Wednesday 27 October 2010

WOYWW 73 - Christmas??

Yikes, only 2 months to Christmas!! Need to crack on with my cards now, so on my mat on the floor today, is a card - clean and simple, black and white - and a tag that I may put on a card too.
The tag's covered with eco green paint left over from my Sunday Stamper entry earlier this week, (didn't want to waste it, lol) and the reindeer is by Tim Holtz, the greeting by Wendy Vecchi..  The stamp I used on the black and white card, is a Penny Black one called "snowy park" and it's really pretty. I bought it at the Worthing stamp show in May I believe and have been dying to use it!

Looking around the room, I was rummaging in my Christmas drawers (some of them) looking for some stamps - they live behind the green drawer unit in the first picture so it takes a bit of shuffling to get at them! Still, since my small reorganisation after the phone fixing week from earlier this month, they're easier to get to (I used to have to lean over the top of one of the wooden drawer units that used to stand where the cardboard ones now live, and bearing in mind that in front of the cardboard drawers my distress inks and melt pot live, that was not easy!)

I am off now to our host Julia's at the Stamping Ground to spend an evening chasing round the desks and cupboards of the crafting stratosphere to see what you've all been up to - I will leave comments where I can, blogger and time permitting!  Have a great Wednesday. All being well, this post will schedule early and I'll link it up when I get to work.


  1. Oh wow wonderful place for crafting.

  2. Love the black & white stamped image

    Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing


  3. Fantastic craft space
    i LOVE your card!

    Super storage and I can seee its jammed packed with goodies!

    Happy WOYWW
    mandi xx

  4. Card looks great and just look at all those drawers! What treasure they must contain!

  5. Your work space cracks me up, I just love it. So many drawers, I'm envious, love the card, black and white it so sophisticated. xx

  6. What a lot of drawers. I would love a rummage in those.
    Luv Joanne xx

  7. Lovely organised workspace there - glad you have been able to get into your Christmas drawers! Cards are lovely too - thanks for sharing (no. 26)

  8. That snowy park stamp is really pretty! Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a crafty evening/week! # 47

  9. I'm suffering storage envy now - what I wouldn't give for space enough for the drawer space you have, difficult in accessing notwithstanding. I really like that snowy scene too:)

  10. All those drawers filled with goodies

  11. LOVE that snowy park stamp! Fabulous! Hope you have a great WOYWW! ~ ellen

  12. Can I come round and play. I could sit for hours going through your stuff I love it!!

    Laura (63) x

  13. Love the scene on your Christmas card, very classy in black and white. Now you have said it is only 2 months to Christmas I'm in a bit of a panic, where has the time gone. Great tag. Tracy Evans x

  14. Love your cards, and am so jealous of all those drawers filled with lovely stash :D #65

  15. wow so organised i love the draws x
    Vicky (66)

  16. really like that snowy card. lots of christmas stamps to play with. i would have at least one card per stamp lol. caroline #14

  17. The only thing more fun than peeking at desk is peeking in drawers. Lovely stamps. S #84

  18. I can't imagine how much lovely stuff is hiding in those drawers. Great card/tag.

  19. Your space is so great! Soooo many drawers, which means soooo much stash! Yum!
    I love your snowy park stamp too! It's beautiful!
    Thanks for visiting me today!

  20. It's all looking good to me Helen ... great card!

  21. The card with the snowy park stamp image is great! Wow, you have many stamps. I have just organised mine.

    Hugs, Moy Yin #16

  22. I love clean and simple too...I think it is my favourite Christmas style especially if it is a snowy scene. Nice tag!!
    sue xx 56

  23. Scary how quick the time has gone this year huh? It's November next week! Love the PB stamp, but let's face it.... I love ALL PB stamps!!

    Brenda 89

  24. beautiful card and tag - I'm in love with that reindeer!! :)

  25. loving the tag!! and wow you have some serious stash xx

  26. Cards are looking fab and i would love to have a rumage in you stash! good luck with your christmas card making, i'm off to the card marathon with the lovely Julia this weekend:)

  27. That card is stunning! I really need to get started on mine, too!!!

  28. Two months? Oh nooooo!

    Love the look of that image with all the tress in it!

  29. Oh gosh, why did you remind me of Christmas?... umpf... We're having a Halloween Party this Saturday, no Christmas in sight. I refuse to think about it...
    I like your tag, the eco green is cool, and that Penny Black stamp on your card is beautiful!

  30. Love that reindeer. Great stash. Thanks for visiting me. Kathleen x

  31. What a lovely looking organised space. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 24)

  32. It's so long since I visited. Love your tag and that snowy stamp looks amazing - would be fab on a xmas card.

  33. The card looks great Helen. As do your drawers, lol! Love seeing everyone's spaces, even those who work on the floor! lol!

  34. Wow, check out all those drawers!

    That stamp you've used is beautiful


  35. wow all that staorage which can only mean ...lots of stash
    thanks for the peek

  36. Very nice card! Makes me realize I'm seriously behind. And I love your storage...thanks for letting us peek!

  37. I love that black and white image you have used....makes me look forward to Christmas and snowy woodland walks.
    Thanks for sharing your workdesk with me and for popping over to see mine.
    Love Carrie

  38. Your tag and card look great. I like the crispness of the black and white card.

    All your storage looks so good too.

    Thanks for already coming to visit my desk today.

    Sherry (115)

  39. Evening, love the snowy park stamp, it's very pretty. How many sets of drawers do you??and I bet they're all full of yummy crafty bits...
    hope you've had a great day!
    Michelle (35)

  40. Lots of great storage here, love all those stamps. Thanks for the snoop round.

  41. Oh, the storage! Fabulousness. I do love the reindeer stamp. Thanks for visiting me today. :)

    Susan #119

  42. Goodness me, you have so many stamps.
    How fun. I like your card. I don't want to think about Christmas yet.
    Have a great rest of your week.
    WOYWWer #121

  43. What lovely organisation. Great card too - must get on with the "C" word soon myself. Thanks for sharing. #46

  44. I love the Christmas card, very pretty.

    Alison x

  45. I love your black and white card. Simple, elegant and festive. Perfect.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Rachel #43

  46. Good HEAVENS...look at all those drawers!!! omg...can I come over to play?????

  47. Thanks for a peek at your lovely workspace. Christmas is coming fast and I aint even started yet lol
    hugs June xxxx

  48. Oh Helen, I just love that Snowy stamp, it reminds me of a photo I took in Central Park NY a few years back while on a Christmas shopping trip.
    Your stamp storage is so organised too.
    I’m ashamed to say that my stamps are just thrown into a few drawers and are in a right old mess.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog


  49. Like the snowy park stamp, that one would have caught my eye too.

    ** kate **

  50. Hi Helen, love all of your lovely crafty storage, what a great place to work. I love those reindeers, great getting started on your cards, I must do mine, lol! Heidi x

  51. I'd b dying to use it too, that stamp is gorgeous! It don't half make my back ache to think of u working on the floor, u kno!

  52. eight weeks - arghhhh

    must do more cards -

    nah - gonna do more to my altered book !!!!

    dx 52

  53. Ohhh I'm drooling. I saw that Penny Black stamp at the Harrogate show in September and loved it but had run out of craft pennies. It looks gorgeous stamped up. I may have to indulge after all.
    Your stamp storage is amazing.
    Hugs Lisa(90)

  54. Thanks for a sneeky peek at your crafty space! you looks so organised!!! Loving all your wooden drawers so full of stamps! such a great space! TFS Hugs Juls #138

  55. Lovely Christmas scene you are working on Helen!

  56. Hi Helen, Love all your storage space. Just love Tim H. reindeer, might have to invest for next year as I have already got a couple, one from SU and one diecut from Sizzix oh and one Bambi one from Quickutz, but really, love TH reindeer. Have fun with your cards, they look fab.Hugs JO.`*88

  57. I just love that reindeer stamp - I have it too ;-) Love the snowy park one too, it's wonderful
    Anne x

  58. Love that black and white card - Stunning!


  59. That B & W card is gorgeous and I love the deer tag, too. At least something good came from the phone disaster organization!

    Thanks so much for the sweet words you left on my blog. I'm still moving slowly, but trying to start visiting people who visited me. Yes, I use my microwave for dyeing fabrics AND drying flowers. However, it is not for food! Happy very belated WOYWW (# 15).

  60. Sorry I am late. Love your black and white Christmas card, it is so beautiful. I also love your organized storage! Thanks for the peek!
    ~Shari #130


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