Wednesday 19 January 2011

Why, what's on YOUR workdesk?

Hello again, one and all. Got round lots more of you last week - and had lots of fun doing so. Join in the fun here, where Julia will lead you in a merry dance around the globe snooping at people's workspaces. Such variety!

This time, I have my work, workdesk to show you too - still in a bit of a mess, but we're getting there - at least the phones work now and the printer has been moved from the old office!
This is my desk (you can tell by the Liverpool related screen saver!)
"view" from my desk down the office... we've not quite finished unpacking! (this was last week...)
 Craftwise, at home, there is more stash - the second delivery I was waiting for last time! Some Perfect Pearl sprays - oh, BOY do I love these - such shimmer, yum yum. Do I need the other colours?  Oh, yes, I do...
Some paper - this is by 7 Gypsies, it's called Paddington and they are all black and white designs, and I can't wait to use them (yes, that's right I've had them since Friday and not used them yet) and the Tim Holtz labels die, which I am really looking forward to using.
Also been doing some re-cyling from the office - a frame from a certificate no longer required - that will be useful! and the cardboard that wrapped round a set of tumblers - surely I can use that for something....
Got this pack of 4 5x7 canvases for £2.99 which I thought was a bargain - and a dictionary for £1.99 to use for ripping apart!

Think that's buys enough for one week - but got a very long list of things to look out for at Stevenage in a couple of weeks, (6th Feb)! Will try and not get anything else before then (may be difficult though)

Thanks for coming by, I'll catch up with you later (got an appraisal at work so better not be caught blog hopping this week!)


  1. never mind the unpacking! unpacj what you need! Great busy desk, Happy WOYWW 85, thank you for sharing.

  2. Love that 7 Gypsies paper, have it myself and not done anything with it yet. Argh!!! More time please! I also love the Perfect Pearl sprays! They do look yummy!

  3. Hi Helen - lovely set of things on your desk this week. Love that B&W paper stack. Not tried the PP mists but will take your word for it that they are good. Still humming and all that over those dies - bought so many whilst over here - might need a mortgage to pay for them.
    Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing.

  4. Lovee the perfect pearl mists have just used some yesterday to spray prima white flowers and they have come out lush even though say myself!
    See youve been buying T/h dies have you seen the new stuff hes bring out a t the cha hopefully be over here soon....except the things i would like want well need bank loan so much lush stuff on his previews.
    Enjoy stevenage show and remember may wanna keep some by for the Mr T's releases....Have fab wednesday
    hugs judex5

  5. Busy desk you have - work and craft. I like the Tim H die. Thinking maybe I should get one...

  6. oh the mists.. the I love themm probably my favourite thing at the moment :))
    Happy Woywwing
    Jennie #2

  7. Yep, those mists are certainly yummy. Have you won the lottery, big spender, lol. xx

  8. What a lovely lot of fab new stash to play with. Will look forward to seeing the results :-)
    A x

  9. Lots of goddies to look at this week. Isn't up-cycling great!

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a wonderful WOYWW.

    Hugs, Marjo #10

  10. lots of goodies in your craft space. I am thinking about buying some spray mists but was wondering which ones are the best to use.

    cant believe you havent used those papers yet, lol.

    caroline #53

  11. Busy desks both at work and craft, have fun with your lovely new stash :)
    Have a great WOYWW
    Karen #62

  12. Hi ya great new workspace. lots of lovely goodies on ya desk, happy playing,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (26)

  13. hiya,
    will be very interested to see what you do with the tumbler packaging :)
    Debbi #39

  14. Lovely goodies you have and that cardboard will come in handy. I can't imagine any woyww's chucking stuff out.
    Sandra xox#66

  15. DO you know I never would have thought of buying a cheap dictionary for tearing up... brilliant, thanks for the tip!
    Chrissie #75

  16. Oh my goodness, just look at all those goodies! Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. I have one bottle of cosmic shmmer,which I must say is the best colour ever, but I'm still not sure what to do with it! More colours needed I think! The office looks great, shame it's not all crafty space! and all your lovely 'stuff', nice to know some one else save tumbler packaging, 'just in case it comes in handy to make something' !!
    Happy WOYWW< and I think I'm #57, same as last week, so my lie in didn't make me too late!

  18. That paper looks fab and I agree that you really do need all those sprays....I'm working on it myself ;)!!! LOL
    I've had to give myself a good talking to and start to put packaging in the re-cycling 'cos there is no way on earth I'm ever going to use what I've got LOL!
    xoxo Sioux

  19. Looks like things are moving right along. Good luck w/the recycling.

  20. You do need the sprays for sure, I mean, a set isn't a set without all of them!! The only thing I can't possibly think of a justification for is the cardboard from the tumblers- you're going to have to thrill me!! Oo err. 7 Gypsies stuff is lovely, but black and white...bit scarey for me!

  21. Lots of brilliant stuff to look at today - those mists are very appealing. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Elizabeth #78

  22. I love the idea of those misting sprays. Shaz Silverwolf makes her own, with inks and mica and stuff. If you want to know how, go to her blog and ask. Haven't had time to try them properly yet. but it is another josb on the list.

  23. I am trying so hard not to buy paper and then you show that black and white collection that is so amazingly perfect ....I am going off to sulk ...or try to find it on the net .....grrrrrrrrrrr. xx

  24. That tumbler box is just screaming tool/pen caddy to me lol
    Loving the 7gypsie pad, lush!
    Thanks for visiting me
    Happy WOYWW
    Minxy #1

  25. The unpacking can wait, there's new stash to play with. Those papers look yummy!
    Tertia 110

  26. Those are nice looking Tim Holtz dies! And the sprays will work a treat on those canvases too! Mmm all in all could be a very interesting result, Hope you are well!
    Lavinia 99

  27. Hmmm, looks like you've been shopping in The Works too,lol. I bought loads of those canvas packs in different sizes, just have to get the ideas from my head to the canvases next.

  28. Hi Helen, You are certainly a busy gal! I love the perfect pearls mists as well! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my desk. Happy WOYWW! #15

  29. Funny, your tumbler surround reminded me I want to get a wine bottle tote (wonder if I can take one without the wine?) to alter, but then I remembered I need to figure out what to do with it before I start :)

    Love those B&W papers too - very nifty

    Mary Anne

  30. I'm with Minxy that the tumbler box is calling out to be tool or pen storage of some sort. Yummy stash, and I'm glad you've got the printer back at work; that must have been very frustrating.


  31. Lovely goodies on your desk, those sprays look fab. I have some of those canvases in various sizes, and the roll version. The dictionary is a great idea. I go to the Oxfam book shop too, but shh don't tell them that's what I buy the books for! I'm going to Stevenage too, it's a fab show isn't it? Judith xx

  32. yuk appraisals hate them. at least you have all that lovely stash to play with afterwards. hugs Pam x

  33. Looks like someone has actually bought more than I have done. I feel better already. Praps I should go get a few more goodies just to keep up mind no other possible reason!!
    Hugs Mrs A. #92

  34. Ooo that lovely new stash and all that stuff to alter!!! Not sure about the tumbler thingy though!!

  35. Ooo lovely bits and bobs on your desk, just wanna see all the lovely makes you will do with them! Kim

  36. the cardboard that wrapped round a set of tumblers could be used as a base for portable marker/pencil storage or not.

  37. Love all those new goodies! Your desk is waiting for you to create something fab!

  38. You have something new on your "desk" (floor) every week - lovely! I am following in your footsteps ha, ha love new stash!!!! Great bargains where do you buy all of the TH stuff???
    Have a nice evening!

  39. First glance I thought you were making a cardboard house for a minute there.

    Love seeing your floor Helen :) I just 'rescued' a load of books from the girls charity bag to take down the unit for cutting up :P

  40. I love all your new stash esp the paper! I buy lots of cheap book for ripping and painting too! One time a big old dictionary got wet from flooding and I was delirious that i could rip it up! Looking forward to what you'll be doing with the packaging you've saved! Patsy from

  41. i love your new buys, especially the paper and the label die! yup, yum, yum!

  42. I am in the same boat as Angie in her above post ... I am trying not to buy any more design paper BUT that black and white pad is SCREAMING my name! Thanks for the peek!
    xoxo Karen

  43. Wonderful busy workspace, hope you can get all unpacked soon! And yes very yummy goodies to play with you lucky girl!!

    Thanks for the peek! :D


  44. Lol, I'd get fired if I brought a camera anywhere near this place!! Nice to see where all the blogging happens though!! rofl!! Great new stash but I really don't know where you're going to put it!

    Brenda 100

  45. Lots of stuff to keep you busy there!

  46. I have that TH die too, it's brill!

    Great pics this week :-)

  47. Fun stuff on your craft desk. I would definately go for the rest of the pearl sprays. I started making mine a year ago and love using them.

  48. lol, I save all kinds of packaging too thinking I can use it for something. Thanks for the peek :)

  49. Ooooh, lovely stash! Nice to see another person who reuses things like frames! Thanks for sharing...

  50. Great desks and buys - I think the tumbler box should become a caddy for your sprays to they are all easy to grab when you want them ~ Nicky 24

  51. oh have a lot going on this week!

  52. Lovely papers, have fun playing with your new stash

    Alison (43) x


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