Friday 17 September 2010

Falling Leaves

Imagine my delight when I got home from work tonight to find not one - but TWO jiffy bags on the mat, from the Stamp Attic!!  Racing upstairs, I ripped them open - oh sorry, sounding like a novel...

Here's what was inside :
A fabby Paperbag Studios sheet of rubber called  "doodles and daters" - check out the Stamp Attic blog for some stunning samples using these.

AND Tim's Tattered Leaves alterations die. Oh yum, I have died and gone to heaven.

Now, you will say, "more shopping" - but no, these don't count cos they were on pre-order so... no?  Not a valid excuse?  OK, shopping then!!

So, after dinner (tuna pasta bake, also yum, if I say so myself!) I set to play.

I did something I have been building myself up to for some time - found an old paperback book on one of the shelves that I could use the pages from - and tore out some pages.  I can justify it by knowing it was one of my ex husband's (yes, books got left behind as well as the wine in the dining room, lol).

I stuck a page to some grungepaper and when it was dry, put it through the die and coloured it with distress inks. I used crushed olive and wild honey on the tag, round a paper leaf (I cut some extras from ordinary paper) to create a mask effect. Curled the grungepaper leaves and stuck them to the tag with some foliage idea-ology, for some contrasting texture. The leaf stamped round the edges of the tag, in rusty hinge is by Wendy V.

In between doing bits to the tag, I also cut out and mounted the Paperbag Studio stamp set (yucky job, hate it, and haven't done this lot particularly well) I hope to get to play with THEM tomorrow!!
Night night!


  1. Lol you are as bad as me, I got my Tattered leaves today, oh and Rickety House and I love the Paperbag Studios set. I get so excited when a parcel comes through the post LOL. Love the tag and the leaves look great. Think I will have to have a play with them shortly. Tracy Evans x

  2. I think you may have a problem :P

    Still you can be forgiven - those house stamps are gorgeous - think I would be tempted buy those ones!

  3. Oh you are lucky, you have done a great job on your tag, so autumny. Saving my money for Ally Pally and hopefully get the tattered leaves there. Hugs

  4. Those leaves are wonderful! Yeah for the Ex husbands book! lol

    I hope you have time to play tomorrow, and will share with us.

    Thanks for sharing your package!Hugs, Pat

  5. The houses stamp brilliantly, looking forward to seeing what you make with those Helen.
    Love the leaf tag...I was umming and ahhing about treating myself to that...think I'll have to having seen this :0) Fabulous autumnal tag x

  6. Well obviously great minds think alike, because what did I get yesterday??? Exactly the same stamps and die as you, plus the rosette, but not even open mine yet, love what you've done so far.

  7. Oh oh!!! I want those stamps & I want that die!!! You lucky thing Helen! Fab tag btw! See you next week at Ally Pally, prob at Stamp Connection or LB! Lol! xx

  8. Oh, you lucky girl! That's one die I want to get from the new release! Your tag looks delish, those leaves are sooooo COOL! Lots of possibilities with those! I see a lot of leaves in your weekend!

  9. Get stuck in with using those pages :) Lovely tag and I think I will defo have to get those leaf dies!
    xoxo ~Sioux
    P.S. No one has as many stamps as you Helen ;) LOL


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