Friday 3 December 2010

Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas - Day 3

Today's tag from Tim is a beauty!! (check it out via the link) Mind you I was nearly stumped at the first hurdle, could I find a bare tree stamp to use for the branch?  Could I heck. 

So had to use the Owl Buddies (simply stamps) that I love so much and try hard not to ink anything other than the branches....  distress ink covers a multitude of sins!
I didn't take step by step photos again today, either, (too busy coughing) but following Tim's instructions

I didn't have the seasonal salvage stickers so cut a piece from the seasonal stack which just happen to match! and stuck it to some grungepaper. I thought the next size up would be too big but looking at it now, this one is quite tiny, so maybe my first thought would have been best.  Made a tissue tape flower (great video, Tim!) and a button from my stash matched the colours I've used.

After I took the photos I realised I hadn't coloured the grunge edges of the bird - so now they're grey!  Will have to try and remedy that - carefully!   My snow cap paint dabber is very thick and doesn't flow very well, so I don't think the snow spatters show up very well, will have to try watering it down again!
Found some red tinsel which I twisted to form a double strand and used some of the lace that I got in the goody bag from Lynn Stevens recently, coloured using the method outlined by Tim. Knew it would come in handy, Lynn!

I had real fun doing today's tag, I wonder what tomorrow will bring?!

The cold itself is a bit better today, but the cough is as bad, and so I didn't want to go out in the cold again today, so have stayed home. I will have to go out tomorrow, though as I am running out of milk and need some other basics from the shops, so I hope the pavements improve a bit overnight - we still have several inches of snow outside my flat, (and my icicles are growing nicely!!) but they are talking about black ice overnight and I don't want to fall over (like last year!)


  1. This is so pretty...nice use of the tree stamp too ;)
    I don't have the tape or the die but someone kindly sent me a die cut the other week so I'll have to see what happens.......much later!!!
    xoxo Sioux

  2. Well yet another stunner from you Helen, sorry to hear you are still under the weather - I am sure all this cold weather doesn't help !, Take care if you do go out it is treacherous !!! xxx

  3. Oooo its lovely, well done :D
    Julie xx

  4. Aww Helen, sorry you are still not feeling too good :( Love this tag, great improvisation for the branch, lol.

  5. Helen, I like your tree a lot! Your flower turned out quite well, too. A great tag!

  6. Brilliant tag Helen! Gues what...I forgot to ink the edges of my bird too! Lol! xx

  7. LOve your tag Helen. I'm looking foward to starting on day 3, it looks like real fun.
    Sue x

  8. Gorgeous - love that red birdy.

  9. Gorgeous Tag, and I struggled with the tree too today!
    Donna x

  10. Love your tag :)))
    Keep warm, as it is bitter out there.. I know been out on my sledge!! lol

  11. Fantastic tag, love your take on it. Afraid my COP is back again, so with best of intentions haven;t managed today, but meds back up to high levels, so hoping to catch up in a couple of days.

  12. Gorgeous tag Helen. Love your take on it. It's so lovely to see how everyone does a little (or a lot!) in such a different way.

  13. Ohhh this is pretty. I do believe this is my favorite Tim tag so far. I'm going to play today and get mine done, So glad the lace came in handy. I hope you feel better soon.
    Maybe you can have a neighbor pick you up some milk and such, you shouldn't go out in the cold being sick!

  14. Lynn is right you shouldn't go out with that cold Helen, definitely have to lasso a neighbour.
    I love your tag and all the improvisations. You may have forgot to outline the bird, so did I and I forgot to put the blessed wing in.............its no fun being senile believe
    Take care and keep warm. Annette xx

  15. Very nicely done! I think the stanp works just as nicely!

  16. Great tag, I do love that tissue tape idea for a flower, I must have a go. Take care in the snow, it's certainly very slippy underfoot up here, where 1cm ish of snow fell earlier on icy pavements - nasty!

  17. Another lovely tag Helen, well done with the flower - I really struggled with this bit. I wouldn't go out if you don't need to - very slippy pavements x

  18. Hi Helen, love your Tag....I had to cut into my paper stash for this one too! S x

  19. Gorgeous tag Helen, I am following your blog now as it is really super xxx

  20. Another brilliant rendition by helen. You are creating some beauties here.


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