Tuesday 19 October 2010

Honey, I'm Home! and a couple of challenges

Boy, only been away since Friday but I have missed you all! Nothing wrong with going away, especially to see my Mum, but I did miss my blog and all of yours too!!

I got home around lunchtime, had some chores (washing, shopping) to do but spent some time catching up on what you've all been doing whilst I've been gone.

Had some nice post (check back for that tomorrow!) and managed to fire off a tag for a couple of challenges.

First up, Tag Tuesday is to use black and orange. Haven't really got anything halloweeny, which was my first thought for the colours, so had to think again.  The Compendium challenge - week 18 - half way already! is dabber resist from page 37. 

Can't tell you about the compendium technique but you probably know it anyhow. I had real trouble - wanted to use a different stamp - the other side of this shows the disaster I had - presumably not enough dabber (oops, nearly gave it away) as just ended with mud.

Used the same stamp in black and another Tim one for the sentiment. I always this that this flourishy stamp looks like Cinderella's carriage when it's the right way up, or is that just me? It's upside down, here! The resist also shows up much better in the photo than on the tag (that may be the poor lighting in here!)
Anyhow, it's lovely to be home, will be back tomorrow for WOYWW, as I have another couple of days off work yet, (meant to be starting my Christmas cards!)


  1. Welcome home, and two challenges completed already, I've not started the CCC yet so you have done well. Great tag and the dabber resist shows up really well. Tracy Evans x

  2. Great to have you back and I love the tag, the resist really shows up, lovely x

  3. you are right on the spot with your challenges aren't you? great job on the tag. I have tried FOUR different times already and no matter what am not winning. Will try again and again til it works!!! lol

  4. Brilliant tag Helen! I have a disaster on the reverse of my tag too! Lol! x

  5. Love the resist...now you mention it Cinderella really does fit the stamp!
    xoxo Sioux

  6. Beautiful! I love the resist here :)

  7. OMG... Helen... you will NEVER guess what??? My Mojo naffed orf so I decided to just chuck some stuff at a tag... and.. my dabber resist.. is THE SAME stamp!!!! Eeeeee, great minds and all that!!! Hope u have had a goodly weekend.. missed ya! x

  8. How lovely. Just perfect for both challenges!

  9. Fabby tag hun. Sooo lovely to have you back with us (hugs) Good luck with the Christmas cards..don't envy you! I keep ignoring that little voice in my head saying make a start!!
    Enjoy the rest of your time off work. Hope that means we get to visit you again this week ;)
    Hugs Gez ♥

  10. Great background and wonderful quote.

  11. Stunning tag and the sentiment is perfect!

  12. Great tag! I love that flourish stamp and I can see what you mean about it so it is not just you, lol!

  13. Well, this side of the tag is beautiful.

  14. I like how it turned out. the color combo is lovely.

  15. Welcome back! Great tag, and way to rock two challenges! Love that flourish stamp, and I think your resist turned out great!

  16. Helen, now that you've said that, I can totally see the Cinderella pumpkin coach in that flourish stamp! LOVE it!

    Love your tag, too. The colors are so rich, and the resist looks fabulous! I love that you used the same stamp wit black ink-- it really ties it all together nicely.

    Welcome home! I'm glad you got to spend time with your mum--and that you're happily back to doing your gorgeous art!

  17. Love your tag, because it is orange and black without halloween theme!

  18. Mr Blogger seems to think my last post didn't work so at the risk of repeating myself .....

    Just wanted to say pleased you had a good weekend and a gorgeous tag -all my favourite colour blends.

    B x

  19. Terrific tag and great resist, love those colours. Annette x

  20. A very pretty tag. Love the white embossing...looks great with the orange and black.

  21. That is a lovely non Halloween tag. That great. Love the embossing.

  22. The resist is great, and I just love the gorgeous blend of colours of the DIs.


  23. I need to copy your quote for my art room!!! Great work. Debbie

  24. Love you tag. I think that's one of my favourite techniques and stamps.

  25. Really nice looking tag for Tag Tuesday!!

  26. I think the tag turned out really nice. I like this technique!


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