Saturday 4 February 2012

Alter It - Stampotique Designers Challenge 47

It has been far too long since I managed to enter the Stampotique Designers Challenge  - I don't have many Stampotique stamps, which I intend to rectify this year, funds willing!   However, I bought a new one the other day and it arrived on Wednesday.

Today is the first time I've had a chance to play with it - Daniels Hearts...

I decided to alter this beer mat I picked up before Christmas and whilst I'm not totally happy with how it turned out, it's ok(ish)!!

I had trouble photographing it, the sun from this morning has gone now - the skies are clouding over and I guess that means the snow we've been forecast will soon arrive in Surrey!
Anyhow, I started by painting the beer mat white, then applied some tissue tape (don't have the tissue wrap yet!) and sealed it with Paperartsy Fresco's Satin Glaze. Then I added some portfolio pastels but didn't totally like the way they looked, (my fault not the pastels!) so painted over that white again to blend them in more and stamped the hearts.  (archival ink, magenta - it's such a great colour, I forgot how much I like it!)

Anyhow, I stamped Maisie on some white card and cut her out, adding magenta ink to her .  Used a stencil to write her name (I don't have any of the Stampotique text stamps).  The heart at the top is UTEE and fell off something I was given at a show (sorry, Jennie!) but I've been saving it and the colours are just right for this.

Off to link up now at SDC - there is a voucher prize for one lucky winner and the challenge runs a few more days.
(this one is without flash)


  1. Absolutely beautiful Helen and what a fabulous idea. I am so happy you could join our latest challenge. Thanks for playing along with the Stampotique Designers challenge and good luck for the draw.

    Hope you can join us again soon Helen. Gez.xx

  2. Cor that's nice H...sort of like a school badge on the beer mat shape. Maisie looks better without flash ( like most of us, dear)', but it does show off that nice ink the chunky hearts.

  3. Gorgeous Helen, great way to use the heart stamp. Got snow!!!! xx

  4. Smashing altered beer mat Helen. We have snow and think the whole country will be covered in it very shortly. Stay warm, Annette x

  5. Fabulous altered beer mat! Thanks for joining us at SDC # 47.

  6. Great idea to alter a beer mat, and I love the stamp Marci - she was one of my first Stampotique stamps! Hope you can join us again soon. Thanks for joining the Stampotique challenge. Kate

  7. Interesting shape to the beer mat, very cool. Thanks for joining us at Stampotique Designer's Challenge this week.


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