Wednesday 29 August 2012

WOYWW 169 - where's Mojo?

Well, you know the game Where's Wally? Instead of What's on your Workdesk Wednesday,  I am playing Where's Mojo... cos he sure as hell ain't here.... I had thought I'd spend all last weekend (it was a Bank Holiday in England) crafting. But Mojo had other ideas and jollied off and left me....

I did eventually get something done, but my workspace was bare for most of it....  and is bare again now too....

This was it on Friday - I had some happy mail - from Wendy Vecchi herself - a 'leave a comment and randomly win a prize'  giveaway - one of her new sets of stamps and matching art parts.... and still I was stuck!
I eventually started.....  a scrap of canvas (check here for what happened)

Anyhow, off to Julia's with you and she'll let you see hundreds of other crafty spaces and I'll catch you all soon...


  1. I hate it when Mr. Mojo runs off with another woman or off on a drunken vacation without me, lol He will return though!!
    waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. Lovely new stamps from WV how lucky are you??? I hope Mr. Mojo will be back soon!

  3. well done again on your wendy win! your piece was great ..have a great week trace x 48

  4. Mojo will return soon with recharged batteries and you will get back to creative fun.
    A x #68

  5. Hi Helen, perhaps Mr Mojo just wanted the Bank Holiday off too! Love that set of stamps from Wendy, many congratulations on your win.....he'll be back soon. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #32

  6. Great set of stamps there Helen. Don't worry, a bolt of inspirational lightning will hit (probably when you are asleep or up to your eyes in it!) and you'll know just what to do. In the meantime it is good to see you are still playing. Hugs, Buttons #66

  7. Oh I know the feeling - but I put it down to the terrible summer weather we have had in the NW of England. I think Mr M has gone in search of sunshine and is refusing to come home.
    Cannot get over your win - well done you - you have to be in it to win it so no good me feeling envious. Hope the inspiration comes back when you keep looking at those stamps.
    Hugs, neet xx

  8. Hi Helen and thanks for stopping by. There were places on Neil's class last Sunday, if I'd realised you were in such a pickle with the MOJO it might have got your juices flowing again. Yep saw the Altered Brush Project via Sandee and thought I'd give it a go. Your goodies look cool and you did have a go, so that is something. I usually tidy when my mojo goes and sometimes find it that way. BJ#35

  9. The thing is.. don't panic, give ol' Mr Mojo the cold shoulder, go and do something completely different and the sly old cove will come creeping back when you least expect it. It's a good rule to apply to cats as well!!!
    Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

  10. Congrats on the win from Wendy Vecchi! I love her stamps! My mojo has a mind of its own this week and I can't seem to get anything I want to do done for wandering off on other tangents. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #67

  11. Congrats on the win from Wendy Vecchi! I love her stamps! My mojo has a mind of its own this week and I can't seem to get anything I want to do done for wandering off on other tangents. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #67

  12. Argh. The big thing is not to'll ping back just as you're immersed in something tha tyou can't leave...maybe now is the moment to erm....clean the cooker or do a crappy job you've been putting off...quite often works for me! That aside, that win from Wendy - the stamps look delicious...

  13. Ooooo congrats on your win, have fun playing with them {when you find your mojo} xx Have a fab rest of week chickie

  14. Ooo congrats on your win helen! hope mr mojo returns soon xx

    kaz x

  15. I hope that naughty mojo returns very soon. Congrats on your win.
    Have a great week.
    Von #44

  16. You know when it'll come back? Just as the Paralympics get into full swing ;)

    But I knows how you feel - this year has been a booger for me creatively - only to be expected I suppose! But I have sort of realised what direction I'd like to go in so that's a start! Hope mojo comes back soon and congratulations on a perfect for you win :D

  17. COOL stamps, lucky you. When Mr. M skips out on me I go back to basics and make something quite simple, he gets jealous after a bit and comes back home LOL

  18. Hope mojo comes back soon. Great win. Thanks for visiting
    Famfa #22

  19. Aw lucky you winning Wendy goodies! Hope Mojo has reappeared now. Take care Zo xx 118

  20. o i hate it when mojo takes a holiday it always happens when i need to get things done!!
    happy woyww Mrs.C.xx #63

  21. I hate it when the Mojo goes on holiday, especially when it is a holiday!!!!! All that time and nothing to do with it except dust. Hey, maybe that is the way to get the mojo back tell yourself you are going to do housework instead. Then maybe it will come rushing back to save you. The new goodies look great. I hope you find some inspiration to play with them soon.

  22. wow your prizes are fabulous you will be creating masterpieces in no time at all, x

  23. Wot, so mojo?? Not possible, you're surrounded by such lovely goodies, and more new goodies in the post too! Dive right in and have a play, it'll come back. I showed the back of the HM stamps as I'm swapping with a fellow WOYWWer and I didn't want her to see the fronts! If she can't then you lot can't either, lol!

    Brenda 18

  24. Maybe a craft free weekend was what you needed - mojo will be back.x Jo

  25. Hi Helen
    thanks for stopping by ! Why is it when you have no time you have loads of ideas - and when you have all the time to play you get "blank page syndrome"!
    I'm just the same - its so frustrating ! Hope the old Mojo comes back for a good long visit soon !! Ali #56

  26. Congratulations on your win Helen. Fantastic stamps too. Maybe Mr Mojo needed a rest.
    I'm sure he'll be back soon. Hugs Rita 88 xx

  27. Congratulations on winning the stamps. Hopefully Mr Mojo comes back soon,
    Bernice #9

  28. Congrats on winning free stuff! When I'm not feeling it, I just sit down and do something. The meer act of cutting paper, stamping something and trying to make a card helps move me forward and generate ideas. I hope your mojo returns!


    Terry #60

  29. Well maybe it's something about our bank hols but I couldn't create either!!!! Wasted a whole day messing about getting cross that nothing constructive was happening.
    Why can't we learnt to put it away when that happens and go and do something like housework....which never gets done 'cos we are always crafting!!!!

    X julle (paperpathway)

  30. Glad I´m not the only one whose lost her mojo, Ive more projects started and cast aside, I´m blaming the heat!!
    Jan S 152

  31. If I see your mojo I will send her on home quick. Sorry, I am so late getting here, no time for blogging last night after work, had to make 2 cards, 1 for a birthday and the other for my boss who is home sick all week. #27

  32. Oh mojo went awol for 12 years! But let's hope yours has only stepped out of the room and will be back soon.
    The win might just bring him back. ;D
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #29

  33. Lucky you! Those stamps & art parts look fab! x

  34. ooh, lovely new stamps, lucky you.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already.


  35. Hi there Helen can see you have some nice new stash! yum! and love what you did with it down below - sorry am so late..Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing, and for your kind thoughts ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #28

  36. Really lovely stamps!
    Mr. Mojo is still on his holidays... haven´t seen him either!



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