Wednesday 2 March 2011

WOYWW 91 - and 100

Cripes, the weeks are flying by!  I have to think about what I'm going to make to participate in the WOYWW PIF on the 2nd anniversary (check Julia's blog for more details.  It's not a must do, only an if you want to thing. Sounds a great idea to celebrate this phenomenen that WOYWW has become.

Anyhow, what's this here then?  More new goodies? On MY desk?  Surely not.....

Could it be....
The QVC TSV (today's special value) I "had" to get last week.... oh YES!
Check out those cute mini Tim stamps!
And what's this?? MORE?  Well, Lin blogged at the weekend that some more of the new Idea-ology range had arrived and invited us to go shopping.... so I - er - did!
I took a day's holiday on Tuesday - British Gas were coming to do the boiler service and as they only give you a time slot of 8-12 or 12-6 I took 8-12 and the whole day off. Much to my surprise the engineer came at 8.20 and was gone by 8.40 - so the whole day to do - whatever!  As I blogged on Monday, I intended to play all day, and I fully intended to - but in the end I mostly just slobbed about!!

 I did however have a bit of a play - made a couple of cards - the background is adirondack colourwashes sprayed over a crafters workshop daisy template.

Well, by the time you see this I will be back in the office (strange how even one day off makes you want to give up work altogether!)  Check out some more fab desks/floors/weird workspaces here - and see you soon!
As I finished scheduling this (Tuesday evening due to my early early starts) I see I have hit the magic 100 followers - WOW!!! I never in a month of Sundays, when I started this blog about 18 months ago thought I would get 1 - 10 - let alone 100. Thank you ALL for dropping by - coming back again and again - and the encouragement and support you have shown in my blathering and my "art".  I have never been a confident person and have very little faith in my ability and never really believe that people like me for me, so it means more than you will ever know. Thank you.


  1. You have 101 now!!!

    I like your cards, I think they turned out beautifully. Those color washes are gorgeous and you used some great colors, I especially like the orange.

    BTW, you have every reason to be a more confident person!!!

  2. Good for you on the shopping! Everything looks so inviting. Hmmmm....guess there is no way to arrange a placement on the Woyww anniversary. In another life I think I'd want to be with an * next to you ;)

  3. Wow I love your new stacs hope work is not too big a brain drain for more of your amazing creations thanks for sharing!
    Shaz in Oz.x

  4. Love your new stash i wanted that stamp set but had the rest so no point so instead bought 3 lots dies and the VAGABOND...naughty but well so nice just need time to play .Have fab wednesday pop by my blog i have fab candy asnd if your Sir Tim fan you will love it .Happy wedensday enjoy your new goodies
    hugs judex35

  5. fab stash! looks like you are going to have fun!
    Happy Woywwing!
    Jennie #9

  6. Wow, I always forget about QVC having crafting goodies too. HSN is grand too. My DH hates the UPS

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a wonderful WOYWW.

    Hugs, Marjo #5

  7. I didn't buy the TSV as not (yet) my thing but I always admire the artistic effects people achieve - well done.

    Re your self-confidence - your honesty is attractive in a sisterly fashion so I am going to follow you even though I don't/can't follow every WOYWWer.

    Shirl #25

  8. Wow love all your fabulopus new stash, I wouldn't know wher o start, really want to get into it, but don' want to buy stuff that I have no idea what it is! ( day I will!) Happy WOYWW! #35

  9. How strange - think I used that stencil last night (and been on another blog and had another strange moment from something I did last night too).
    Thoroughly enjoyed seeing your stash - what's a girl got to do but spoil herself now and then?
    Almost forgot - love your cards - so nice and bright. #36

  10. Congrats on the 100 followers. Worth popping by to see what you're up to.
    Don't forget to pop over to our shop and put your name down in the next gift draw.
    A x

  11. Awesome stash! Love the QVC stuff. Very nice cards! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #49

  12. Lovely stash. :) Great cards!

    Thank you for sharing.


  13. Your new goodies are gorgeous.

    I love the cards

    Laura 66 x x

  14. Love the new stah, I hope you have fun playing with it! Great cards as well :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #68

  15. Oh I would love to get my hands on some color wash! I think this would be right up my alley!

  16. 100 followers is very special and well deserved. Those colours on the cards are so pretty.

  17. I love love love those cards Helen!!! The backgrounds are awesome! Congrats on all the followers btw, I'm still in the 20s! xx

  18. Oooh you little drooling over your goodies...
    Loving your backgrounds, brilliant. Annette x

  19. So jealous. Love your work. 88

  20. You have such fab stuff to play with. My room is full of fabric, wool, threads and machines!

  21. Love your work. Don't you just love when you get a package in the mail.....yipeeee! Happy Creations.

  22. I laughed when I read the end of your could have been me speaking!! Your art work is great...certainly not something to be unconfident (I don't think that's actually a real word, but you know what I mean!!) about!!

  23. Love all the new goodies. Even the QVC box could be used as a home-made "configurations" base !

    Beautiful cards with the daisy template and colour washes.


  24. Those cards are fabulous and you should be full of confidence your art is amazing. Love all your new stash, I like you couldn't resist buying when Lin blogged, what are we like. Glad the engineer came early and you had a full day crafting, the results are stunning. xx

  25. It would have been rude not to take up Lin's invitation I suppose!
    The cards are lovely - and a real result considering you say you didn't do much - I expect it did you a lorra good, just having a day off. As for your follower numbers - hey gal, you are incredibly modest. Take it from one that should be modest, you are way better than you know! People come back out of choice remember!

  26. Love love the new stash, those bottles look fabulous, I need some of those, they are bigger than I thought which is even better. The small images of Tim's loom great too, you have been a naughty girl or a good one whichever way you look at it LOL. Love the cards. Tracy Evans x

  27. Lucky you, getting a whole day off and having the engineers arrive on time and leave vey quickly - you obviously don't live in Africa. LOL If that happened here, I would be hospitalised for shock.
    Lovely cards.
    Happy WOYWW

  28. Your cards look great, and that box is an absolute delight!!!!

  29. Great shopping and fab stuff to snoop over

  30. Check you out with all your new stash, how cool!

  31. What a lot of goodies ...great fun opening them I your cads vibrant

  32. Oooh exciting new stash :). Happy woyww, Andria - 38

  33. Oooh exciting new stash :). Happy woyww, Andria - 38

  34. Love the cards and I bought the TSV too......the mini stamps are divine, so cute!!

  35. grat work with the masked backgrounds , i have that on eso must have a go at the weekend. lucky youwhat a wonderful package hav efun with it.

  36. i know what you mean about the weeks flying by! you have some wonderful new stash and the cards you made are great! congratulations on reaching a hundred followers (its now 104)!

  37. Not that I'm envious of course Helen, but you have 'those' stamps !!!!!!!!!

    I'm on the slow game of catch up to say thanks so much for your support these last few weeks whilst I have been missing from blogland.

    B x

  38. ooh, scrummy stash! Thanks for stopping by - love the cards you've made!

  39. Have fun playing with your new Tim goodies, looks like you have plenty to keep you busy. I love the background on your cards, beautiful.
    Hugs Jovi #160

  40. Hi Helen,
    thank you so much for the welcome, I love your stamping and am agog at all your recent posts and your vast Tim stash store, can you even fit in your crafting room now with all that gear LOL!

  41. DOH, just wrote a long comment and my blinking internet went down...
    Lovely new stash, it's hard to resist new timmy treats isn't it lol
    Love the cards the backgrounds are fab x
    Stay Inky
    Hugs Minxy #11

  42. What a deal, how could any sane person resist! You couldn't give up work Helen, no work = no new stash! It's the only reason I work, that and the mortgage of course. Great cards and love the tag above the WOYWW post too. Have a great weekend.

    Brenda 98

  43. Love your cards and great stash - better call that 105 followers lol - - Nicky running late this week - no 16

  44. Late calling by this week due to being away for half of it. Am now drooling over your stash ut I must be good and only look cos my daughter has already enticed me into buying stuff already! Hugs Mrs A. #76

  45. A free day to play! Sometimes a day away from work just recharges you doesnt it? Congrats on the 100 followers!

  46. I don't like to go back to work after a day off either!! Fab cards and great stash. Hugs Pam x

  47. Hi Helen,
    Love your tag and card in the later post and what yummy stash you have on your desk! Am only subbing this year to 'ease' back into work mode so I can return to full time teaching next year. Then the stress will begin for sure! LOL! The hope is that the teacher I replace has the day planned and I just go in and teach it but funnily enough some aren't so organised!
    Susan xxox #14 (and late!)

  48. Wow wow wow those cards are brill think I might have to get some colour washes the colour is so vivid. Loving all those goodies.


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