Wednesday 17 November 2010

What's on your Workdesk ?

Sorry about last week's inaction, thank you to those of you who left further comforting messages!  No updates yet, other than I have ordered my glasses - still waiting to hear from the hospital for the neuro referral.  So, as they say, life must go on.

And true to form, I've been shopping!!  Just decided I had to have the Tim Holtz seasonal paper stack and it arrived at work on Tuesday - just in time for it's starring role here, lol!  I had to open it there and then to check out the fab papers!

 I can't wait to start using them!
And at the weekend I finally got some more cards made - there are a few more than this, but there are multiples of some ( now that I am so far behind schedule, LOL!) The Santa one was blogged the other day for my Sunday Stamper entry.

And these singing hedgies are waiting to be cut out and put onto finished  cards.  I have a old PSX stamp of a lamp-post that I am thinking they will look good singing under (it's not really the right scale, but I figure I can claim artistic licence!)
The Tim Holtz lamp-post would be better size-wise but I am trying to be good with the credit card (sort of!)

Anyhow, if you have called here wondering why I am showing you my very messy craft sheet (much loved) check out all the other fellow work-deskers here - Julia does a sterling job marshalling us all each week, thanks Julia!


  1. Helen, good to see you are starting creating again...and yes that paper block is fab! lol
    Hugs to you
    Happy Woywwing!

  2. Well done on the Christmas card front... they look great, and those papers look fab!

  3. Blimey Helen, I haven't made a single one yet LOL That is really behind :O)) Neeeed those papers... geting them... tomorrow.. yipyah and thrice. Hope you get news from the hosp soon hun x

  4. helen, love the little carol singers. Have you thought of masking them off and making the lamp look like it is in the background if you are not happy with the size?
    AS for the TH, so jealous. enjoy playing with them. caroline #13

  5. This is not messy! So disappointed ;-D.
    Those TH papers look amazing! I'm sure they will be gone in no time!

    AmberInk is #3 on Woyww this week!

  6. Love that paper. I can see why you can't resist it. And I'm glad to read that you are making art, including Christmas cards. I hope you get positive news from the neuro doctor. I also hope glasses help.

  7. Hi ya
    oh those papers are gorgeous, fab cards , luv the cute hedgies, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(29)

  8. Hark the herald hedgehogs sing.............
    Luv Joanne xx

  9. I've oggles that DP but not succombed - as yet anyhow.

    Looks like plenty of work in progress at your end.

    B x

  10. Lovely cards I see and I agree fab DP too! Jo xxxx

  11. Wow lots of lovely cards and imaghes.As for the paper isnt it just delicious!!!Good old Tim does it again!Have fab wednesday
    Hugs jude#41

  12. lots of lovely stuff today, have a great wednesday

  13. Gorgeous Tim Holtz paper. I fell in love with the Shabby Vintage set at the NEC - just hope Father Christmas brings me some for Christmas!! Hope you are feeling better very soon. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 34)

  14. Love your singing hedgehogs, they look sooo cute, I'm in the middle of doing one for my digi store, hope he turn out as good! Have a Great WOYWW!

  15. Sorry you havent got your glasses yet
    super cards, love the hedgies too

    mandi x

  16. Lots of fab crafting on show today.
    A x

  17. oh I love Tims,papers,they are just lush love the cards you have made so far they look great
    ,hugs cheryl 62 xxx

  18. Hey easy on yourself, recouperating, working and crafting all time consuming stuff. Looks like you are doing great :) looking forward to seeing how you use the TH papers

  19. FAb TH stash, lucky you! Nice and organised there... have a great WOYWW,
    JoZarty x

  20. Love the new paper stash! Your cards are SweeT - wonderfully cheery!

  21. Such gorgeous cards and papers! good luck with the specs etc!!

  22. Lovely stamped images - those hedgies look fab! But the stained glass window caught my eye, as did the Father Christmas top right of that shot. Look gorgeous!
    Hope the glasses help the problem. Take care!
    Hugs #69

  23. great colouring on the hedgehogs and a nice new paper stack

    be blessed
    from Angela #83

  24. Ha, ha being good with your credit card??? Don't think so if all those goodies are arriving - unless Santa is bringing them early! I love your Christmas cards and I had a bit of a look back to the posts of the last week and I like all your crafting!
    Hope the news from hospital will come soon and hopefully be good!

  25. oooh look at that paper stack!! Have lots of un with it xx

  26. Fanfare please. I have made... one card! LOL! And you've seen that!

    Love the look of that paper stack and I think those hedgiehogs are definitely in need of a lamp post to carole under :D

    I didn't know that about Alice on Desert Island Discs so will be listening to that thanks Helen :D

  27. HIya Helen-Yay it is good to be alive BUT this "won't kill you stuff" really rpesses my angry button. NO I want to scream but it certainly takes your life apart. Thankgoodness for good ole crafting all that takes apart is your credit card LOL

  28. See I am also developing dyslexia!Hug hug hugXXX

  29. Love the papers and those hedgehogs are just so cute - thanks for sharing

  30. Gorgeous hedgies, PB are the best.
    Thanks for sharing your desk.
    Cathy xx

  31. Adorable. I love those papers too. I have the yet to delve into my pack :)

    Mary Anne

  32. I picked up a pack of that paper at the rubber stamp convention in carson, ca last saturday. i don't want to cut it up! LOL But yes, I will be using some - today as a matter of fact *smiles*

    Hope you get a chance between creating to stop by and see my WOYWW this week. I'm #118

  33. Love the paper pad, your so organised with your images only ever do one at a time, might help if I try doing it this way. Have a great day. Carolxx

  34. Another person organised with Christmas cards!!!!!

  35. those papers look lush
    thank you for visiting my blog

  36. Love those papers too, how CAN you use them?!!! and your cards look fab!
    Donna #73

  37. Oooh I love those papers, but Ive bought the Lost and found set and I don't want to cut them up, I just keep looking at them :)

    Have a fab week...A.xx(2)

  38. The paper looks really good and I love your cards too.
    Sue xx 71

  39. It is truly difficult to visit everyone's desk, so if I didn't get to you last week, here I am now! :-) Beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing your desk. Happy WOYWW!

  40. I love these papers Helen, and you have made a fabulous start on your Christmas cards, well done you. Hope you receive good news soon about your eyes. Tracy Evans x x

  41. Thanks for visiting Katemade Designs and I thought I was too old for going out each night to so I canceled dinner tonight. The boy (and his mom) needs some rest.
    Lovely paper and cute projects. Especially like the Santa on the red background.

  42. Love that paper and that Santa in the second pic!

  43. I want to come play at your desk, and play with the TH paper and your stamps. Thanks for the peek.

  44. yummy papers helen and i was so sorry to read about your eye problems hun, i went back a few posts and i think you are being wonderfully positive hun. hugs Lou xxx

  45. Hi Helen,

    I'm sorry to hear of your eye problems, hope they can sort it out for you and that it isn't painful x

    You're way ahead of me in the making Christmas cards department - in fact I think you've lapped me about three times - lol

    Thanks for already coming to visit my desk today.

    Sherry (120)

  46. love TH papers. I am at the eye dept in the morning myself so hope yours goes Ok.

  47. Continuing sympathy for your eye problems Helen. Love the TH papers and your cards are great - especially love the Santa one and those hedgehogs are cute - look forward to seeing the finished cards. Thanks for visiting my desk already. Hugs, Elizabeth x

  48. Hi Helen, that pad is lush isn't it? Love your Christmas cards........not even atarted mine yet! Especially the Santa one :-) S #16

  49. wow you're on a roll,delish papers I never want to cut them up, lovely cards

  50. Fab collection of cards you have made.


  51. I love your cards here and the Tim Holtz paper stack looks super-yummy!!!

  52. love you cards and the paper stack looks yummy

  53. That's that attitude! Get creating, buying new stash can't hurt either! Love that Christmas greeting on the cards.

    Brenda 92

  54. those gorgeous new paper sheets and the projects you can make with them will surely help keep your spirits up. hope all goes well with your health concerns.

  55. Love the TH papers! Will be on the lookout for them on your blog to see where you use them!
    Great xmas cards you have made and the hedgehogs are too cute! You are right they would be perfect under a lampost!
    Best wishes to you!

  56. Really like the hedgies

    Have a good week

    Alison x

  57. Sounds like you're feeling less worried now, so we can breathe a bit easier huh. You've been at the cards with intent - very impressed by your turnout - and what do you mean you're behind..where on earth does that put me!!

  58. What gorgeous paper. Happy WOYWW! Kathleen x

  59. So jealous of those papers! Have fun with them xx

  60. Gorgeous cards. They all look lovely.

  61. Those new papers you got are so pretty.. Glad your back and feeling a bit better.. I hope your 100% very soon.

  62. Love that paper. Haven't started my Christmas cards yet (or shopping)!!! Would like to cancel it but my kids might protest! Susan xxox #17


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