Tuesday 29 November 2011

I'm seeing stars...

A quick post from me tonight, I am still in the midst of Christmas Card City.... but this one - quick and simple - fits a couple of challenges so I thought I'd better get it posted!!

The theme for both SimonSays Stamp and Show and Hels' Sunday Stampers is "stars" and I used the Stampotique star designed for a Craft Stamper cover stamp by Jo Capper Sandon, and a small Paperartsy star, the 'Merry Christmas' is from Hobby Art.  I stuck with one colour - Iced Spruce - oh I LOVE that colour... so much more than I thought I would!!!

Sorry about the photo, the light in my living room is not good, and the flash is bouncing off the card! The card is white, honest!!


  1. Gorgeous card Helen, thinking that the Iced Spruce is my fave too... thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  2. I agree a lovely colour and your card is fabulous, love the star xx

  3. Simply fab & festive! Really must use that ink! Lol! It looks lovely! x

  4. Love it!! I knew I recognised that star from somewhere! ;0)

  5. What a great CAS/one layer card--it's awesome! :) Found you via Sun. Stamper. :)

  6. Gorgeous CAS card - love all that white - really makes an impact. I am hooked on the Iced Spruce too - sure wish they would come out with a re-inker for it! So happy you have you joining in the fun with us this week at Simon Says Stamp and Show!


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