Wednesday 17 August 2011

WOYWW 115 - new stash!

Truth be told, most of it is put away (not tidily though, you KNOW I don't do tidy! it can be seen here though - I had a great time at Stevenage even though I will regret spending quite so much when the credit card bill arrives in a couple of weeks...

So, what IS on my desk?  Well, the prep for my threefer challenge - which can be seen here in its full glory

And yes, they are my knees, and you can see the toll taken on the left trouser leg  - it's always the left and only the left - that goes holey! This hole is spreading though! I may have to turn them into shorts soon... See, I really DO work on the floor!
So here's a proper stash shot - some of my new bottles and potions - you'll see I have put coloured labels on the tops of my distress stains so I don't have to pick all of them up to find the one I want. I did that when I got home on Sunday, after mounting up my new Paperartsy stamps (which are FABBER than ever!!)

That's it from me today, thanks for dropping by.
In case you've made it right to the end without knowing what I am showing you my ripped trackie trousers for, pop over here where Queen Julia will explain everything!


  1. I searched and searched for the hole, then I spotted it!! I was looking at your desk and had no idea they were your legs. Goes to show I look at pics before I read the post.

  2. a knee showing true pain for art! Great stash and love the paints and stains!!!
    Thanks for sharing your desk today. Sarah at 2.

  3. great looking work space. I don't own a pair of jeans or sweats that aren't inked or glued somewhere. Do you store all your crafting supplies on the floor also? Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  4. The hole is proof that those knees actually work very hard! I am so glad I don't need to work on the floor - I would have to crawl to the nearest wall and help myself uip that way. Old age is so not funny!
    Happy WOYWW

  5. I never doubted you, but it is different seeing the reality!!! Could not do it myself... but loving your stash and looking forward to seeing what you do with it all very soon...

  6. You trendy thing with your ripped jeans - lol!! You've got to tell everyone that they're an integral part of your creative process - hahaha :D Seriously love the little paper rosette, very pretty. Have a good week xx

  7. Great workspace, but... does it work easy on the floor? Love all the stuff you've bought. Great colours, paints and inks. Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW.
    Bye, Franka

  8. Lots of goodies on the desk. :) I love your holey left knee. :))

  9. Do you end up with a strange coloured knee as well!? LOVE that figure stamp -am going to swish over to PA and check it's one of theirs...
    Am jealous of all your potions DS collection looks pitiful....I wil of course blame you for making me keep up!

  10. Hi Hels

    Sorry its me on the last lap as usual - truth be known - yours is the first desk I've come to comment on!!! Best get me finger out then eh?

    Love all your stash (like you need more) - pretty taken with those inks too, but I don't recon i'd have time to play - you won't believe what I've got to do (and procrastinating at the same time)... I'd be extremely busy if I started on any one of my jobs lol.

    Poor left knee - it will be all cold while the right one is nice and cosy - that's just favouritism! lol.

    Speak soon

    Paula x x x

  11. What a gorgeously messy workspace, and all those lovely inks - so envious

  12. Shabby but neat, as my Grandmother would say as she rubbed her hand across her patched apron. Nothing wrong with a little hole here and there. Looks soft and comfortable to me. Love your space; lots going on here!

  13. Your desk looks lovely and busy - but you have led me astray - I think I'm going to have to join the L3 challenge and get some Dina Wakely stamps - I did a course with her at Art from the Heart and have loved her stuff ever since!

  14. You are a good girl for finding homes for All that new stash so quickly and there was so much of it.

    I really think I need to invest in some of those distress stains, I’ve managed to resist the temptation so far!

    Have a good week and ……….Happy Crafting!

  15. Good idea to label those tops - I did that some time ago with all my embossing powderss - makes it so much easier to pick the right one out of the drawer - Hazel WOYWW #65 x

  16. this look fabulous, like ready for a paint fight!! I haven't used paint in my new crafty space yet...well not the sploshy kind! Usually do that on the ironing board! HappyWOYWW!!

  17. Holey moley.... as they say over here! You'll have to be careful where you stick that knee in the future! Would look a bit odd next time you put shorts on if one kneecap was yellow! More new stash! I only come here for my stash fix you know!

    Brenda 80

  18. Hi ya
    aww poor knee, lol, looks like your having fun, luv all the bottles labled very organised, lovely stash, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  19. Wow lovely mess!!! And what did you Go mad with buying. You go girl!!!!! somethimes you have to spoil yourself, anyone else won't do it For you;-)

    Greetings, marjolein

  20. Lovely goodies you have there! I wear shorts 9 months out of the year I think lol. Love the colored dots on your distress stains. I have 2 and pine for the rest :D. #89

  21. Oh my you have quite a collection of fun stuff there! Great picture of your desk! I want to bring out all my stains and distress inks now and play with them!


  22. wow helen...what are you going to do with all that new stash.....thanks for the crafty snoop..hugs kath xxx

  23. Love all your stash ...I haven't given in to stains yet.
    Your holie trackies made me laugh ...when i was young I had so many cut downs ....and so did the kids.

    I love that tag above xx

  24. Wowsa - you really went to town!


  25. Great stash! And the labelling is a good idea! I do all my crafting standing at my kitchen bench even though I have a room with a desk and a chair. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  26. ROFL - Mr B does that to his trackie trousers too - but then he's a primary school teacher and is often to be found kneeling near a child's desk...

    I've decided I need distress stains.....

  27. ROFL - Mr B does that to his trackie trousers too - but then he's a primary school teacher and is often to be found kneeling near a child's desk...

    I've decided I need distress stains.....

  28. Ah, yes, floor crafting takes it's toll ... I somehow knew it would so I'll stick to my desk I think :) Love all those pots of potions - lots of fun to be had with the stamps too ... and so very organised of you to colour code your bottles and mount your stamps right away. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #70

  29. the project looks good. Love your workdesk. Good idea for the stains.
    Thanks for showing a bit of your corner and the comment on my blog. Have a great day

  30. Ooh - you actually have the stamp that I want. I always wanted to order it and then waited a little bit because there were other more important things... but this week I'll order the silhouette script.

  31. Oh Helen, you have been spending again! And tempting us all by your lovely stash. Ah well,not to worry, money earned is money to be spent. Hugs, Neet x

  32. Such a lot of lovely stuff to play with!! Your latest projects on last posts are fab.

  33. I smiled a the comments above Helen and seems like we are mutually admiring your new stash with slightly green tinge to our eyes! well done you! thanks so much for popping over, happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

  34. Fabbey stash there! Wanted to show what I bought at the NEC last week but thanks to BT no can do!! Off to The Stamp Attic so no doubt I will be using my plastic again!!
    Still no internet so I have resorted to staying in lunchtime so I can play catch up with you lovely ladies. I cannot believe I have not been able to go on blogs since Monday - besides not being able to shop!! Arrrrgh!!

  35. You could always hangs your trousers on Wipso's hanging rail in the hope they 'd be mended for you!

  36. Popped because I couldn't get in last week and forgot to come back! another wow desk, fab stash and lovely stamp too hope last week was was great too!


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