Sunday 1 May 2011

Something for a Sunday

By all accounts, Hels' is having a fantastic time at Ranger U - well, of course she would be - wouldn't we all!! Anyhow, she has set the theme of "men" for today's Sunday Stamper challenge, so like her, I had only one place to go -

Umbrella Man!! I made a card for my entry. I had some trouble getting a decent photo for some reason, sorry!
Working on a piece of white card, I used a couple of Tim's masks and scattered straw ink, and the small matching stamp which is from the 'mini classics' set.
Die cut umbrella man on black metal and put it through a texture fade, wiped it with pesto alochol ink.

Stamped the text on a scrap of card, sprayed it with a perfect pearl/reinker mix (the label has fallen off so I can't remember what colours I used) and cut it in strips.
Close up of Umbrella man.

It's been a good Sunday so far - picked up my photos from Kew where I went yesterday, you can see them here and Liverpool had a good win against Newcastle, so I'm happy!

Talking of being happy, how fantastic was the Royal Wedding on Friday?!  Didn't Kate (sorry, the Duchess of Cambridge!) look amazing! I watched it all day long - and then watched the highlights too... with a tear in my eye!  I wish them a long and happy life together.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Love your umbrella man, looks fabulous! must try and get round to some me time later.

    The wedding was just beautiful....very proud to be from Blighty

  2. Love the card H. Yes the mighty reds did well :) Hope you are enjoying the long weekend x

  3. LOVE all the texture you've created here. Umbrella man looks fantastic!!

    Yes, I watched all the 'do' too...was really enjoyable.

  4. You have had a technique fest here with great results. Love it XOXO Zoe

  5. Love, love, love your umbrella man, wicked as they say. Yes, watched the wedding all day, right from 8:00am, and enjoyed every moment. xx

  6. Love umbrella man! Haven't had time to play with mine yet...

    Gorgeous entry to Hel's challenge.

    I was glued to the telly on Friday too - that FABULOUS dress!!!!

    Off to look a Kew now...

  7. and what a nice "something for a sunday" it is indeed! :)

  8. I think Umbrella Man just cries out to be used with metal, love yours against this fab backdrop. x

  9. Great card Helen, love the background and the texture on umbrella man. Great sentiment too. Tracy x

  10. Loved the wedding as well, glued to the TV,,,,,,,
    Love your metal and texture fade umbrella man. Fab work Helen, Annette x

  11. Looks fantastic Helen, I love that background! Brolley man looks great in metal AND embossed...well done!

  12. Great background Helen, love your embossed umbrella man! x

  13. Faaaaaabulous card Helen... loving Brolly Man, he is a dude isn't he! Thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x


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