Saturday 1 January 2011


1.1.11 - what a great date! I wanted to do something really gorgeous but my mojo left me.

 At least a year ago, I bought this, and it has sat on a pile gathering dust ever since. But I saw that Nick and her daughter are wrecking theirs and it spurred me into action.
So far I haven't done much and I am not much good yet at letting my inhibitions go - but it's a start. I have also realised I can't free-hand draw very good circles!!
Maybe tomorrow I will be able to make some proper art!!


  1. Your hand drawn cicles are definitely better than mine ... I can't cut circles out either ... even when they are perfectly drawn!!!

  2. Love the idea helen, I must get a journal to wreck - it might really help me to let go a bit more.
    I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and peaceful 2011 and hope it is all you wish for yourself.
    Thankyou for visiting me and leaving a message.
    luv [brenda} xoxox
    PS I used to live in Sutton and Cheam - Gander Green Lane and Windsor Avenue, many many years ago tho. xx

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR Helen ♥♥
    Have fun with your journal. Good luck taking it for a walk!! ;)
    Sending you best wishes for the new year. Gez.xx

  4. You are one brave lady Helen......wrecking a journal...eeek Annette x

  5. Hey at least you have started it! lol! Looks good so far, it starts with the smallest step!

  6. I keep looking at these on Amazon. I was considering getting three or four so I could do it with the girls. Am going to keep my beady eye on yours and see how you go :P

  7. Well, much better circles than mine would be. Keep at it - will be worth it.

  8. Tose circles look good to me. Keep it up with your journal, love looking at your work. x


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