Wednesday 4 July 2012

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? 161

Well, here we are again! Wednesday morning... Happy July 4th to all my American friends.... So, are you ready for your Wednesday workout hopping from desk to desk?  Check in at Julia's for the launch pad..

My desk today sees me journalling with some new things I bought at the Craft Barn Extravaganza last Saturday, when I also met up with several crafty blogging twitters!!  So I suppose you want to see what I bought?  Well, I did share on Saturday but if you didn't see - here it is. Just a little shopping!!!

 Also I recently got a couple of journalling magazines - thinking I may swap to one of these from Somerset Studio for a while. My Craft Stamper is also on the reading pile!
and this is the latest journal page I've been playing with! I'll do a proper post with some more details of this page later, when it's finished!

Anyone going to Artstamps Newbury on Saturday? I must remember my WOYWW badge!! I MAY try not to buy too much more stash... possibly!

In the meantime, have a great week - happy desk hopping!


  1. Oh I was there too Helen. Shame I didn't meet you. I had my badge on and also a "BJ" badge but didn't see anyone with a WOYWW badge on there. Awww such a shame, must remember to mail you when I'm going down there again, perhaps you could do likewise and we could finally meet up. I see you got a big "H" they had a little "B" but not a "J" so I didn't get any. Looks like you might have stayed a while at Neil's table! and the PaperArtsy was cool too wasn't it. I was out 7 hours in total! Ohh like the look of the Journalling mags, not something I have seen in a shop ever, unless you know likewise. BJ#18

  2. have fun at your crop! love the new goodies, happy woyww!
    Lindsay #18

  3. Love your journal page. What made you decide to buy those journaling magazines. I can never make up my mind. #17

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. H for Helen! I have a K but haven't done anything with it yet. It's somewhere in my craft closet..... tee hee

    Lots of nice goodies there - and I love looking through magazines! Have fun.

    The journal page looks amazing, by the way.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #27

  6. Helen, I think I know who I want to go shopping with from now on. Wow. Love the stamps and can't wait to see you use them.

    I have to agree with Joynana, I tend to pick the Journaling magazines up in the store and put them back because I am not sure where to begin. But the pages are so beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing. I am wiping the drool right now.

    Belinda (31)

  7. Hi there. Nice to pop in and see your creative world this week. I won't stay long; don't want to give you my cold! Hope you have a good creative week though. Your journal page is looking great, I love that paperartsy image too. Your'e going to have fun with the Dyan stamps, they are great.
    Neil # 33

  8. hmmm... just a few things you purchased. I think I could enjoy shopping with you. Love the journal pages. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #36

  9. I wish i was going to the Newbury show, i hope you have fun looking & spending.. You got some lovely new stash from craft barn .happy crafting jill #43

  10. ...great looking journal pages Helen & loVe your stash some cool piece's...Mel :)
    Have fun at Newbury.

  11. Those goodies are fab, lovethe page you have done looks likeyoubare having fun with them already!! Have a great week trace. X 52

  12. Woo what a shopping haul!!! Where on earth do you keep it all honey??? Hope you are well
    Frankie #16

  13. Nice new pile of stash to play with there! Enjoy yourself Saturday - I am not going but then I spent too much on holiday a couple of weeks ago so its probably a good job! Have a fabulous week and thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl - No. 58

  14. Lots of yummy scrummy goodies you got there. I did think about going last week but I cant drive far at the moment but judging by the fun that was had by all will have to keep an eye out for the next one. Hugs, Amanda *56

  15. My sort of shopping trip! Wish I lived closer to these crafty events, but then I would spend even more money on stash! Your journal pages are gorgeous. Ali x #71

  16. Have fun at Artstamps on Saturday and make sure we get to see all your new buys.
    A x #66

  17. I can't leave the craft barn without at least one papier mache item..and as I'm not a natural alterer, it's a bit weird, huh! Like the new word stamps there...oh my word you would be a bad influence, probably as well that I can't meet up at Newbury!

  18. Glad you enjoyed yourday at the Craft Barn. Your goodies look super and I love those stamps. Hope you have fun playing to-day. Hugs Rita xxx

  19. Must put the Craft Barn on my to-visit list. And also off to check out those magazine titles. The Journaling on looks mighty interesting :)

    MA (1)

  20. They say a change is as good as a rest and I guess that can apply to mag subscriptions too. I often find they become very ‘samie’ after a while so a change can only be a good thing to boost your mojo.
    Looks like you had a successful shop Helen….all those lovely new toys to play with!

    Happy Crafting!


  21. I think you should become a Personal Shopper - you have a genuine talent there!! Lol. Is Newbury prepared for the WOYWW onslaught, I wonder?? I'm not going because I'm in Gloucester all day at a brass band festival!!
    Hugs, LLJ #60 xx

  22. I have a Somerset Studio sub and am thinking of changing to Art Journaling when it runs out in September, think it would be more 'me'.
    Beautiful journal pages, colours are perfect.
    Ann B

  23. How wonderful to have gone to The Craft Barn day - full of exciting people! Lovely goodies as usual from you and that journal is looking super duper.
    Hugs and thanks for visiting me - Neet #3 xx

  24. Fab journal page. Glad you had a good time at CB - you got some lovely goodies - enjoy! Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #20 x

  25. Just a little spending ????? Love your pages. xx#10

  26. Glad you enjoyed your day out to the Craft Barn - I have only been able to visit them on line - maybe we'll have to plan our holidays to that part of the UK next year!

  27. You sure did get some great goodies, go ahead and buy more at the show, you know you want to.
    Have a great week.
    Von #32

  28. You call this a small haul?! Whew! Love the journal page! Di xx #5

  29. Please tell me what you think of the Art Journal mag, I am sure it features Kate Crane and I love her work. Not sure if I want to order the mag just for that article. Your collection of mags look wonderful and your art journal pages is wonderful. Love all the goodies you bought, I have just ordered a "chicken wire" stamp funny how we all tune in on the same things no matter how far away we live.
    Sandra @99

  30. Your journal pages are looking really good and love all your new stash, especially the chicken wire stamp and Dyan's too. Hope you have lots of fun with them all! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #49

  31. What wonderful new goodies you have to play with. Thanks for sharing. glenda 100

  32. what a good load of stash!

    reminds me must pick up magazine when do food shop {hobby craft is next to asda here}

    TFS Happy WOYWW xx Charlie.xx #72

  33. Hope you get to meet lots of WOYWWers at Newbury - enjoy the day. x Jo

  34. Hi Helen!

    You, Gabrielle, Zoe and Sandra have inspired me to get involved with this WOYWW stuff!! first time today! (I'm number 108 I think I have to say that?!)

    Have a great day xxx

  35. I love your journal pages, just perfect and those supplies you have are devine, I only wish I had them too. I do hope you get to meet up with other WOYWW'ers and have heaps of fun.

    Eliza #22

    Thanks for popping by my blog.

  36. Oooh Helen, your journal pages and your new stash are just juicy fabulous!!! It's so great getting new stuff, isn't it. In the post this a.m. (too late to put on my WOYWW post which was already up) I got some wonderful new stash which I'll post about soon - including the whole set of Dylusions spray inks - after several months of seeing what people do with them and suffering a severe case of Ink Envy, I have succumbed! Have fun with your new stuff!

    Thanks for your lovely comment - definitely feeling better this week and keen to get on with lots of things!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  37. At last Blogger is playing ball and allowing me to sign up as a follower! Your work is just gorgeous...

    Shoshi #25

  38. Looks like you had a fabulous time shopping! Now you have some fun reading to do! Lovely journal page! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina with a hot dog in one hand and a flag in the other! :) #37

  39. Lots of lovely goodies Helen. Hugs Pam x

  40. Ooh looking forward to seeing what you do with that H. Love reading the magazines... and books :D Have fun with those and am looking forward to reading a post about that journal page :)

  41. Happy woyww and thanks for stopping by, looks like you had a good shopping spree at the barn. It was my first extravaganza and wow kind of sums it up.
    look forward to seeing what you do with your goodies, mark

  42. Sorry i'm late, don't know where yesterday went, why am i not surprised to see a pile of goodies on your desk, soon you will have no room for yourself in your home as it will just be full of stash!
    Hugz Minxy #19

  43. I was at the Craft Barn, not allowing myself to spend too much....or so I thought, lol! Love your journal pages - I have the smaller version of that stamp :D
    Helen S #79

  44. love your journal pages looking forward to the details on how you created it. Too funny I'm lookin at some new books too in fact the Stampington and Co Art Journaling one is at the top of my list I think I might just get a "prescription" that's what I call my subscriptions because I need them to survive LOL have a great day

  45. I don't think I'd dare go shopping with you, you're quite the enabler! I'd probably end up pawning my plane ticket back home and would have to stay with you! On second thoughts that wouldn't be too bad, I could play with all your stash while you were at work!!! I need my desk to be tidyish in order to be happy creating, if it's too messy then my mind is messy too and I can't get anything done!

    Brenda 7

  46. You got some great new stamps and stash there. I think a magazine change is a good thing from time to time so definitely consider it. Fun new journal pages.

  47. the thought of bumping into someone with a WOYWW badge sounds so exciting! of course, i could just go next door and tell my sister Patsy to wear hers, but shucks, it's just not the same! belated happy WOYWW!
    thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  48. Hi Helen, lots of lovely new stash - I like the look of some of those stamps, especially the honeycomb one. All those fascinating and interesting magazines would mean I wouldn't be crafting, or doing anything else either, for some considerable time? Hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the show. Elizabeth x #85

  49. I'm late visiting this week so I guess I missed Artstamps, Newbury...but then to travel 12,000 miles would have been a little bit of a push! ;D
    I think you're going to have masses of fun with all your stash.
    Have a great productive week ~ Neesie #29

  50. Hi there Helen, Sorry am bit late this desk of yours certainly is really busy and so much lovely stash on it looks very inviting indeed. thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x


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