Tuesday 19 April 2011

Secret exciting news - and a challenge

Ooh, I'm bursting - but can't tell you yet. Come back tomorrow for a reveal.

Instead, I've been busy making a tag for Linda's fab Grungy Monday week 4 challenge - texture fade/distress.  This was the theme of a 12 Tags of Christmas from just last December from Tim ( http://www.timholtz.com/ )

I have had a kind of busy week so far (and it's only Tuesday!) so it was a quick tag, but it was fun - and I used something fresh from the packet even though I've had it a while!
I followed Tim's instructions to swipe not stab the ink across the texture fade, though I obviously need practice at this technique (hence the judicious use of the teeny tiny background stamp, lol!) I also used the deboss side where I really intended to use the emboss side, but no-one's perfect (except Tim, obviously!) However, I like it, so let's pretend I did mean it!  The stamps are from the UK QVC special set when Tim was here in February. Soooo cute! Oh, and they're clouds at the top, ok! (stampscapes)

So, now you've seen the mess I made, check out the competition at Linda's and also the All Things Tim group run by Gloria. Have a fun week.


  1. Great tag Helen, and if you hadn't said anything I would have thought you'd used the debossed side deliberately. Elizabeth xx

  2. Smashing tag Helen and love the debossed side. Oooh I wonder what your exciting news is........looking forward to hearing all about it......Annette x

  3. We always mean to do these things Helen, never tell anyone otherwise.

    It's a fab tap adn looks like it's got oodles of texture..

    So what's the secret I wonder, it could be a visit to the hallowed turf, but I think more likely craf orientated.

    Hope you enjoyed Sunday as much as I did and I confess I got a good deal of plasure from watching Saturday afteroons game.

    B x

  4. I love the "printed" appearence of the motifs on your tag. This technique was not really eays for me neither. Your tag came out great !

  5. Hi Helen! I like your tag. The way you used the old tree is really effective! <3 Candy

  6. Gorgeous make Helen, but you need to spill??? come on u can tell.....promise not to tell, lol will pop back 2moz kazxx

  7. No mess in view here, love that you used the debossed side - makes the swiping a bit harder!! Excited about tomorrow!

  8. dont you just love 'happy accidents

  9. Great tag and who would know if you hadn't said, not me LOL. Can't wait to hear your news. Tracy x

  10. Love this tag, Helen! Great idea to use the tree folder, looks fantastic! Can't wait to hear the news!

  11. Sometimes the simpler projects are the most beautiful. Your art is wonderful. I love it.

  12. Gorgeous tag Helen! Can't wait to hear your news! Glad your job is safe! xx

  13. Love this stag - the colors and textures are really lovely - great work...


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