Saturday 14 August 2010

My nephew's bird-day

One of my nephews has a birthday on Tuesday and I realised I hadn't made his card yet, so after the lunchtime football match and during the afternoon ones, I have put that right! Yes, I'm happy it's footie season again!

I've used Paperartsy stamps, a tag and some Craftwork Cards paper from the (large) pile you saw on WOYWW!

Started with faded jeans and crushed olive on the tag, the bird is stamped on pearl metal and made into a tape sandwich and coloured with gel pens and some yellow distress stickles for his 'comb'.

I've used the same inks over the background paper (it was pale blue to start with) and added a maya road sheer clock and the birthday boy's name on the dymo label.  The ink on the back of the bird nearly dried by the time I got the damn backing paper off.......!!!!

You can kind of see the glitter on his comb better in this one.

Anyhow, this is going in the post tomorrow on my way to Stevenage for the Stamperama show. Oh, did I already mention I'm going stash buying tomorrow, cos I don't have much  a lot   enough.... See some of you there!!


  1. Fabby card Helen... you gonna buy stash? Not surprised, you hardly have any at all hun... ROFL... erm... I wanna see in ALL your bags.. no sneaking off without showing me your new stash... I neeeed those new PA Hot Picks... and I neeed some of that Ice Resin... mmmm, wonder if anyone will notice if I disappear for a few mins LOL .. See ya's tomorrow hunny x

  2. Just love that bird.
    Luv Joanne xx

  3. A gel can never have too much stash, or that's what I keep telling myself every time I buy. He'll love the card, it's gorgeous.

  4. Smashing card. Have a great spend in Stevenage. Annette

  5. Lovely card. You'r so lucky they will have some new hotpicks on sale at Stevenage tomorrow. Have fun and try not to spend tooo much ha ha. Hugs

  6. Great birthday card and I really like the image. Don't worry I did not buy all the spools but they are yummy and so is the rest of the range too LOL. I will have to get some more when I have saved up. They will have the other Hot Pics there too. You will have a fab day and be skint afterwards LOL.

  7. Hi Ya
    I had better keep william away from your blog till Tuesday then!!Nice card, look forward to seeing it in the flesh!

  8. Fab card, love those colors! And that bird stamp is pretty awesome! Ok, off to see if you posted your stash

  9. Gorgeous card Helen! Great bg & the bird looks fab! xx


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