Sunday 12 December 2010

Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas - Day 12

The last day!! Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas has come to an end again! And he kept a great one for day 12. Although it involved movers and shakers dies, that I don't have -

 This is Tim's
And this is mine.   Didn't have any pine cones but found some wooden holly leaves in a box of stash - could have done with finding them the other day, lol! which I coloured green with pine needs distress ink direct from the pad, and with a blending tool round the sides - for the holly berries, I took some small pearls from that necklace I "donated to the cause" the other day which i coloured red - badly - tried using barn door reinker but it didn't really stick  so added some cranberry alcohol ink.
I traced round a maya road oval frame for the basic oval shape - my freehand one was too wonky - and added the extra bits myself. Freestyle-drew the letters
Cut out with a sharp knife, before added the distress ink and rock candy distress - I had a mostly dried up bottle so used the brush that came with it - which is now red, but I can use it again!!
The rest of the tag is as per Tim's. (apart from the corners - badly fashioned out of tin foil from the kitchen. Don't look too closely at them)

These 12 Tags have been so much fun - I have managed to get each one done on the day - amazingly - and will miss them. BUT it does mean I can now get on with Christmas - need to write my cards - (think I still have a fair few to finish making!) - and in the post and then there are the presents to buy - although, I did go to Kew Gardens yesterday for the first time since the end of October (due to all the business with my eyes, glasses, the weather and my cold!) and bought some presents there - so feel quite good with myself today!
Will link this final tag at Artyjen's - thank you all for looking and saying such nice things about my tags. See you all for 12 Tags of 2011, rofl.


  1. Well done it looks fabby :D
    Julie xx

  2. Great improv there Helen, it looks really lovely. I haven't managed to keep up at all, so well done you!

  3. Looks great to me Helen. I had to cut my bauble out by hand as well, I then pinched bits off Xmas dcorations. My background leaves a lot to be desired, I maybe need to buy Tim's paper stack.

  4. Gorgeous, It turned out great! I too had to cut the ornament out by hand, but it didn't take much time as it's a pretty easy shape!
    Donna x

  5. It looks fabulous Helen! Guess I'll have to do some housework, now it's finished! Lol! xx

  6. What a great way to finish the tags - this is fabulous, I will miss seeing everyones versions of these little works of art - thanks for sharing xxx

  7. Another great tag, love how you cut the bauble and lettering.You did really well to do them all on the day, I still have three to do.but I did finally finish writing my Christmas cards this afternoon!

  8. I have so enjoyed your adventures Helen and all the fabby tags you've created. This one is gorgeous and love your patience in cutting your own bauble....which is terrific. Take care and have a goodly week. Annette x

  9. A gorgeous tag Helen - your bauble is so beautifully cut.

    It has been great visiting your blog and seeing your tags. Hope to pop by regularly.

  10. Congrats on getting them ALL done, Helen. I only managed nine. But now it's on to other things we need to get done. And there's always Tag Tuesday!

  11. From one Helen to another... good job! Was it you that won one of the prizes from Tim's blog?

  12. Bravo for finishing all the tags. I've decided to only do 10...until maybe after the holidays, just for the techniques. Boy oh boy did you work hard on this one. It's beautiful. Glad you're feeling better.

  13. Really enjoyed following your tads Helen and this is another super one.

    Reading you use pine needles reminds me I ahve it, it's one right doen the bottom of the stakcs which I never seem to use, need to remedy that.

    B x

  14. Another gorgeous tag Helen. It looks fabulous.
    Sue xx

  15. Lovely! Appreciate all of the "how to" you provided. Thanks for being generous in your time and coming to comment on my blog! I'm happy to hear someone else is still working on cards!

  16. I see you cut your own bauble too, looks fab Helen x

  17. So fun playing with our tags together. Its amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it! Great take on day 12, now on with the Christmas festivities!


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