Thursday 21 October 2010

All Things Crafty

Today I have been shopping (yeh, there's a surprise!) But this time it was at my SIL's craft cabin in her backgarden (above)

Really, I was going for lunch, but she had a sale on - she runs a mail order business (but I'm local and family so get to pick stuff off the shelves, lol!) (see side bar - I've finally managed to get a copy of her banner logo to put up) and at the moment she has a sale, like I said.... so the opportunity was too good to miss.
Lynne wouldn't let me take a pic of her climbing up to the top shelf!
and here is what I came away with - just a bit!! (if blogger will let me upload more than one photo it would be nice...)  Hurrah, made it!   She has lots of Prima products lots of which are in the sale and I got some chip shapes too, frames and leaves and rectangles. Just love those bright Prima oak leaves! Not sure when I'll get to play with any of this, now that I'm supposed to be in Christmas card mode...
Speaking of which,  I've been good - I did make a start on my Christmas cards yesterday - had a bit of a production line going with this fabby Tim ATC sized stamp
Some of which I've made into finished cards (apart from the inside greeting - need to move some boxes to get to my message stamps!) I don't normally do multiples of cards, I like to make each one different, but these are very subtly different if you look closely!
Today, before I went to Lynne's I started some more, with some fab Inkadinkado snowflake stamps and a multi coloured purple ink pad. Just need to add the Timmy reindeer and some finishing touches!
Oops, my knees got in the way!
Sadly I have to go back to work tomorrow - it seemed like a good idea at the time, to have Friday at work and then another weekend off, but now it's here I'd rather be home!! I was also hoping to go to Kew on Saturday morning to see how the autumn colour is progressing, but rain is forecast... watch this space as they say.
It's taken me an hour to upload these few pics so I'm signing off here.


  1. Looking really effcetive. I also don't like doing production line cards - its feels too much like work. But I try to do 2 or three at a time.
    No 52 (I think, but you've already visited me and left kind words)

  2. What? You get to pick stash off the walls? You lucky girl, you! And the Christmas cards are fabulous!

  3. Lovely images. I don't normally do repeat cards either,but Christmas is a bit different,and by the time you have finished, they all look slightly different anyway. Keep up the good work.

  4. Well done you! Wish I could get started on christmas cards, must get motivated! Your ones look fab! x

  5. You put me to shame with your cards. They do look very effective. Maybe I'll have a go at making some... don't hold your breath though *g*


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