Wednesday 29 December 2010

Nothing's on my desk - crafting withdrawal symptons alert!

Hi everyone, just got home from Mum's - but due to some advance planning with a neighbour and a key, the flat is nice and warm as she put the heating on yesterday for me..... nothing worse than coming home to a cold flat.....

Had a lovely time with Mum but it's nice to be home (computer access etc!) Here are some pictures I took on Boxing Day.

(except this which is from the train window on the way down - somewere around Dorking - still realy snowy!)
I went out on Boxing Day for a walk - it was COLD but no wind, so quite pleasant - these are the frosty leaves in Mum's garden. I love frost on leaves.
And this is me on the beach - I have never seen the stony Pagham beach with frost on before!!
Although the frost doesn't really show very well - it was thick frost!
And Pagham has a "Pram Race" - it's a pub crawl round the pubs of Pagham really - every year on Boxing Day when teams dress up in fancy dress. They are meant to drink a pint in each pub but quite often they carry them along the streets with them...
My camera's memory card ran out so I couldn't get many but there are a few more on my "photosbyh" blog.

Hope you all got lots of lovely crafty presents - I'll  be round to play with them later..... till next week, TTFN and Happy New Year to you all.


  1. been ages since I've seen a pram race. Pretty frosty photos.
    Be Blessed
    from Angela (54)

  2. Fabulous photos. Glad you came home to a warm house. :) Sending you very Best Wishes for the New Year & happy crafting.xx

  3. Welcome HOME. I know the feeling, although I came home to a very cold house. I hope you had a great Christmas. I totally understand no internet. Little did I know when I left suddenly last Wednesday that I would not have access to the internet, either. I didn't even get to wish you a Merry Christmas, and now it's time to wish you the best in 2011. You and your art were sorely missed, dear friend (#2).

  4. fab photos! I love the one with your shadow - how i wish I had legs that long lol
    Happy new year to you and yours xx

  5. Looks like you had a great Christmas and love those pics. Have a Happy 2011
    joZarty x

  6. Glad you had a good christmas Helen, Happy WOYWW and wishing you a very happy new year x
    hugs Minxy #33

  7. Lovely photos, glad you had a good time and a Happy New Year to you too. xx

  8. Nothing worse than coming home to a cold house! Lovely piccies. Wishing you a Happy Creative 2011. Carolxx

  9. GORGEOUS photos you've shared with us here today! Thank you

    I'm #20 on the WOYWW list this week. Stop by when you get a chance.

    And a Happy *almost* New Year to you!!

  10. Love the piccys and great to see a pram race.Glad you had heating when you got home ,more than i idid.what alovely neighbour!
    Have wonderful new year wishing you and yours a happy healthy crafty one!
    hugs judex5

  11. Welcome back Helen and Happy New Year! Glad you had a great time at your mums. Happy WOYWW! #4

  12. You take the best pictures! I love that leaf one!

    Welcome back Helen :) yes lots of lovely crafty pressies here and another unexpected one on the way after Craig offered to pay for some stamps for me!

    Get the kettle on and get crafting :P

  13. Great frosty pics. Happy New Year!

  14. Love those frosty pictures...have a great New Year!
    xoxo Sioux

  15. Fantastic photos! The frost sure adds and extra element of cold!

  16. Gordeous shots of the real chill !

  17. Great fun photo of the pram race. Good planning on your part to come home to a warm flat.
    All the best for the new year.
    Sandra #29

  18. Pics look like such fun! Happy creative crafting in the New Year. Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #10

  19. Super photos and the pram race looked like soooo much fun !
    Happy WOYWW and all the best for 2011 - be back to see what you're up to
    Anne xxx

  20. Lovely photos.
    Happy final WOYWW for 2010 and Happy 2011!
    Susan #13

  21. Cool pics, brrrr!

    All the best for 2011,

  22. Welcome back Helen, hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you a fab 2011.
    Your mum lives in Pagham? My ex-inlaws used to holiday there every year! Small world :)

  23. Lol, a pram race, such a British thing!! Love the frosty photos, hope you had a really good Christmas and here's to lot's of crafty inspiration in 2011.

    Brenda 81

  24. love the photos and yay to a nice warm flat - happy new year x

  25. What fun! Thanks for sharing the photos - that what I love about WOYWW. It transports us all over the world so easily. What wonderful neighbor you must have to come and turn the heat on for you. Happy craftin in the New Year. Hauoli makahiki hou from AmberInk (#1 this week)

  26. Love your frosty photos Helen! Don't think I've ever seen a frosty beach either! lol! Hope you have a great & creative new year!
    Alison xx

  27. Brilliant photos there - I love the frosty beach, those etched leaves, your tall shadow and the fun race. Hope you soon get to address that crafting withdrawal and have a happy crafty 2011,

    Bernie #17

  28. A pram race! Looks like a lot of fun. Do they have the pram and a designated "pram pusher" in the case of too many pints? lol Thanks for the pics. #75

  29. Frost on a beach - blimey. Wedon't have a pram race, but in Pewsey we have a WheelBeero race during carnival week. Seriously, the kidneys and liver take until the next year to recover!

  30. I know I'm running late on this and it's almost yet another Wednesday but thought it was worth taking a peek and I was right. Brilliant set of photos showing just how cold it has been. Love the frosted leaves. Elizabeth #57


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