Wednesday 4 April 2012


Happy Wednesday to you hope you are all keeping well. Time for another 'show and tell' of desks/floors/cupboards hosted by the lovely Julia at the Stamping-Ground

My floorspace today has the results of my tag-heavy weekend taking part in Tim Holtz's Creative Chemistry online course - you can see them properly in earlier posts but here they are all together! Two days solid tag making - and then some birthday cards - it was hard to unfold my legs after that marathon session!

Just before this artfully posed photo I was working on a journal page for this week's Simon Says Stamp challenge - Studio 490 Inspiration - so that wasn't hard for me either!
This is the photo shortly before I tried to fix some white blobs on the butterflies!!
Going to keep it short this week (for once!) and let you get off to the rest of the  list.... or some of them anyway!


  1. I have to get on the floor sometimes... it takes me the rest of the day to get up! Lovely tags and journal all sooo busy! Thank you for my snoop, have a great crafty week!
    HaPpY WoYwW!
    ((Lyn)) at #22

  2. Great tags... did not finish mine yet but there is time enough!!! I am in AWE of you on the floor, mrs woman!!! See you later for TIO

  3. So many gorgeous tags!!

    Happy Easter to you,

  4. Loving those crafty Tags - Happy Crafting #45 ;o)

  5. Oh Helen I love all the tags...Havent got all inky for ages bet they were fun to make.
    kate xx

  6. Helen, the tags are great, what a super reminder of Tim's techniques. I tend to go back to my 12 TAGS of last Christmas if I get technique block. Love your journal too, I wish I was more inclined to do some journalling - I think you page may have given me some incentive though. Thanks BJ #58

  7. Really fabulous tags! Your art journal looks great, too. Love butterflies...
    Have a lovely day!
    Tuire #42

  8. WOW LOVE all those tags! I didn't do Tim's class but have vowed to myself that I am going to participate in at least ONE of his classes SOMETIME! I just HAVE to!

    Thanks for the peek!

    Happy WOYWW

    Jackie x

  9. WOW LOVE all those tags! I didn't do Tim's class but have vowed to myself that I am going to participate in at least ONE of his classes SOMETIME! I just HAVE to!

    Thanks for the peek!

    Happy WOYWW

    Jackie x

  10. Fabulous tags Helen! I can see why repetitive work would drive you crazy - call by again next week to see if I've been carted off to the Funny Farm :)

    Happy WOYWW, Di xx #12 - and you already said Hi!

  11. I can see you had fun making those tags!! But I really love that Journal page - it's so different to the tags, the complete opposite in fact! I love the simple background and the fact that the butterflies aren't garish. It works really well, one of the prettiest things I've seen today!
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  12. All very pretty tags and journal page! It must bring a lot of satisfaction seeing all that luscious color! :^) patsy

  13. You have been busy...and so supple too ;)
    If I worked on the floor I'd have to stay there.
    Love the 'flutterby's'
    Thanks for sharing and stopping by my way ~ Happy Easter and WOYWW ~ Neesie #32

  14. Great way to keep them Helen, fab tage Hugs Elaine

  15. I love the tags you girls make but what do you do with them all?
    A x

  16. Those tags are great.

  17. Great tags! Still need to find time to do the course myself ;) Having too much fun playing in journals ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  18. Fabulous tags... Love them.. Happy Easter, Hugs May x x x No11

  19. Gorgeous tags and journal. Take care, & enjoy peeking at the WOYWW desks this week. Zo xx 76

  20. Lovely tags and journal.

    Happy WOYWW!!

    Miriam #107

  21. I love seeing all your tags together although you have shamed me into admitting I still haven't done a single class yet... *hangs head*. I adore your journal page. So nice and refreshing to see a Wendy style journal. I heart your journals so much x

  22. I keep getting a 503 error when I try to leave a message. I hope THIS one takes.

    Those tags will be awesome for practicing how to make backgrounds. I'm sure the class was quite good, especially since I love new techniques, but it's just something I don't have time for, since I'm still trying to write my class lessons.

    Have a great Easter and WOYWW from #6.

  23. Love all those tags together like that, very artistic! Pretty journal page too, always liked muted colours like that. I can only last about 5 mins on the floor before I start to get cramps!

    Brenda 13

  24. I'm not sure if I have called around before - but I love all of that! #79

  25. Journal looks lovely. Famfa #23

  26. Hi Helen I am returning your visit to my desk! Love your tags - I might have to try that course it looks like you had lots of inky fun! Happy WOYWW Helen 29

  27. Oooh I did the online tag class too -wasnt it fun! My tags are all in a box at the moment but I am going to put them on a bookring too (just need to go upstairs and get one out of the drawer that has stuffed pile up in front of it so it needs a bit of effort!!!). Hope you have a great Easter - Sunshine Girl no. 57

  28. Beautiful tags and I love the butterfly page. Such a cold snowy day here - I have been happily sewing and watching the snowflakes fall.

  29. fab pile of tags... I haven't started mine yet!! Love the journal page, gorgeous muted colours x

  30. Lovely tags! I have about half of mine done. I would never get off of the floor if I sat down there. dani133

  31. Cor Helen, don't your tags look lovely collected into a book like that, yummy. And you've had a lorra fun doing them too, so win win!

  32. It must give you a great feeling of accomplishment to have made all those tags! I was sorely tempted to sign up, but I was already taking a class and knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with both. Hope you are having a happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #118

  33. Nice way to keep the tags Helen! I still cannot believe you sit on the floor to do your crafting! Yikes!
    The T word will not be repeated in reference to my Craft room for a while! LOL!

  34. You really did work hard all weekend to create all of those gorgeous tags. Love the journal page, even with the white blobs.
    Have a great Easter
    Von #49

  35. Gorgeous tags, and gorgeous butterflies too!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog - yes, quite a variety this week! I did a bit more on the mixed media project today so hopefully I'll have something to show next week.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  36. Looks like you had a very busy tag making weekend. Hope you're legs have straightened out
    Thanks for sharing.

  37. I am so inspired by your tag making efforts, such dedication...I'm still stuck on week one. I adore that hot air it a stamp?
    Sophie no.71

  38. beautiful tags and a great looking journal page. Have a Happy Easter. Vickie #60

  39. Wonderful collection of tags and there is nothing wrong with using up the floorspace.

  40. Wow, so many tags all in one place. That class sounds like it is fabulous. Wish I was there. Love the journal page. #26

  41. If I got down on the floor, I would never get up again. You must be very young or very flexible to manage that. Your tags look good and very varied. Thank you for your visit and have a good Easter. xx Maggie #9

  42. Lovely tags but I am "in love" with your journal page. Helen, that is absolutely flippin' gorgeous.
    Sorry I am so late, things got in the way, but thanks for sharing, stopping by me and putting your number (so appreciated.) Happy Easter, even if it is a working one - Hugs, Neet #10 xx

  43. If I get on the floor, then it is a huge effort to get back up. Love the tags. Always so much to look at on your blog. Ali x # 64

  44. Love your tags, I signed up for that class too, but I downloaded & saved mine, for obvious reasons,lol. Thanks for visiting, Happy WOYWW, Shaz #96


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