Wednesday 5 January 2011

What's on your Workdesk - 5th Jan 2011

Happy New Year, WOYWWers! Hope you all had a great New Year - I stayed home (alone - by choice) watching the fireworks from London on TV in bed - they were fab this year.

So, we have a new year, and I have a new day job desk - but no pics of that yet! We moved offices over the holidays - went in on Tuesday for the first day to the new office - heating broken (in the whole building, not just our office) and so it was freeeeezing.  They say it should be fixed by the end of the week. The phones though won't be in till next week (at least the line won't) till then we're on one mobile between us...  And no printer yet either.... ever tried running an office without a printer?!  hey ho!

So onto my crafting floor space. Nothing on that today either, so taken a couple of "surround pics" for you - excuse the piles of "stuff"!! Just as well I didn't publish a resolution to tidy up, as I haven't (yet)....

 This is supposed to be a chair for sitting on... in front of it is a box of cards I've previously blogged and the blue boxes hold (more) stamps and the top one is my "bit of everything" box - grungepaper, prima flowers, masks, embellishments.... What looks like it may be a huge pile of papers is mainly magazines with my Tim paperstacks on top... and the sweets I didn't eat over Christmas!
This is where I work on the floor - the craft mat is my "desk" and what was before Christmas, quite a tidy pile of bits and bobs! You see the edge of it most weeks in my "desk shot"..

Not sure if I'll get to many of you (again) this week, as I do a lot of my hopping at work - may not get away with that today.... so I'll catch you when I can.  In the meantime, scoot off to head girl Julia's for some more glorious and busier spaces.  She blamed me the other day for encouraging her to buy the Tim Holtz rosette die - cheek!  Julia, hope you're enjoying it!


  1. I always love checking out your floor, Helen. I had to laugh at the stacks of Tim paper, though. That's a serious amount of paper and would last me a lifetime.

    Sorry to read about your office woes. No printer, no phone, no work gets done, that's for sure. But that might be a good thing since there's no heat. Happy WOYWW from # 16 who slept through it all this week.

  2. Great looking floor! So many goodies. Cracked the top 20!

    Sheila #19

  3. I hadn't noticed your pen pot with the WOYWW logo before. Did you enlarge and print the actual picture to make it?
    Happy New Year!
    Chrissie #3

  4. That's some serious stash you got Thanks for the peek and sharing.

    Hugs, Marjo #23

  5. Goodness hope they get the heating up and running soon! So much to look at - you've got a lot of lovely stash there :-)

  6. You did right to convince Julia to buy that die, I have it too and it's brill!

    good luck with sorting your new office out and wrap up warm in the meantime :-)


  7. Gosh so know how it feels to have no heating or water been like thaty since 3days before xmas.Hes' coming today so fingers crossed we may be having heating and hot water.No more washing dishes with
    You did right convincing Julia to get that die as it is the trend for 2011!Have fab day wrap up warm for the office.
    hugs judex6.

  8. What a lot of creative clutter oops I mean stash :-)
    Happy New Year.
    A x

  9. Oh Helen, you and your piles of 'stuff' You need a serious stash storage overhaul, Hay maybe that could be a new TV show, like 60 minute makeover but for messy crafters lol
    Happy New Year to you if i've not already wished it x
    Minxy #25

  10. I love visiting you. It's always interesting to hear about the office too - wow, sounds like it is in a bit of a pickle at the moment but hopefully it will be well worth it in the end.
    Love your chair/floor and seeing all the goodies you have and Yes, the fireworkj show from London was brilliant this year. They did us proud!
    Happy NEw Year by the way.

  11. Great pics! Thank you for sharing.


  12. Yep the fireworks were great...was with friends and we all watched in amazement!
    Hope the heating is working today ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  13. ooh lots of crafty mess ( sorry stash) lol just love that you work on the floor.. I mean do they at work know you do this.. cos no phone or printer.. means they might just get you working on the floor.. good job you have a desk there lol!!
    Thanks for showing

  14. Happy New Year! Lovely busy space there - thanks for sharing - hope your heating gets sorted out at work soon its not fun this time of year is it! I have just treated myself to the rosette die too - cant blame you though as I havent been WOYWWing for a few weeks! No. 28.

  15. I'm sure Julia will love the rosette die, must admit I do not need much persuading LOL. Lots of yummy bits and pieces surrounding your work area today Helen, ideal for a good rummage. Tracy x

  16. thats a PROPER workspace!

    PS i have some fingerless mittens if you want to borrow them for work?

  17. Looks a lot like my work space!!! Floors are so useful :)

  18. That's so strange about your new office. In my last job we moved offices and also had no heating for the first week in January. We were pounding away at the computers in gloves, scarves and coats, and making loads of coffees. Hope it all gets fixed soon! (And a note to crafty bloggers - don't move office in January; it's clearly fated to be very chilly.)

    Loving your floorspace, and I'm very impressed that you can get comfortable enough to work there.

    Bernie #17

  19. Stay warm. There is nothing wrong with staying home on New years. #95

  20. oh I have missed seeing all your stash and stamps - it makes feel I am not alone!
    Linby x #109

  21. Oh what a wonderful pile(s) of stash. Love the floor. Hope your office is getting closer to being functional and warmer. #95

  22. Nothing like a bit of forward planning eh? We have heating here, that thankfully works, but they don't turn it back up until 6am on the morning we're all due back! And as we start rolling in from 7:30 onwards you can imagine what it's like! You know I never tire of looking at all your stash. I've just realised you have Tapestry peg stamps too, although I shouldn't be surprised, you have everything!!

  23. Lots of lovely stash everywhere as always. I thought the fireworks in london were fab this year. Hugs Pam x

  24. You have got so many lovely things, but I think like me, you need a bigger room!!! Do you agree?
    Sue xx 50

  25. You weren't on your own staying at home on New Years Eve, don't worry. The fireworks were amazing, they seem to get better every year.
    I hope you get your heating sorted out at work, keep warm,.
    Hugs Lisax

  26. Hope your heating gets sorted very soon, sounds like you guys are freezing over there. The weather seems to have gone crazy. We are in the midst of a heat wave.
    Love your floor and so glad to see other people have 'pyramids' (Thats what I call the piles of things)on their space too. Mine has a tendancy tp topple over before I pack everything away and start again.

  27. Gosh Helen - your floor makes mine look clinical this week!!! But at least yours is because you;ve been creating - mines like that through laziness!!!

    Nice to hear from you - thanks for the visit...

    Paula x x x

  28. Check out that chair full of stuff! Love it...I must say that I can rival for magazines; but the older they are, the more fresh inspiration they seem to impart..... ANd I have used the die you made me's great actually..very lazy!

  29. Love all the bits and bobs laying around - you have more Tim Holtz stuff than he has ha, ha!!!!
    So you spent New years eve in bed watching tele?? - you know I think sometimes that is quite nice! I might do that next year!
    Happy New year! Have a crafty, happy and healthy one!

  30. oh dear, I think my floor is worse than yours even though I have a bench! Don't think I'd dare take a picture of it! Love all your TH, must get more his year! Happy WOYWW!

    Happy New Year!

  31. Very busy desk an wow look at all those stamps in the back! And hey do I spot a WOYWW mug there in the middle of it all!! :D

    Thanks for the peek!


  32. What a lovely lot of stsh to play (create) with. Hope your heating sorted by now, in time for the next lot of freezing conditions. We went to buy a solid fuel/wodd burning stove the other day and the showroom was Freeeeeezzzing - not a good advert - we went elsewhere to somewhere that was warm. Love your mug.

  33. Wow what a lot of stash - hope your office has heating at least by now - Nicky 124

  34. Am so late on my travels this week Helen. Love that you are fully messy *ahem* creatively cluttered already :D

    C x


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