Monday 23 May 2011

Monday - two great challenges!

Mondays mean challenges to me - first up is Linda's great Grungy Monday challenge for all things Tim. Week 8 today sees us using a Tim technique from September 2008 - check out the Maestro who is having a well deserved break on a Disney cruise to Alaska!

Anyhow, the technique calls for adirondack inks and water - though other inks work just as well.

I made a card and used a Rubber Stampede stamp called solidago sprig, with eggplant and meadow inks.
I backed it on a piece of Tim's paperstack and a piece of plain cardstock.  Don't forget to check out Linda's blog for loads more fantastic entries.

Monday also means Simon Says Stamp and Show - and this week the challenge is to "show some Wendy Vecchi style" - well, that's going to be a hard one for me (not!) isn't it.... just off to create now...

Ok, back! took a chip tag, painted it with gesso, then coloured with adirondack sunset orange pigment ink.
Added some Wendy stamps and some clearly for art Wendy flowers.


  1. Hi Helen! Love your Grungy Monday card - great stamps and I like the colors you chose. Have a great week!


  2. Both terrific projects Helen, can see it was a hardship for
    Annette x

  3. These are both beautiful. Love the monochromatic feel of the watercolour stamping. I'm hoping to find time to do the Simon Says challenge this week too. Great job.

  4. Oh, Helen, this ROCKS! I love your approach to the GM08 technique-- the subtle colors are incredibly elegant. This design is beautiful.

    Your Wendy card is awesome, too! How did you get so much wonderful art accomplished in a single day?!

  5. Beautiful! It looks like a vintage floral scene.

  6. I love the GM08 technique that you did in the soft colours.

    I unfortunately don't have a single Wendy V stamp or art part so I can't do this Mondays SSSAS :(

  7. Lovely work Helen ... Both pieces look fabulous ... Thank you for joining the team at Simon Says Stamp and Show this week.

  8. Helen I just love both these pieces, they are gorgeous.
    Sue xx

  9. Love that stamp you used for the watercolor! The colors are awesome! And your Wendy piece came out fabulous, of course, love those clearly flowers! Thanks for joining the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!

  10. love the subtle colours in your GM08 card

  11. A beautiful subtle effect on the GM card, looks lovely :D

  12. Your card is beautiful, & I love the WV tag! xx

  13. These are both gorgeous, lovely colours xx

  14. Both wonderful projects but I particularly LOVE the card! Understated elegance.

  15. Beautiful pieces - I love your watercolor stamping technique!

  16. Helen, your card is soft in hue making it very elegant.

  17. this is sooo very pretty!

  18. Lovely work Helen, like the subtle look on your GM08 card.

  19. The subtle colors or your first card are beautiful. Very serene. Your wendy entry is also lovely. I am very drawn to her style, but don't have any of her stamps. I may need to go check them out. Thank you for the inspiration! I may tell my husband it's all your fault :-)

  20. These are both lovely - and lol about the struggle. Love the jumbo flowers on your SSS piece.

  21. this stamp and colour are just so right for the technique...!
    Sarah at 49

  22. Hello Helen! Your two pieces featured on your blog are wonderful! The flowers are so Wendy and look amazing. Great stamp choices for your projects and the themes for the challenges! Thanks for sharing your work with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. <3 Candy

  23. Your GM card is lovely, he color are soft and really elegant. Brilliant choice of background paper.

  24. Hiya thank you for joining the DT from Simon Says Stamp and Show with your fabulous art piece, the flowers look great and fabulously colored. Hugs Terry xxxx


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