Friday 4 February 2011

Show me some Love!

I don't have anyone special in my life right now to make a Valentine for, but the Simon Says challenge this week is to "show some love" so I made one anyway!

I took a 5x5 inch card and used spun sugar DI leaving a white space in the centre.
Stamped Tim's large heart from the Rock Star set in fired brick and a Wendy sentiment, and rummaged around in the box of die cut letters (knew it would be handy to cut a few at once!!)

Edged the heart in white enamel accents (wish it dried quicker....) and some glitter in the middle. Not sure how well it shows up in the photo.

Going to Kew Gardens tomorrow (unless it's pouring) as it's the first day of their 2011 "tropical extravaganza" orchid display. That means, loads more photos on my other blog, in the next few days (not Sunday as I will be at Stevenage spending money on new stash at the show....)


  1. Smashing card Helen, love the creamy texture of the heart. Have a great weekend. Annette x

  2. Lurvely.. aha, did you see what I did there huh? Love it! Oooh, I did it again LOL xx

  3. Lovely card, Helen! Great idea to use the rock star stamp for Valentine's Day, perfect! Have a great day at Kew!

  4. Love that stamp and isn't it just the perfect stamp for this challenge? Cute idea to add the liquid applique around the edge. Thanks so much for showing us some LOVE over at Simon Says Stamp and Show this week!

  5. Wonderful card Helen, you can always send it to our troops overseas, they need some lovin.
    Have a great time at the orchid show,I can't imagine anything growing right now, must be indoors LOL

  6. Ooo new pics of kew to look forward too!!
    I love this heart image. Don't have it myself yet but it's on my wishlist.
    Fab card!!!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. "Rock Star" is one of my absolute favs of Tim's stamps - and your card's great!
    Enjoy the orchid show - I'm very ready for spring!
    Thank you for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!

  8. Hiya thank you for sharing your Some Love card with us at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog, I really like the Rock Star and the way you have used it. Thank you for sharing Hugs Terry xxxx


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