Thursday 5 May 2011

Simon Says - show us Hands

I have to admit I have been stumped since Monday when this week's Simon Says challenge was announced -  stamp and show - hands.....Several half - nay, quarter - ideas - nothing was germinating!

I have always wished for neat handwriting,  but my school reports always made mention of untidy writing (I write very quickly and I think that is to blame) and decided to go down the writing road for my hands theme.
I took a maya road chipboard coaster and covered it with some paper from Tim's Crowded Attic stack. Nt sure if you can see, but it's the page with letters!

The man's hand (stamp by Wendy) is writing a love letter to the lady in the frame (picture from a Crafty Individuals pad) and I used one of the pen nibs from the idea-ology pack, and Tim's old fashioned pen nibs stamp to invoke the seemingly forgotten time of hand written love letters!  Somehow, texting just isn't the same, is it!  The quote is from Wendy.
Sorry about the flash probems - it's bouncing off the silver I used for the frame but I hope you can see it ok. I'll try and take another one in daylight tomorrow.

Till then, check out the rest of the amazing entries and DT art, at SimonSays.


  1. This is lovely Helen, really like that hand and the pen nib you added to coordinate with the rest of the images. Tracy x

  2. Love it Helen, great idea for the hand portion, and the way the whole thing goes together is fab. Thanks for joining the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!

  3. Hello Helen. I love the way your coaster finished out. It's really very nicely done and perfectly fits this week's theme for Simon Says. Where did you get the sentiment stamp? I love it..."let what you love be what you do!" Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. <3 Candy

  4. This is so good, I like the idea of him writing a love letter, and such a great sentiment xx

  5. What a great piece! I thought of using that stamp, but couldn't quite decide what to use with it - love what you've done here!

  6. I just love that hand and pen stamp. This is just great!!
    Hope you're well.
    Lesley x

  7. Love it Helen, was certainly worth waiting for, love the hand image and all the nibs ... perfect.

  8. HELEN......what an ADORABLE little ditty you created!! I agree texting just isn't the same as a hand written letter or card!!

    Thanks bunches for playing along with the teamies and Simon Says Stamp and Show!!!


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