Sunday 20 November 2011

Snowmen - double challenge!

Hi again!!

Two days - two Sunday Stampers in a row! Hels has chosen Frosty the Snowman ths week for her challenge and PanPastels challenge is Frosty and Bright so this card is fitting for both of them!

Hels' is giving her tag away to one lucky winner, and PanPastels have a great prize too from their sponser Your Creativity Store - a twin trial Pan Pastel kit - so go theck them out .

Similar style to yesterday's cards - the snowflakes on the black mat are done with picket fence distress stain picked up from my craft mat. The ink is iced spruce again.... and the snowman has then been sprayed with perfect pearl mist in pearl for some added shimmer, but it doesn't show up in the photo.

I'm on a bit of a roll now with my Christmas cards, must get back to them...


  1. Love this snowman die, great snowflakes, too. Wonderful card, Helen.

  2. Love the colours on this one Helen. And that snowman die is fab!

  3. Hi Helen, lovely card, please can you link this to PanPastel using the "add your link" box just above the comment section in this weeks challenge post.
    Lindsay xx

  4. Hi again, thanks Helen, love your card, those papers you have used are gorgeous. Thank you for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog
    Lindsay xx

  5. Thank you for joining us at the panpastels uk with your super card
    lindyloo x

  6. This is so striking, what a contrast you have got going there . simply beautiful!

  7. Beautiful card Helen! Love how you used the picket fence distress stain to stamp the snowflakes - great idea! x

  8. Great card loving the snowman thanks for sharing it with us this week at PanPastel UK.


  9. GORRRRRRRRRRRRRGEOUS!!! Stamping with Picket Fence is FAB isn't it... lovin the background and Mr Frosty is looking grand... thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper hun x

  10. Love this card, really stylish.thanks for joining in the PanPastel UK challenge xxx


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