Thursday 23 June 2011

show me Metal on a Grungy Monday

Yikes, the week is running away with me and I haven't achieved anything!

Truth be told, I did make a card on Monday using this Tim technique chosen by Linda for this week's Grungy Monday theme - but really didn't like the way it turned out, and it's taken till today for me to be able to try again.  And, because time is running away, I have combined it by using metal, with Simon Says for this week's Simon Says challenge.

 I took a piece of paper from a Tim Paper Stack and covered a tag, and applied the technique to the top, using a Heroarts stamp "shaded squares"

I used butterscotch dabber - after taking it apart, cleaning out the top, watering it down with hot water to try and get the paint re-flowing again - grrrrr - I am not sure if the stamp was the best to use because it doesn't seem to have worked too well (or maybe there wasn't enough paint) ..... I think maybe this is a technique that takes lots of practice... and patience, and time, none of which I have.
I used a die cut umbrella man, painted with Paperartsy fresco paint (honeydew) and some idea-ology and a Tim sentiment.
And, you can link it up with the All Things Tim yahoo group here

anyhow, check out Linda's blog for lots of cracking good entries, and Simon Says for some great metal work (there's a prize on offer too).

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday, that's all I say.... got to go buy myself another birthday present at the weekend!!


  1. Must admit I am having a bad week too, do not feel like doing anything. Great tag, love the pop of colour at the top and umbrella man. A birthday present sounds like a great way to cheer yourself up. Tracy x

  2. You got to have a birthday present! LOL
    I know T!m is a God but those dabbers leave a lot to be desired!!!
    You worked wonders under the trying circumstances Helen ;)
    Have a fab weekend
    xoxo Sioux
    P.S. I should know by tomorrow if that $%!* melt pot is beyond repair.

  3. Terrific tag Helen and love your painting of umbrella man.

  4. Love Umbrella Man! Great technique and design! Awesome!

  5. Love the way you've used umbrella man, fantastic tag. Yes, you treat yourself to another birthday present, spoil yourself xx

  6. Brolly man looks fabulous as usual Helen! Great tag! x

  7. I have only 3 dabbers and I just use the cut-n-dry foam with my other acrylic paints. Love how you dressed up the Umbrella Man here!

  8. Fabulous tag and great work with the colour
    hugs June x
    have a freebie on my dezinaworld blog for fun friday
    have a good weekend my friend
    hugs June x

  9. Brolley man looks great! Love the tag Helen, and thanks for joining the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!

  10. Great tag. I do love brolly man, and the Fresco paint looks good on him.

    Dabbers seem a bit hit or miss. I have some quite old ones that still work no problem, and the odd one that always gunges up.


  11. Hope you are enjoying Friday... love the umbrella man in white and the grungy background tones.

  12. Great tag and great use of the umbrella man! The Design Team are really pleased that you joined us for the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge this week - Thank you!

  13. Beautiful tag, love the umbrella man.

  14. I know the feeling well Helen, I only managed to post mine today eek! Umbrella man looks great against the contrasting background.

  15. Great tag, I've always loved umbrella man. Hope you have a great birthday. It's really important to treat yourself to a pressie, a guilt free load of new stash.
    Those paint dabbers are a real pain, I've stopped trying to dab and just splodge paint out onto an old plate now.
    Sue xx


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