Wednesday 23 February 2011

Compendium 33 - alcohol altered metal

We are nearly at the end of the book!! This week with I think only one challenge left to go, Linda sent us to page 56 where we get to play with alcohol inks and metal.

I did a tag (again) and played with a maya road blossom, (it's meant to look like the sun, ok!) a washer and a hinge clip.

I actually made this on Monday but didn't get to post it, and now I can't remember which DI's I used - I think it was pumice stone and tea dye.  The shimmery blue is forever blue PP spray. Stamps are Tim's apart from the birds (stampscapes).  The inks don't show up too well, I used wild plum (hinge) denim (washer) & sunset orange & gold on the "sun"....  Can't get a decent close up so I hope you can see it ok.


  1. I had to smile when you said you cannot remember what colours you used cause I do that all the time LOL. Great tag and metal pieces, mine will have to wait until tomorrow now as light is too poor. Enjoy your evening. Tracy Evans x

  2. Looks great! I never remember what inks I use, lol!

  3. Loving your scene Helen, such a fab stamp and great colours. x

  4. Oh, I never remember what colors of DI's I tag Helen, love the Maya Road blossom for the sun, brill idea!

  5. Helen, this is a great tag! I just love that cityscape stamp, and the altered metal embellishes it wonderfully. I like the soft, misty colors you used for this, and the "journey" sentiment is great!

    Two challenges to go after this week, and wow, it's gone by so very quickly! Tim had better get that new book written soon! ;-)

    BTW, I never remember which AI colors I've used, either.

  6. That bird stamp looks as though it's part of the rest of it, I love the way you do that!

    Another lovely one Helen. Oh and the answer is - have only 5 ink pads *g* Nah I know you'd never survive!

  7. Love the colours and the shimmer effect, beautiful, very serene xx

  8. Carmen's right (as ever!) - the birds really do look part of the skyline. Lovely colours too.

    That WOYWW sign is fab too - have I really never noticed that before? And I only had my eyes checked last week...


  9. Brilliant. Love the stamp and the colours are gorgeous, whatever they are, fab!!

    Lesley x

  10. Very nice tag! Since blogging, I actually started writing down the colors and stamp makers so I'd have them when I post; of course I always leave it on the desk, and post at work, so it doesn't really help! LOL! I love your block as well!


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