Friday 22 April 2011

Breaking out the Art Parts

Hi, there!
I had a lovely lazy morning - woke early but dozed in bed for a while - mooched around the shops a bit (did a bit of shopping - bought some jeans (double reduced), some books (on a 3 for 2 offer) and a bit of crafty stash - check out these cool guitar ear-rings - obviously I won't be wearing them!! and they were in the sale too, & on a buy one get one free deal - so the anchors came too! I am still assembling bits and bobs for my configurations box....!

 The frames came from a £1 shop and the canvases were a great price too - I LOVE bargains!
And - erm - I MAY have done a spot of online stash shopping too.....!
After lunch it was time for a challenge - the Everything Wendy Vecchi group challenge this week - working from book one, pge 36 - but you don't need the book, the guidelines are to use stitching round the edge and a butterfly cut from patterned paper - anyone who belongs to the group can join in - so click here and join the fun! 
Used an oblong Art Part piece, covered the base with Graphic 45 paper, painted the frame with gesso then forest moss distress stain, and used a Paperbag Studio stitch stamp - you can see my stamp stitching is as poor as my needle stitching, HA HA.
Took a flower art part and stem, gesso'd and painted sunset orange pigment ink (I say painted, I applied it with cut'n'dry foam) then a Wendy script background and an idea-ology clock face - I have been saving these, decided it was TIME to use one (sorry!) 
Used Wendy stamps for some interest in the frame (can anyone please tell me why I never remember to stamp these before I assemble the bloody frame.....?)
The butterfly is stamped on the same paper as the background and is double sided in case you see the back!

Sorry, this is a bit blurry. Promise I haven't been drinking!


  1. LOL LOL I do things like that, assemble something and then decide I need to stamp and make it twice as hard for myself. Great pics, love the faux stitching and the addition of the clock in the centre of the flower. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Tracy x

  2. Drink - no, it's all that shopping and bargain excitement made you lightheaded eh?

    This is fabulous - love the clock face as the middle of the flower.

    So pleased to read your job worries might be over! My camera is a bridge(?) Not quite a point & click (though that's all I do) and not quite a super duper all singing all dancing... it's a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ38 and I loves it I does *g* Just need to learn how to get the most out of it though that doesn't seem to affect Devvie!

  3. Looks great! Love that you place the flower on top instead of inside the frame.

  4. this looks GREAT!
    VERY spring like!

  5. Terrific frame and embellies Helen. I see you have been to The Wishing you a very Happy Easter. Annette x

  6. Totally love this Helen! That art part flower is spectacular, love that one. Great "stitching", too! lol! Thanks for participating in the challenge!

  7. Wonderful!!! Everything looks great!!! Even the stitching!!!

  8. Great work takes time and sometimes more than one attempt (with the possible exception of stone work LOL)

    Love this piece its so fresh and quirky - love quirky.

    See you shop at all the best places, like the works, their kids craft section is soooooo useful LOL

    Enjoy the rest of the week-end XOXO Zoe


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