Saturday 19 February 2011

Destination - unknown

So I took a more lesuirely approach to the second set of stamps, lol!

I decided I'd try the background technique I used on my heart piece on Friday but with different colours - this time, I also dropped some reinker onto the wet gesso too, (wild honey) and used heirloom gold PP spray. Love the puddling before you start to dry it:
I wasn't too sure where I was heading with this one from here, but the stamp set came in handy as you will see!
Took one of the sentiments from the Destination Art set. (couldn't get a very good photo, it says "it started as an art adventure with the destination unknown" if you can't read it properly.
Stamped the car on grungepaper and stuck it to the chip.  It needed something else on a journey/travel theme, so in the end I used a post mark stamp (this one is Paperartsy, as my Tim one was too big)

I also have a tip for you......

When your gesso lid is very stiff (stuck in dried paint) and you tip it to loosen the lid ...... remember to upright it before taking the lid right off. Thank goodness for a craft mat!!!  (and yes, I did wipe my fingers before reaching for the camera....)  Good job gesso isn't TOO runny....


  1. Ooh that puddling is gorgeous, would do well on a zombie piece that effect!

  2. Whoops! Love the background on your piece though...
    xoxo Sioux

  3. Oh thats a cool technique with Great results!
    hugs Lynn

  4. Looks great Helen! Love your stamping, and those backgrounds are turning out wonderful! And the gesso story is

  5. Love the puddling effect and your finished card is stunning, gonna have to get those stamps. Good tip about the gesso, I also have trouble getting the lid off. xx

  6. Love the background technique, and the fnished piece is gorgeous. I already learned that about gesso the hard way. The other lesson is for gel medium... make sure you wipe the rim before puting the lid back on, otherwise you may end up having to cut the pot open and decant into another container!!!

  7. I do love a good BG (background lol) technique, & that's a great one Helen! Your artwork is fab! x

  8. Another tip for you - put a little vaseline/petroleum jelly around the cleaned lid before putting it back on the jar.

    Love your background technique!

  9. Oh heck! Gesso moment!
    Love the result of your experiment - great job and something I must try.


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