Wednesday 13 June 2012

WOYWW 158?

The year is flying and it's only 2 weeks to my birthday which means it's only 6 months to Boxing Day.... yikes! Anyhow, it's Wednesday again and we are ready to meet up at Julia's the Stamping Ground for another blog-hop-fest round the crafty spaces of the world.   Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week and left comments.

I have received my ATC swap now, from my swap partner in Canada - thanks so much Lorinda; together with some other goodies - that's so kind!

 and the one on the left came from Sandra in Australia which is also beautiful
then I had to do a little bit of shopping! I never have enough sentiments - well these should keep me quiet!
and some stencils!!

Before I let you go, if you get a chance, wish Hels happy birthday for today (hope the card arrived Hels!) Have a great day, Hels!


  1. ...loVely ATC's you've received Helen & I know what you mean about the sentiment stamps, great looking stencils too have a fabby day...Mel :) #5

  2. Great goodies to play with there Helen.

  3. Gorgeous ATCs there - I got one from Sandra De as well, soo pretty!
    Now are you sure you've got enough sentiments there - you may need a few more is all I'm saying!! LOL
    Hugs, LLJ #NO 1!! Yay xx

  4. fab collection of atcs on show - yes indeed - shoes, stash and sentiments - we must have them all in abundance...! Sarah at 2.

  5. goodies and atcs,you have been spoilt :)
    have a fab crafty week
    kay #25

  6. lovely atcs you received, well we girls have gotta go shopping when the need arises

  7. Love that stencil, I think I have one similar, must go look for it now, thanks for the nudge...will also visit and wish Hels.

  8. Thos are sayings are fab, you will get lots of use out of them, great sencils too. Happy WOYWW, Anne #30

  9. Yep, lovely ATCs, check. Fab new stamps which I want as usual, check.
    Reminders about Boxing Day? Oh la la I feel faint!! Will whizz over to Hels in a mo...

  10. A girl can never have enough sayings Helen. A pal commented to me the other day that the 21st is the longest day of the year and then the days get shorter again! Now you are at it too. Still time flies when your having fun right? WOYWW Hugs from Helen 14

  11. Lovely ATC's. A girl can never have too many sentiment stamps.
    Happy WOYWW

  12. Great post this week. Love the atc and those saying will be a great addition to your stash. I have been typing and printing out saying because I can't find what I like. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #42

  13. Your ATC's are gorgeous Helen. Tiny works of art. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita 29 xx

  14. Fab goodies on your desk today :-)
    A x #38

  15. Great atc's I can see we'll all be added our collection for quite a few weeks yet! I'm still making some! Have a great crafty week! Happy WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) was 30 now #31

  16. The thing about the worldwide participation in WOYWW is that stuff is shuttleing all around the globe - nice, in that we get to see ATCs for weeks to come, but sad that it all takes time. But in the end it's all worth it!

    Happy WOYWW

    Mary Anne (5)

  17. Super pics, you've received some fab stuff lately! Eeek I best get a move on and make you a card I reckon! Take care & have a good time snooping the WOYWW desks of the world ! Zo xx 55

  18. Thanks for stopping by. Been shopping again I see, you just can't resist can you. Must admit I have just pre-ordered Tim's Summer inks - oh naughty me! BJ#8

  19. Beautiful ATC's and fabulous goodies

    Happy WOYWW

    Zoe #12

  20. You can never have enough, or too many, sentiment stamps so enjoy your stash. Lovely ATCs - wasn't the swap a fab idea.
    Ann B

  21. The ATC's you've received are beautiful. And your shoppings are great too. Love the sentiments and that's true... you never have enough of them. Happy WOYWW xFranka

  22. Hi Helen!
    You shopacholic you - ohhh I love to snoop at all your buys - your ATC is on its way - late but sent with love! :-) !
    Lots of hugs Cardarian

  23. Loving seeing all these ATC's
    Laura 78

  24. Love the ATC's you got and I'm with you in that you can never have enough sentiments!

    hugs Emily#52

  25. You can never have to many sentiments. I am always on the look out for more. #90

  26. Lovely ATCs and your industrial chic is really clever!

  27. Great stamps, you'll get good use out of them. Happy WOYWW :D
    Helen S #23

  28. Happy WOYWW. Lovely ATC - and that ticket would be very useful in my stash. Those sentiments look very useful too! Ali x #84

  29. The sentiment stamps and stencils look great !have a great week ! Hugs trace x

  30. Very nice! I wish I would have participated in the artist/crafter cannot have too many supplies!

  31. Hi Helen thanks for the visit loving your ATC's and new purchases...a girl can never have too much fine crafting goodies!
    Have a great Wednesday, hugs Erika. #41

  32. Great crafty bits with you lovely ATC... Have a fun week, Hugs May x x x No#19

  33. OOh! Lovely goodies and ATCs and general gorgeousness! Hope you like those sayings...!!! Happy WOYWW - I forgot to play this week!

  34. Happy WOYWW Helen - I love your tag above BTW! Di xx

  35. Love your ATC's you received lovely crafty shopping.. Sandy :)

  36. Oooh - although I'm on a stash diet, I think I need those sentiment stamps! They look ideal for art journalling and ATCs and tags with a TH bent...... you wicked lady, dangling temptation in our way..... LOL...Fab ATCs and goodies - lucky lady!

    Thanks for stopping by....

  37. Sharrup about the Boxing Day! No no no! It can't be!

    Lovely ATC's. Must get on and do mine for the lovely people that offered to swap with me :)

  38. Fabby ATCs.

    Thanks for visiting me.

    Happy WOYWW

    Hugs, Sarn #4

  39. Wednesday's come around faster than ever as i get slower than ever.
    love the ATCs
    Monica 3127

  40. pretty ATC's! What fun it must be to send and receive. I didn't participate this year as I had just started. Maybe next year. Of course we crafty types and never have too much of our crafting goodies! Valerie #26

  41. Hi Helen, Carmen was kind enough to point me in your direction when she discovered I was looking for a et of sentiment stamps. The ones you have posted today look perfect. I'm very tempted :)

  42. I struggle with sentiments too and never seem to have the right one for the occasion so I use the computer a lot. It's a great technique but you have to plan around it a bit. I also know a lady who makes her own rub ons by printing on some special paper, I think that's something I should look in to! Lovely atc's, have a great week.

    Brenda 107

  43. Sentiment stamps! My goodness, you truly can't have too many of those. A friend of my mother's passed away awile ago. She was a bit of a stamper and my mom purchased her collection of goodies for me. There were lots of great finds in there but I was surprised that there was not one single sentiment stamp in the bunch. I mentioned it to my mom and it turns out that her friend's first love was calligraphy! I guess in that case, you can have too many sentiment stamps. Great ATCs, sentiments and stencils. Have fun playing!

  44. What wonderful goodies! Wonderful sentimental stamps! Happy WOYWW!

  45. Oooh lovely crafty goodies! Thanks for sharing!!

    Scrappydiva (#125)

  46. Haa Haa! My friend said the other day that having a birthday was the best. You get six months to look forward to it and once it is over you get six months to look forward to Christmas!! Yeay!
    Love those stamps. I take it they have a www. then! But maybe I will wait until after next week! (Shhh!)

  47. Its so useful to have lots of sentiments stamps - I just bought some recently from LOTV - they should cover every occasion! Lovely ATCs.
    Bernice (67)

  48. What a coincidence, I was looking at those very same stamps last night!! But I'm trying to be good.... Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy #39

  49. Hi Helen. It must be my sons birthday in two week too then, because he is six months from Christmas Day! I'd better make a start on his card. Happy Birthday for two weeks time.

    Isn't it fun to get ATCs from around the world. I love it.
    Kate x

  50. some great ATC s you had
    happy woyww
    Janet 34

  51. Lovely atc's and a set of great sentiments. A girl always needs plenty of sentiments.
    Hope all is well with you Helen.
    Hugs, Neet #59 xx

  52. Fabulous goodies there Helen... have fun... Hugs May x x x#20

  53. Wow, you have some fabulous ATC's there and you got some goodies too. Sounds like a great week to me.
    Hope this coming week is just as good.
    Von #83

  54. Hi, what a great desk fully of great goodies, happy birthday when it comes and shhhhhh don't mention the festive word. Have a great day Laura #175

  55. it's always nice to have new goodies to play with, isn't it. and great ATCs you got!

  56. Fabulous crafty stash, enjoy x
    Sophie #68

  57. Great stash on your desk and thank you for the lovely comments about the ATC. Enjoy
    Sandra @85

  58. Have fun with your latest sentiments and stencils. Your ATCs are adorable. I love them all.

  59. lovely ATC and goodies too.
    have a great weekend.

  60. Hi there Helen sorry and very very late - but great new stash! Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #76

  61. great stencils you have got, and lovely atc's too.

    Have a great crafting week
    Eliza #65

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