Sunday 26 June 2011

More Than Words - Sunday Stampers

Hi, thanks or dropping by.  Today I managed to make a piece for Hels' Sunday Stampers on the day - instead of at the last minute like Friday!  I used some of my new Art Parts - pocket watches - that I bought for myself for my birthday today.  (Thanks Hels, Carmen & Lynne for the gorgeous cards BTW!)

The theme today is WORDS so I've incorporated a few.

I used a piece of paper from a Tim Paper Stack (this is the Kraft one, part of a dictionary definition) dulled down with a gesso wash, and a light coat of distress ink - I think I used antique linen. Did it this morning and can't remember.... must be an age thing!)   Used walnut stain distress stain on the pocket watch art part.

Stamped the face from It's Face Art in coffee archival and art from Art Inspiration  in black.  Stamped the smaller of the flowers from Live and Make Art on grungepaper and again on clearly for art. Fixed a button to the grungepaper, and a flower from the foliage idea-ology pack which I embossed with peeled paint distress powder to the CFA.  The back of the clearly for art flower is covered - it's meant to be splodgy - with viva gold inka-gold (which was going moldy, I must have used a dirty brush last time I used some....oops!)

I have had a very lazy day today, not been out - it is TOO HOT (that's definately an age thing!!) apart from trying to collect a cd of the photos I finally picked up yesterday of my last trip to Kew last weekend - it is a very long story and the CD isn't ready.... again.   Hopefully they will be available tomorrow and I may finally be able to share them with you tomorrow on the other blog... maybe!


  1. HBTY...HBTY...HBDH...HBTY! Tra la la!
    Happy Birthday Helen.
    At least buying your own birthday presents means we get exactly what we want! LOL
    Xoxo Sioux

  2. Happy Birthday lovely! Love this piece too hope you are having an amazing day big hugs


  3. Happy Birthday Helen, hope you have a great day. Love your arty piece. Annette x

  4. Oooooo I likey. Happy birthday helen xx

  5. Happy Birtnday Helen, hope you have had a good day . Love the watch part and the face behind it . Great flowers. Tracy x

  6. Happy Birthdy Helen, hope you have had an enjoyable day. Love this Art Part project, the pocket watch along with the CFA flowers is beautiful.

  7. Gorgeous work. and Happy birthday Helen
    Hugs June xxx

  8. I had no idea either Helen, so belated Happy Birthday.

    This inability to be able to blog much means I am right out of the loop, but now I am here off to have a nose round.

    B x

  9. Ack! Happy Belated Birthday, Helen!
    This pieces is fabulous, great idea to use the face in the watch!

  10. I know I am late... but... it wouldn't be right if I didn't use my marvellously sweet singing voice to sing you a song... here goes...

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy Biiiiiiirthhhhhdayyy


    Happppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyy Biiiiiiiiirthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyy TO YOUUUUUUUU



    I sang those last bits really loud too!

    Loving your pocket watch... they are addictive those, be warned rofl
    Ta for joining in with the Sunday sTamper... did you get any cake on Sunday??? Or just stash lol Glad you got my card hun.... xx

  11. I know I am late... but... it wouldn't be right if I didn't use my marvellously sweet singing voice to sing you a song... here goes...

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy Biiiiiiirthhhhhdayyy


    Happppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyy Biiiiiiiiirthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyy TO YOUUUUUUUU



    I sang those last bits really loud too!

    Loving your pocket watch... they are addictive those, be warned rofl
    Ta for joining in with the Sunday sTamper... did you get any cake on Sunday??? Or just stash lol Glad you got my card hun.... xx


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