Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sunday Stampers - Love is the word

For Hels' Sunday Stampers challenge this week I decided to play in my journal. Hels' is celebrating her 4th blogaversary this week and has set the same theme as her very first Sunday Stamper - Love - or as she says, Lurve!! 
I started by covering the page with fired brick and spiced marmalade distress stains mixed and diluted with some picket fence (what did we do before we had this must have product?!)
I then over-inked with the same distress inks (from the pad this time) through the brick wall mask and added some sentments - "dream" is by impression obsession and "let your heart" is one of Wendy Vecchi's.  I had the Eiffel Tower already stamped and cut out of grungepaper and the circle is the 'waste' centre from the Tim H 'weathered clock' die, also grungepaper that I've had hanging around for weeks, waiting - for this obviously! Coloured that with the same inks/stains and stamped the Tim sentiment on it. It needs something else though.... so off to think a bit more. (who's got my tiny Hero Arts heart stamp??? I know it's in a drawer somewhere, lol!  I'll let you know what I come up with...

EDIT - found something! Two of the little wooden hearts I got a while back!
I saw today that the divine Lin (LB Crafts) is having a pan pastel giveaway - think how fab they would be on this page - check that out here just see what you could win

These are on my wish list for Ally Pally on the 24th/25th (I'm getting excited already!)


  1. Loving the background Helen, look forward to seeing it complete. Annette x

  2. lovely background & you just reminded me that I forgot totally to put journaling mondays live ! Hope your going to join us !


  3. fab and thrice FAB Helen... loving the brickwork, really pops out... thanks fo rjoining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  4. Love the vibrant background and the brickwork. Great journal page. Love the hearts too. Tracy x

  5. Fantastic page, the background looks fabulous, great colors.

  6. I love seeing these journal pages of yours Helen :) That brick background is fab, may have to add that to MY list!

    I've been counting down the Ally Pally days and I'm not even going this time! (Booo!) Broker than broke after the move so am going to save like mad for April :) (And am putting loads of stash on my Amazon wishlist that I KNOW my sis and Dad use to choose Christmas pressies! Me no daft!)


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