Saturday 4 September 2010

Let's start the 2nd year!

So, here we go - blog year 2 is off and running.
Thanks to my great blog buddy, Lori I found this cool video by Jennifer McGuire that I missed on Hero Arts, with a great technique using glossy accents as a mask, and knew I had to have a go.

So, last night I started it - it's an overnighter!

I started by cutting a shape out of card with one of the Tim Holtz dies , inking the edges and stamping a leaf (stampendous again,) in walnut stain, heat setting and then filling the leaves with glossy accents.

Put aside to completely dry. (this is the overnight bit!)

Today, when I got home from my lovely morning at Kew (it was nice and sunny, warm but not hot, blue skies, lush green after all the rain - perfect - photos tomorrow!)

Sorry - today, when I got home from Kew, I could finish it off.
Used my blender tools to apply distress ink in suitably autumnal colours - barn door, mustard seed, rusty hinge, wiping any off the glossy masked leaves afterwards.
Stamped a Wendy V sentiment, added some idea-ology bits and pieces and then - rather than adding it to a tag - turned it into a card, so I can use it!!

used a cream card for the base, and a piece of Lost and Found - it is a much creamier yellowy brown, than it looks in this photo! - cut slightly smaller than the card, and Tim's flourish stamp in walnut stain.


  1. Ooh I have this leaf stamp somewhere, it's a Stampendous one I think. Not used it in ages, one advantage of blog hopping it reminds you what you have in your cupboard without rummaging LOL. Lovely technique and stamps, will have to give it a try. Tracy Evans x

  2. Well I hope your second year is as fullof fun and inspiration as your first gal! Love the card - clever us of the GA, huh!

  3. Ooo, it turned out superb! Isn't that the coolest? And it looks divine here, but I know in real life it's even better! I think I'll be using this technique more, I just love it, the only down side is the dry time. Your card is just lovely, that background is awesome! Glad you gave it a go!

  4. Morning Helen

    Stunning !

    Looks like a technique I need to try out, sounds right up my messy street.

    B x

  5. This is beautiful Helen! Love that technique and the way you've used it - the autumnal colours are perfick!

    Congrats on the anniversary!

  6. [url= ]Владелец потерянной спьяну картины оказался мошенником [/url]
    Уважаемые девушки, понимаю, что затеваю очередную скандальную тему, в следствии этого будьте терпеливы друг к другу. Пожалуйста.
    Увидела в одной теме, что девушка пишет, что видит в метро довольно женщин одетых в дорогие аутентичные вещи. Вопрос: как часто вы берете что-то любимое дорогое и любимое и чрезвычайно привлекательное для карманников и прочих уголовных личностей с собой в метро? Были ли случаи порезки, кражи и др.? Есть ли методы игнорировать в часы пик массового скопления? Поделитесь, плиз? Для справки незамедлительно говорю: мое место работы на машине недоступно в принципе и парковочныз мест нет в радиусе 1 км., другое искать в обозримое время не намерена


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