Wednesday 18 May 2011


It can't be Wednesday again already, surely? Check out Julia's new look blog here  for this week's instalment of "what's on your workdesk Wednesday" - week 102 and nearly the 2nd anniversary.

There isn't much on my patch of carpet this week either, a couple of cards I made for the Grungy Monday  challenge on Monday (obviously) only I made them on Tuesday so they're still hanging around, together with some new stamps that arrived since you were here snooping last!!

So here is a pile of what to non crafters looks like a load of rubbish, but to us is that pile of scraps that really, truly, honestly we WILL use one day!!  Not to mention doing "something" with that mannekin/dummy thing  - next to the tubes of paint (the round bit is the base) that I bought a couple of years ago!! 

So, what have you all been up to?  Hope you get time to stop by Dragons Dream Tag it On today - shameless plug - we'd love to see you visit and join in.


  1. So true- my desk often looks like that but I love all the scraps and things and wouldn't throw them away! Patsy from

  2. Thanks for the plug!!! Can't believe you do all the fab work you do on the carpet!!!

  3. great creativity on the floor:)
    Happy Woywwing!
    Jennie #2

  4. loving your extended workspace! lol, snap! #4

  5. Scrap hoarding is good!!!! Love those TH stmaps .. I am trying to persaude myself that I really DON@T need more TH stash!!
    Happy Wednesday,
    Cathy xx

  6. I admit and hold my head in shame im a hoarder and crafty one at that!Yes Proud of it too!
    Have happy creative wednesday
    hugs judex 14

  7. Would love to come and play with all that fab stash on your carpet Helen. Look forward to seeing what you make
    Anne x

  8. oh yeah - my kind of desk - dive in and rummage through the treasure...


  9. Love your "desk" today - lots of stamps - I have just realised how little stamps I have with words - ha, ha can I borrow a few????

  10. Well, thank you as that desk makes me feel a wee bit better about mine. I did have to search for the mannequin too! love it!
    JoZarty xxx

  11. I'm a hoarder, I even have a box for my rubbish that I MUST keep! Love your crafty space, always looks such fun!
    (Happy WOYWW!)

  12. LOL, but OF COURSE we will use those scraps one day! happy WOYWW!

  13. Those scraps look pretty darn useful to me :0)

  14. Messy space is better than tidy I can see what your up to. Love the new stamps and I need that torso ;) I have a fabby idea for one shh I'm not telling

    Love Dawn xx

  15. The quality of your scraps looks very very different to mine! Mary Anne did a fab job on one of those mannequins, about the time you bought yours. I have one too. Naked, of course. You do yours first!

  16. Lovely Card, and always fun to new stamps to use. Happy WOYWW, yours looks familiar, funny how we can still find what we need in the rubble. Have fun and Good luck with the Challenge

  17. I spy a nice little collection of viva paints there! how lovely. I didnt finish my mannequin last week either its still sitting up the corner of the dining room although it does now have some tulle precariously hanging from it but not affixed properly! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl No. 40

  18. Hoarder here too and would not take you far to find some stash at my place a bit or two maybe, but not those gorgeous stamps ... love the tag above dont pull it! Shaz in Oz .x

  19. Love those stamps and everything on your desk, their must be a name for us crafters who find it impossible to throw scraps away? Hoarders /stupid!?
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (51) x

  20. Some nice bits and bobs on your desk, love the look of those Tim text stamps. I have a couple of mannequins that I've not created anything with yet. Tracy x

  21. LOL my kind of work room, go girl!!! Love Elizabeth xxx ps I could never show anyone my gorgeous 1970's purple nylon carpet LOL

  22. Oh, for sure! Everything will be used up one day. :) Happy WOYWW! :)

  23. You're desk looks like a treasure chest of goodies to all us crafters. Happy Wednesday ;)

  24. Thanks for teasing me with those stamps of Tim's...might be another must have item for my desk!!

    Nice to see where you make all your fabulous creations and thanks for sharing!
    Love Emma x

  25. Ah yes, the scrap pile... that ever growing, teetering mess on the edge of my desk that you rarely get to see!! Love those new stamps, brilliant sayings and great cards too.

    Brenda 84

  26. Hi ya
    lovely creative goodies, lovely cards, fab stamps,thanks for the snoop, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  27. Oh, there are so very many wonderful things peeking out on your desk!!! It looks like loads of fun!!!

  28. I agree - I can't throw anything away as I know for sure that on day those scraps will be the most perfect thing for my new project. Thanks for sharing. x

  29. I must be the only person you know who is not happy about my "day off" LOL! Your desk looks like an interesting place to potter and those new stamps are just YUMMY!

  30. Another hoarder here and today I just went out and bought more fabric - like i really needed it!!!!!

  31. Love the cards you have , but cann't imagine stamping or working on the floor - I would never get up . Have to have a comfy seat these days. Like the blue tag on the next post.
    Thanks for visiting me at number 53.
    x Tricia

  32. I need some of those stamps! Love the explanation of the pile for later! :)

  33. I like your stamps, your card and your space!

    Terry #129

  34. Those new stamps by Stampers Anonymous look way cool - and I'm pretty sure that we will see them in the creative form one Wednesday.

  35. I have a pile of bits that will be used one day too Helen but I tend to hide them away in a drawer and have a rummage every now and then.

    Loving the new stamps byt the way....very useful indeed.

    Happy WOYWW!

  36. Now that is my kind of desk Helen! I am trying to turn over a new leaf and keep my desk clean, but you should see my floor LOL!

  37. That "rubbish" will be useful one day. Hold on to it!

  38. Lots and lots of lovely crafty goodies to look at. I always love to enlarge your photos and have a good nosy with lots of ooooos and aaahhhhhs!!! Lol kezzy x


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