Sunday 7 August 2011

Wish - a personal tale

Hels' Sunday Stampers today is called "Wish You Were Here" and challenges us to 'wish'.  I have been dithering about all day but decided to go ahead with this wish.  Forgive me!

My wish is for my Mum.  My brother and I have just had to take the very hard decision to find a care home for her - she has dementia and has been struggling to look after herself and the house and latterly has been refusing to get up.  So; hard as it has been I - we - think it is for the best, as neither of us have the room or expertise to look after her properly.  She is now much closer to us.

She moved in yesterday at least for a trial run and my wish is that she finds comfort in being well looked after - they are lovely people running the home and I feel sure she will be happy, when she gets used to it!  My wish is also for my brother and his wife - they have borne the brunt of sorting things out so far, dashing backwards and forwards to Sussex - and I feel very guilty about that - so thanks and love to them too.  I know this isn't the sort of thing I usually write on here, so I hope you (and they) forgive me.

The tag uses distress stains (on the tissue tape and the flower trim) distress inks everywhere else; as I don't have the full range of stains yet.


  1. Helen, you have my sympathy with the very hard decisions you have had to make concerning your mum's well being. My family has been through a similar situation and five years on, we know it was the right decision.


    Janet xx

  2. I wish you all the very best and hope your mum settles in to her new environment which I am sure she will. Lovely tag and very appropriate. Tracy xv

  3. Sorry to hear about your mum Helen, must be very distressing for you all. Hope your mum settles in ok, in her new home.
    Your tag is a beauty! x

  4. Nothing to forgive you for Helen..your blog is the best place I think - there must be so many who can share and compare which may help. I can only imagine how tough this decision has been for you both..we're carefully monitoring my father's driving at the mo....taking adult responsibility for your parents is about the most scarey thing huh. You are not alone. And your tag ain't bad either!!

  5. Helen, don't beat yourself up over your decision. It was a decision based on love and affection for your Mum and you sometimes get to the point when you just know that the time is right. We went through the same thing three years ago with Mark's Mum, it was a tough decision to make but definitely one of the best ones.

    Take care, see you next Sunday

  6. Difficult decisions are always hard and are never without guilt, and guilt comes from loving, my heart goes out to you, I hope your Mum settles in well and enjoys a happy life in her new home. Great tag, loving the colours xx

  7. Know that, although difficult, your decision is the right one. I hope she finds comfort there as I'm sure she will.
    xoxo Sioux

  8. lovely tag, so soft yet very touching! sending you some hugs, the right decisions are often the hardest to live through.

  9. I think it's a lovely wish and my thoughts are with you, we had to make the same decision for my Nana some years back. It was hard but it was the right thing to do. Love and a big hug Elizabeth xxx

  10. Hi Helen,
    I am loving all the tags you've been making this week. My fav is the Beauty one I think.
    Have a great week.

  11. Love the tag Helen :-) I've not got any of the stains YET!
    Very hard decision but your mum will be well looked after by the sounds of things
    Anne x

  12. Ooooeee, tough call, but in the end will turn out to be the best for everyone involved. We're always so hard on ourselves, with the guilt feelings. But I think it takes a bigger person to admit they cannot do it anymore, and make the best decision for everyone, rather than continuing to live in a more stressful state. Good luck, and my thoughts are with you and your family, Helen.

  13. That is a tough decision to come to hunny... and like others have said before... you made that decision based on your love for your Mum... and I am sure that she will be much safer and happier once she has settled in. Sending you a biiiig hug! Thanks for joining in with the Sunday STamper hun XX

  14. I am walking with you, Helen... this will be me soon I think so thanks for sharing here... it helps

  15. No need to say "sorry" to us for posting this heartfelt message - I've had to make this decision three times, thankfully not with mum but with aunts I loved dearly and a mil. I could write so much regarding this - you have made the right decision. Hugs, Neet x

  16. I'm so with you on this as my sister and I have just had to find a home for our Dad who also has Dementia. He is going as a day visitor for starters to see how he gets on. Mum is still at home but finding it increasingly more difficult to cope. He has his first day on Friday so we are fingers crossed that it goes ok. Hugs Mrs A.


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