafts!

    lovely to have met you for real.

    ** Kate **

  23. Girl I think you qualify as a hoarder! I've never seen so much crafty goodness in one place! I'd love to visit and just go through all your stash! What fun!
    Glenda 89

  24. I've just come from Lunch Lady Jans blog and saw your special square on the floor at the crop, really clever of Julia. Your place looks like mine before I tidied it up, very creative.
    Nice to see you all, have a great week.
    Von #43

  25. Only just starting my journey round the desks so haven't seen the photos of the crop yet (that is my next treat). How could you not enjoy a day among blogging/crafty buddies - so jealous I couldn't join in the fun.

    Ann B

  26. Oh wow what a brilliant craft space, I could lost in there for weeks, if not months! LOL! Enjoy WOYWW! Karen T 100 x

  27. Ooh that looks like a lovely stash pile (s) plenty to play with. Lucky you getting to the crop too.

    The bears @#103 this week

  28. wow what fun to go to a WOWW crop...I would have loved to have been there....your workspace makes me feel so much looks so normal...have a good week.
    zeffy 103

  29. twas fab to meet you H and - I am convinced any of us given a house to ourselves would spread our shtuff wall to wall,

    dxxx a hundred and something (106)

  30. OMG! Helen, you have a clean spot where the sign is!!!!!! I love your honesty and to be honest all of our living rooms would look like that if we didn't have other spaces to put away our things. I constantly marvel at a) the circulation in your legs as you kneel to craft and b) how you find things - my stuff is in boxes and I can never find anything!!! Much love and happy Wednesday #44

  31. Wow, but tbf I have lots too it's just all crammed into my tiny room! I get you and the floor but could you imagine if I tried? I'd never get up! lol It was fab to meet you, and I can't wait till we meet again in Nov for our CB day. Take care Zo xx 78

  32. Oh, my, oh dear, well that's quite a lot of fun packed into a small area lol! Sorry about the lottery I'd love to have crossed the Atlantic to see your 15 bedroom mansion!

  33. OMG! How brave are you fessing all?!!! How on earth do you find anything and more importantly...... where does the Christmas Tree go?
    Fun on Saturday and want to do it again...maybe January?
    Hettie 74

  34. Oh my! Crafters paradise.... hehehe. But how do you remember what you've got? I've got loads of stash, and my biggest problem is forgetting what I've bought....LOL

    Was great to meet you and have madness and general fun - I didn't get time to sit and chat to you properly, but maybe our next Crop will sort that out!

    Thanks for stopping by.....

  35. Well I just love that you showed it like it is! I would love to just dive in and see what I come up with! On my own - yep it would all be crafting space! So special that a large group of you could get together to crop - wow! Sandi #32

  36. Looks like the crop day was fun and fruitful. Wow what a workspace, how many things do you work on at once. So much to see

  37. Helen you are so cute! I saw you sitting in your square at the crop in Jan's pictures the other day! And I am telling you--I would just love for my living room to be my craft room...that would be the best use. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  38. OMG, girlfriend, you need an intervention! lol How do you find anything? I live alone too and understand how it is, I just have all my stuff stashed in the extra room. My back hurts looking at how low that stool is to your computer and the fact that you work on the floor. I couldn't do it! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  39. Did I see a box of Tim Holtz stuff there! You seem to have everything! Happy WOYWW
    -Tamika currently #124 subject to change to #123 when double entries are fixed?

  40. Wow! All I could think of is how you get in there, or better yet, how do you get out? dani #132

  41. oh my! all that crafty goodness! I must admit, I miss my little craft room since moving to look after Mum - now I have to be tidy!
    hugs, annie x

  42. Looks good to me, although no more working on the floor- and I'm trying to remember not to to put heavy boxes on top of light ones. Chris109

  43. LOL - glad to see that the sign is still being useful!! And wow, you sure do have some stuff in your place!! How do you remember where everything is? Or is life a constant series of surprises when you rediscover stuff every day?!
    It was so fab to meet you on Saturday - let's hope it happens again soon :)
    Hugs, LLJ 56 xx

  44. Thank you for sharing about the crop!
    Sounds like so much fun and great to see so many photos of participants!
    Mary Jo #115

  45. OMG Helen lol, what an Aladdin's Cave of stashly goodies (my idea of heaven), but i do fear that you will be stuck in that room soon lol, thanks for sharing it was a pure delight and oh glad you had a good time at the weekend. take care.

    Gillian #70

  46. Hi Helen
    OMG you should have taken the floor not just the sign.... it was a good day wasn't it?
    janet #47

  47. Love every messy square inch. how can you create if everything is organized and put away!
    monica #102

  48. Wow - what a lot of crafty stuff you have there! Sounds like you had a great day out on Saturday!
    Bernice #80

  49. Now that's what I call a workspace!! I had a look at your photo's from the crop - it looks like you had a fab time - I have crop envy! Thank you for visiting my desk and have a good week xx

  50. It's so easy to fill every space with craft stuff isn't it? At least you can see it all and it's easy to hand.
    Sounds like you had a fabulous crop day, been and had a look at your photos.
    Thanks for sharing your creative space. Happy WOYWW and have a great end to the week.
    hugs {brenda} xox #88

  51. Oh yes, this is my kind of art room, Helen!! We are two peas in a pod!

    #137 this week

  52. Wow! Look at all that crafting goodness! I'd be knee deep in there with you....happily creating away :)

  53. Isn't being able to cover every surface with craft stuff one of the best reasons to live alone? Only another crafter would understand! I love your space and, like everyone else, would love to dig in and play right along with you.

    Glad you had fun at the crop, as well as very jealous.
    cheers, rachel #64

  54. Now that really is a creative work space - well thats what I call it. But when hubby can't get through the door of my sewing room he just says I am flippin untidy! I am with you! AND I loved the pic of you at the WOYWWers crop - that Julia!!!! x Jo

  55. wow i wish I was as liberated and free as you my OCD is screaming to let me at your unique style and looking forward to coming back to see more ..although my tidy side is a little worried !!..i too would have kept the sign im a bit sentimental ad keep all sorts of odd bits ... love it x

  56. Oh my, I feel so much better about my crafting space now!!
    It was lovely meeting you Saturday.

    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    kyla #55

  57. Your space really made me smile!! I'm sorry but if we ever have to vote for most gloriously cluttered craft space it may have to be this one!! Well done you for managing on the floor - you obviously bend a lot more easily than I do! Best wishes, Cindyx

  58. Oh Helen my sweet friend...

    and the first prize for most craft stash goes to Helen L

    And the first prize for making me feel like I have the tidiest craft room ever...

    (you know I'm only kidding)....

    Have you actually got an inventory of all your stuff. It would take you a while if you started one anyway.

    big hugs as usual

    Paula x x x

  59. Such a treasure trove... would so love to come and rummage!! Belated happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  60. how wonderful for you to have gone to the WOYWW crop! and wow, your living room looks amazing! if you ever have any visitors, they should be the crafting kind! happy WOYWW!

  61. how do you get to that little reserved spot? I guess you have a system.
    What's your Twitter handle? I'm on there @toucanscraps


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