Saturday 14 April 2012

Ally Pally - and I spent (a lot...)

Ok, had a FANTASTIC day at Ally Pally - I was there a tad early - about 8.40 - and first in the queue - whoop whoop. Trouble is doors don't open till 10....

Met up with my lovely friend Gabrielle when she arrived a little later with her daughter and friend Kitty and at 10 I headed straight for Paperartsy - where I found Gillian and Nicky and Anna who I previously only knew through blog/twitter. Spent a lot here - twice!!

 Lin and Leandra working hard!
 our lunch break! l-r Anna, Bev, Sara, Linda and Gabrielle standing forgive me if I have got the names wrong...
 Gillian and Nicky
I ended up covered in badges!
 stash (1)
 Stash (2)
stash (3)

Had an absolute ball today - as you can see I spent a fortune! but, hell, I may win the lottery tonight (ye, right!) and if not, so what, you only live once.

One of the Dylusions stamps (sentiments, in pic 2 above) says "you can't have everything, where woldl you put it" errr well, I 'm not sure..... but I think I'm going to try.

Ladies, thank you for your company and Lin and Leandra as usual producing some beautiful things - could have stood there ALL day... just look at this that Lin was working on whilst I watched...

Now, I wonder if I can afford to have anything for dinner... lol!


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous day, thanks for sharing your photos xx

    Kaz x

  2. Oh my Gosh - LOTS of stash there, Helen, lol - my mouth's still open, he, he!! Hope you enjoy playing with them. I have the Dylusions stamps and some of the sprays so am interested in what you'll do with those. Good to see Leandra and Lin, too - haven't seen them for years and used to see them so regularly. Glad you had a good time x

  3. Wow you did have a good spend!!!why not! Some yummy goodies, look forward to seeing what you create!!!! Glad you had a great time, hugs trace x

  4. Wow Helen what a fabulous stash of goodies you got yourself there.

    You met up with loads of people too!!

    Looks like you all had a fab day.

    Sam xxxx

  5. Lovely to see you again today Helen, you did good with the shopping Mrs.......nice haul!!!!

    Thank you for showing my giant artwork...I'll post it on my blog when I've added all the finishing touches.

    Lin xxx

  6. Wow I'm so jealous...beans on toast for the rest of the month?
    Great stash :-)

  7. Mega haul of goodies, have fun playing tomorrow. jo xx

  8. YOU! You would be one of the lottery millionaires that would very easily spend your way through your fortune in a year... allllll on crafty goodies :D Am so jealous, I'd love to try those Dylusions sprays.

    Looks like you had an amazing day! 8.40 though? I'd still be thinking about catching the train this end LOL!

  9. Really pleased to hear that you had such a good day. Looking forward to seeing what you do with all this lovely stuff.

  10. You do make me laugh Helen, you must be the Shopping Queen of the World and Beyond. Am I jealous, of course I am.........such wonderful new things to play with.
    Am sure you will be creating some amazing projects with this little lot... Have fun, hugs Annette x

  11. Some serious spending going on here, glad you had a good, see you got some Dylusion sprays, you'll love them. A pan of home made soup is cheap & lasts forever, lol xx

  12. Omg, you bought loads!! I know you're going to have a fab time playing with it all, looking forward to seeing what you create. Thanks for sharing the day with us.

  13. I'm laughing, but only a little, since I can relate to affording dinner. That's why I eat a lot of ramen noodles, which cost about 20 cents (not sure where to convert that to pence). I admit, you have some gorgeous new products and supplies there!

  14. Good Grief Helen. Did you buy enough? Looks like I will have to get some serious saving in ready for the September Ally Pally if I am to try to keep up with you!! LOL!
    Glad you had fun! I managed to "find" myself in Paperarts today LOL!!

  15. Sounds like a great day Helen.. thanks for sharing.xx Enjoy your new stash.xx

  16. That looks like a fabulous haul Helen, looking forward to seeing all your creations.

    Saddo here stayed glued to Sky sports waiting for updates because I refuse to pay for ESPN as well. Poor Tommo looked visibly ill and of course the other pundits kept teasing him. But wonderful result.

    Have a good Sunday.

    B x

  17. Tee hee! It was a fab day. Not sure what was better, meeting all these friends or shopping... Mmm... Will ponder on that! Am still marvelling at your strength carrying that lot home!!! Mwah x

  18. Wow Helen, looks like you had a REALLY good day lol. You've got some fantastic stash there, you're going to have lots of fun x

  19. So good to see your pics from the show especially as I could not go, too far. Love all your stash and really pleased you got to meet so many lovely crafters and enjoyed your day. Enjoy your goodies. Tracy x

  20. Now that is some serious buying, but I do not blame you for being unable to resist, it all looks gorgeous. Love those turquoise buttons, will look out for those.

  21. Ha! My thoughts exactly - where on earth are you going to put it all (ROFL!) Glorious purchases! As you say - you only live once so why not!!

  22. Love seeing other people's stash (saves me buying anything - LOL)
    thanks for sharing - BJ

  23. Oh my, look at my red hair!!! Didn't realise how bright it was! Lol! Lovely to see you again Helen! Look at all that lovely stash, have fun!!!
    Alison x

  24. Hehe you know how to shop lol and you were first at PA stand, was great meeting up with you and looking at the pics, till next time:)Have fun playing with your new stash. x

  25. Oooo, it all looks FABULOUS! And holy cow, that stash, #1, 2, and 3...LOL, that cracked me up. I hope you cleared a spot on the floor for it all!

  26. Glad you had a great time! It's good to splurge now and again!!! ;) LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  27. Was great to finally meet you in person, thanks for sharing your pics even though I appear to have a double chin Eek #needtogetdownthegym lol
    Have fun playing with all your new goodies, I have to wait till thursday coz i'll be back home.
    Big Hugs xx

  28. Ahhh, I am drooling over your haul! You picked up so many fabulous items! Have fun playing with it all!
    xoxo Karen


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