Thursday 19 May 2011

EWV challenge 13

This week's Yahoo group challenge (Everything Wendy Vecchi) is "brushless watercolouring" and takes it's bow from book one page 22.
Wendy's card used one of her amazing flowers that I don't have (honestly, I really don't have them all!) and I tried with a different flower but couldn't quite decide how to finish it - so went for the hearts instead!  I'll probably use the flower some other time... waste not, want not!
Took the photo above last night, with flash but it's bleached it out a bit, so this morning at 6 am I took these without flash, as it is nice and sunny this morning..... Uploaded them quickly and came to work where I am now....

Used fired brick for the large, and victorian velvet for the smaller hearts, on which I used the technique - spritz the inked stamp with water before stamping - and a Wendy sentiment in archival.

Added some pinky prima flowers and a clear rainbow drop to the centre, edged the watercolour paper with victorian velvet (undiluted, lol!)  and bam, done!
The small heart on the left side is a second generation stamp so it's come out very pale, but I kind of like that.   A cool technique, this one and one I have used before but not for a while. Thanks, Lori for setting this one.    Pop over to the group to see what everyone else is up to - it's easy to join and even easier then to join in the challenges!


  1. Gorgeous card, love this technique. What, you don't have the flower stamp? No, I don't believe it (said in a Victor Meldrew voice) xx

  2. lol at Anns comment :0) I don't believe it either lol

    A lovely soft gentle feel to this. And I also have a thing for Victorian Velvet too so this is perfect as far as I'm concerned :0)

    Don't work too hard at work will you lol ;0)

  3. Great use of the technique Helen! Love that you used the heart, it looks fabulous! Thanks for joining in the MAC!

  4. This is wonderful, Helen! I've got to get mine made tonight - love this technique!

  5. That is a great look! So different than usual inks. Off to try mine...

  6. Ooh I love that fired brick colour. This looks fab helen :D

  7. Terrific look, so freestyle. Annette

  8. Beautiful card Helen, great technique! x


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