Wednesday 22 February 2012


Having real problems with blogger tonight (could only post if I changed back to the old editor and my photos will appear where they want to)

So hot-foot it over to Julia's at the Stamping Ground and check out some proper desks and I'll hopefully be back next week if blogger sorts itself (apparently it's a known issue they're looking into!)

Edit, looks like blogger is fixed, hope I can remove some of these spaces!! When  I get home I may try and add some more pics!!



  1. I had that same problem when I accidentally got switched to the new blogger when I had to reboot a couple of weeks ago. The photos don't line up right and the font is all wrong and messed up. I am now back on the old blogger interface and I'm hoping things return to normal soon. I totally understand your frustration. I am NOT fond of that new blogger editor. However, I love that new piece in your sketch book. Happy WOYWW from #9.

  2. Beautiful piece in you journal art book.
    I too had problems with blogger...switched back to the old way and change to Google Chrome so I could leave comments. All is well now. Good luck with your blogger problems.

  3. Touch wood (tapping head)I have been ok so far with blogger .Loving the London Page
    Happy woyww
    judex 34

  4. Think blogger has a mind of it's own at times. Love the artwork.
    A x

  5. I can mostly only post pictures in the new editor if I use the html-editor. I see only one image in your post now, the first one of a London page. I love London, so that's okay, haha.

  6. God its so frustrating! I haven't had any probs with the new format, although once loaded, photo movement isn't much of an option! I see only one pic that on that tissue paper you bought, it's damn fab.

  7. Scared to say I haven't had any problems so am saying that (and typing) with my fingers crossed. Hope the Blogger problem gets sorted - so frustrating when IT doesn't behave itself.
    Love the journal page and how you have used the underground map - very clever.

    Ann B
    I have blog candy if you are interested

  8. ...Helen your journal page looks great...Mel :) technology is supposed to make life easier, i wonder at times...

  9. re your comment on my blog - how could I feel free to miss you out. Never! I always try to get to you. Besides which you might have had some shopping to show LOL.
    Love the page you shared with us today, great pictures of the Bridge and Big Ben.
    Hope you can still blog and maybe edit the spacing when it goes back to normal for you. I have this problem when I use my iPad.
    Take care - Hugs, Neet xx

  10. Bloggers being a total pain in the rear this week Helen. Monday it took me ages to load a picte, he was having non of it and I am finding when I visit ome blogs I don't see the picture, so something is changing.

    All set for Sunday ?

    Great London page btw.

    B x

  11. I'm now jolly glad I didn't try the new interface! Poor you, it's frustrating when the PCs and their software don't play ball!

    Thanks for stopping by........

  12. Blogger is making me crazy with the commenting and the word verification, and I can only see one photo but from the gaps on your page it leads me to believe there might be more I am missing. Maybe better next week?

    Mary Anne

  13. Bless you!! I can only see one pic also, I changed to the new interface then changed back as it was driving me bonkers, Have a good week, Hugs May x x x

  14. Love your London themed journal page, its fab :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  15. Love the London page. I'm still using old blogger as I prefer it. Enjoy this week's WOYWW snoop around the crafty & creative world. Take care Zo xx 81

  16. Hi Helen, I've not been tempted over to the new blogger and now I reckon I never will ... what a pain for you. Love the only photo I can see ... the London Bridge pic is lovely and so 'on trend' at the moment. :) Hope you get blogger sorted out soon and have a great week. Elizabeth x #80

  17. Computers are great when they work...... you london page looks great. Happy woyww
    Kay #29

  18. Just to say there is only one picture here - it's the bloody spacing that makes it look like there are more missing!!! Blogger help forum says google are working on fixing it. lets hope so!

  19. Seems to me that Blogger is always having issues! I've only ever had one problem in three years with Wordpress, but I choose it because I'd read nothing but complaints about blogger on a lot of blogs, nothing major, just general things. Love your journal page, a new addiction eh? Don't think we need another one now do we, lol!!


  20. Oh no! As soon as I read about a blogger problem, I "catch" it. I hope I can avoid this one. Great journal page. Makes me want to stop by London for a visit. It's a smidge out of my way though.

  21. I tend to resist new editors and the new Googlemail layout too. I prefer them to sort the problems ot on someone else before I do battle. Sorry it has caused you so much trouble, and maybe it will work for you next week. Thank you for your visit today and you lovely comments. have a good week. xx Maggie #11

  22. great london page! hope your blogger problems get sorted out (i still use the old editor). happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  23. I was just at another WOYWWers blog and all they could post was the title of the post and nothing else, so you are not the only one!
    The London page in your journal is lovely! You must be filling up your journal fast! Good for you!
    xoxo Karen

  24. A little late visiting.. love the page in your journal!

  25. How frustrating for you?! Blogger does seem to have a mind of its own sometimes.

  26. I am a bit late getting around this week but I forgot to post on Wednesday and have been busy all week. Just wanted to make the rounds and remind everyone my blog candy closes on Tuesday night of next week and I will announce winners on Wednesday. Drop by become a follower and leave a comment for a chance to win. Vickie #173

  27. That underground background is just fabulous - I love it!!! Hope Blogger is being nicer to you! Thanks for letting us look in, enjoy WOYWW and your week, a late Sarah at 16.

  28. Hi, looks like I'm not alone with sorting out Mr. Blogger! I have it sorted at the moment and fingers crossed it will stay that way. !Hope this finds you the same Love the colours on your journal pages. ikki x

  29. Hi there Helen ah not the only one with issues - but do love the work there, thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #27

  30. I've had no trouble with new design in blogger for ages, touch wood, hope it settles down for you. Love your stash
    Bridget #54


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