Wednesday 22 June 2011

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday - again ?

Well, I don't like to disappoint, so I have some (more) new stamps today!

This time - for a change, lol - it is a Tim Holtz set - and I am blaming Sioux as I saw her use the sentiment on something and was taken by it - she told me the name of the set and even somewhere I could get it - though I found it here in the UK in the end - so the rest is history!  Thanks, Sioux!

Looking forward to using it!**  My excuse - not that I need one, you realise - is that it's my birthday on Sunday so I owed myself a present! Well, someone's got to....

I have been strangely non-crafty this week - not done anything since last week - though I have some cards I need to get done, and a couple of challenges I have made something for but don't like, so may do it again!

**Used the new stamps - this is my  cousin's birthday card - love that paisley pattern! It doesan't show up very well but it is on a 6x6 base cardstock!

So, as there is nothing else happening around it I will let you get on your way back to Julia's to check out some much more interesting craft spaces to see what's up!


  1. I'm not so sure that the lack of craftyness is missing for a lot of people. It's been a hard time for lots of folks it seems. Not feeling crafty, that is. I'm STILL very impressed with your stamp collection. It grows bigger each day.

    That's a great sentiment, and I can see why you like it.

  2. I think that should have read a lack of craftiness happening to a lot of people. I think faster than I type.

  3. Hi Helen - That is a lovely stamp and why not treat yourself - you couldn't treat anyone better.
    Thanks for sharing your new goodies and your lovely card for your cousin.
    Hugs, neet #9

  4. It's summer...everyone's neat and tidy and enjoying a lot of other fun things. Enjoy WOYWW

  5. Ahhh, I haven't got that set.. I have the other one with the paisley stamp on it... tis a lovley set... and yes, you deserve a treat ..erm... every so often rofl... can you do me a fave please hunny? can you email me your addy please ... you know, just incase I need to post something ;o)) oh and... I have a little giveaway on my desk today :O))

  6. gorgeous set stamps i havent got that set .Maybe another for my wish list.Have creative week
    hugs judex10

  7. Glad to help! We need pressies to ourselves ;)
    Have fun on your birthday.
    xoxo Sioux

  8. Don’t you just love it when someone sends you on a shopping spree. Lol!
    It’s all too easy to get carried away though especially as we now visit so many inspiring people so we need to have a ‘little’ bit of control I think……but not much!
    Love the card you’ve made, so simple and elegant.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely message. Today is going to be hard but a very rewarding one.
    Happy Crafting!

  9. First, while it's in my head - could I have your snail mail so I can inflict a dodgy card on you for your birthday?

    Secondly... there was a Tim Holtz set you DIDN'T have and hadn't heard of? Blimey! I never thought I'd see that day.

    I do like that sentiment though ;)

  10. That Tim Holtz has a lot to answer for - Wipso and I bought the tattered flowers die so that we can make fabric flowers - its brill!!

  11. Oh phew, all is right with the world - Helen has been buying! I've just checked my bank balance, sadly I'll have to live vicariously for the rest of the month...:(

  12. Oh yet another lovely stamp! You are right - the sentiment is really good - I might have to get that one too! :-)...
    Lots of hugs,

  13. Those are great stamps! Thanks for sharing. :)

  14. Ohhh fab stamp set ... yet another TH I now feel the need to own ... I really shouldn't do WOYWW ... every Wednesday afternoon sends me internet shopping!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  15. Fantastic stamps. I think there are a few of us out there suffering with the crafting mojo thing. I'm making myself paint etc but my hearts not in it.
    Thanks for stopping by
    Kathleen x

  16. Love Tims stamps!!
    thanx for visiting ;-)
    happy WOYWW this Wednesday!!
    Hugs Marleen ;-)

  17. Wishing you a very happy birthday for Sunday! I would send a card, but I don't have your address and I'm crap at getting these things out on time, TBH! ROFL. SO, have a very great and wonderful day, and enjoy those stamps!

  18. I bought some stamps last week and now you show me another one I want... not good for the pocket book all this visiting and seeing lovely stuff!! LOL

  19. Of course you have to buy yourself a birthday present. It's a crafter's tradition. And why stop at one I say !


  20. Well Happy Un-Birthday! It is always great to get yourelf a little something...even better to find it in the UK and save the shipping! Thanks for sharing- Amanda (Scrappnbee)

  21. Mr Mojo seems to have gone AWOL for a lot of us. Hope he returns soon.
    Happy WOYWW

  22. Happy Birthday ...great 'To Self' pressy.xx

  23. Ooooh I love that stamp too so why have I never seen it before?Happy Birthday... not long after me in date but I bet you are a lot less years than me!
    JoZarty x

  24. I think I erased my comment going to search for the stamp set! I don't remember seeing this stamp before. Evidently it is one of the earlier Tim Holtz stamps...007. Lovely card. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #107

  25. I don't see this stamp set very often, nice to see it being used. Happy birthday!
    Helen S

  26. Neat new stamp. Always be nice to oneself, especially on birthdays. #101

  27. Don't think I have seen that set before - the sentiment is lovely


  28. Lovely new stamp set, I do like a bit of paisley:)

  29. I am not happy when I HAVE to be crafty when I am not feelin' it! I can understand being non-crafty...even with new stamps staring at you!

  30. a very joyful birthday to you on Sunday, Helen! your new stamps are great, both the sentiment and the lovely pattern.
    thanks for visiting me!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  31. Happy Birthday Helen for Sunday and yes think it was a really great purchase!! love the pattern and also thanks for popping over and for sharing, happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

  32. Happy Birthday Helen,

    that is an amazing stamp I love paisley prints, love light blue on white too.


  33. Nice stamps, have a lovely birthday. Hugs Pam x

  34. I do so love looking at new stash! I think you've been very thrifty if that's all you're buying yourself for your birthday!! Have a wonderful one btw, hope you enjoy it.

    Brenda 81

  35. Gorgeous Stamp Set!!! Lucky :D. And many happy returns of the day! I see nothing wrong with getting what you want for your birthday, after all it is your birthday :D. #71

  36. Love this stamp set! Just wait..when you least expect it I bet you get a creative surge. Sometimes creatvity just seems to take a vacation doesn't it?

  37. I hope you had a lovely birthday :)


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