Wednesday 18 August 2010

Huh? Wednesday? Then it must be...

..... what's on your workdesk Wednesday already!  Pop over to Julia's to see how many other like-minded  mad  nosey  people there are taking part this week!

Well, since we last congregated, I have as promised, been stash shopping!! I had a very enjoyable  morning at the Stamperama show in Stevenage on Sunday (before rushing home for the football, and yes, I made it in time.  Shame Liverpool threw away .... oh never mind, you don't care!)

So, stash.  Here's another quick pick of what I bought (and I have already used some of it!!) in case you missed Sunday's post.  Not as much as sometimes (well, there is Ally Pally at the end of September when I always spend LOADS.... and Worthing in a couple of weeks when I try hard not to.
I could have stood and watched Lin demo'ing all day at LB Crafts, (but had to do Hels' make and take, lol, so tore myself away).

LOVE those Paperartsy stamps - brand brand new, only pressed by Leandra on Saturday...... WOW!!!

Not done any more reorganising since last time, but will need to, because I had to buy some new Idea-ology bits and the drawers are already full.....
I am looking forward to having a go with the spools kit (check out this link, there is a video linked in Julie van Oosten's sidebar that shows you some ideas- it looks great!)
As for what's actually ON my workdesk (floor space) - it's my entry for Simon Says Stamp and Show - have you checked this new challenge site out?  "Our" Linda E is in charge!
Ok, well, I had better stop here, meant to be keeping it brief - have a great day/week bloghopping round the desks of the world!  See you next week.


  1. loved having a rummage around your crafty space today helen and look at all that new your entry to SSSS this week too...hugs kath xxx

  2. Ooh you did do well, love the stamps on the far right especially. Although of course, am blinded by what to do with them because you lot are so good at them. Like your SSSSSSSSSS challenge piece too, that face image is beautiful, great colouring.

  3. Love all your new stash, and your entry for Simon Says, its gorgeous.

  4. Want those PA stamps !!!

  5. Great Space, thanks for the snoop! Don't forget to try for my Candy it's Here . Not long to go :0) Hugs Tina xx

  6. What fab new stash. Look forward to seeing what you do with it all.
    A x

  7. Oh - never been to SSS&S so thanks for the link. And not fair to make me drool over stash so early in the day - there are too many shopping hours left.

    Mary Anne

  8. Hi Helen - nice to visit again. Love your Paperartsy stuff - so much you can do with those stamps. Happy WOYWW.

  9. Hi Helen, firstly love your new stamps. I was at the show on Sunday too, I was demoing on the Little Claire stand, it would have been great to meet you!

    I will be at Ali Pali and am hoping to get to Worthing, so let me know if you would like to meet up for coffee.

    hugs Heidi xx

  10. Wow ..those stamps are calling me ...but until I get truely back into the swing and use some of the newer bits I have,I cant justify the expenditure ... Boo Hoo.
    Love your challenge entry has a soft vintage feel about it. xx

  11. Oh your so lucky you've already got the new hot picks I am so wanting them. Lovely card, smashing colours. Have a nice day cannot wait to see what you do with your stamps. Big hugs

  12. Lovely stash, and I adore the chippie, it's gorgeous
    Anne x

  13. Love the stamps and your WV inspired piece :) Scrummy
    It's always the case I find that as soon I have just the right box etc to store something...I then add to those somethings and just the right box becomes the wrong box if you get my waffle!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  14. Uhhh such nice stuff on your desk sorry floor...Those Paperartsy stamps are lovely - I must get some but haven't seen them anywhere they really must be brand new! Your Wendy Vecchi project is lovely!

  15. I realize I'm really late to the party today. My internet was down at the wrong time. But your latest stash is super, just like your Simon Says entry. Happy WOYWW.

  16. Hi ya
    oh what a lot of lovely new stash to play with, luv your ss entry,thanks for the snoop,have a great WOYWW, sue,x

  17. brill desk and lots of new stash to play with, need a play mate ???

    Your entry for sss is just devine, love it so so much

    judie xx

  18. I called round earlier but got side tracked when I went over to SSS. Now I'm all of a flutter again at seeing your gorgeous creations. Mind blowing.
    Luv Joanne xx

  19. Fab new stash there I spy...Happy WOYWW

  20. Hi there, happy to meet you, love the look of all your new stash, lots of crafting going on here soon then!
    Your entry to SSSS is gorgeous, is that a Cherry Pie face stamp? Love how you've made it all, the colouring is really subtle:D xx

  21. Cool stuff - am most envious you got to go to Stamperama! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Great Wendy Vecchi inspired piece for SSSS challenge. So many yummy goodies, wish I had gone the show now, just so far from me, shame really. Don't the spools look lovely, I need more time in the day to play LOL. Thanks for the snoop. Tracy Evans x

  23. Lovin' that stash! lol! And your Wendy piece was terrific!

  24. hmm ( not looking not looking) argghh I looked Now I Want them Stamps Too,

    thanks Missis - I must avoid your desk in future for you are a temptress into the lands of more spending upon stamps

  25. Just wish my drawers were as big as yours! Have fun with your new stash...ikki x

  26. great new stash, love the paperartsy stamps.

  27. Thanks for letting me have a nose around your

  28. Great stash and lovely projects!
    Thanks for the snoop!

  29. Do you ever accidentally replicate your buys Helen? Aw I so wish I was going to Ally Pally in September, but gotta save for new pc tower first *rats!* Still, should you be there in April (note, that wasn't a question *g*) I'll hopefully get to see you and have a snoop in your bag then ;)

  30. That tag is fabulous and I so need those new paperartsy stamps too - hope there are some left for Hobbycrafts in November!

  31. We did Stevenage too! It was the first thing we'd been too and I was awestruck with the variety and sheer numbers of stamps!

  32. Nice spending at Stevenage! Thanks for sharing your space and artwork today, enjoyed having a snoop round.

  33. awesome artwork hun! Have fun playing with your new stash :)
    *hugs* Heather x

  34. Love your project for Simon says stamp and those PaperArtsy stamps are divine!


  35. Oh I love all the paper artsy stuff, can't wait to see what you create. Amanda

  36. It does you good to spend a little now and again and its lovely to have nice new stuff to play with!

  37. Whaddya mean I don't care, of course I care!! at least we didn't lose, which is a nice change from last season :s
    On the shopping front, there's also another extravaganza at the Craft Barn in a few weeks! Will there be anything left that you haven't already bought though:? that's the worry ;)

  38. wow - love all your new stash - enjoy playing with it - Jacqueline xx

  39. great new stash & gorgeous plaque

  40. Love the look of your new stash Helen, those Paper Arsty stamps are gorgeous and your entry for the Simon Says Stamp and show is stunning - love it!! Don't think mines going to get itself finished this week.
    hugs Heather xx

  41. Oooh, so many lovely goodies! Enjoy!
    LOVE your Simon Says entry too!

  42. I love seeing what you've bought, you always get some great stuff - loving those paperartsy stamps...your Simon Says entry is fab. x

  43. Oh Lucky You. I would have loved to be there but I am in NW so in September I am going to go to Harrogate I hear it's good and I hope I have half as much fun as you did. and love your SSSS piece I have promsed my self to have a go ths week

    Love Dawn xx

  44. Blimey cannot believe you only spent a morning at the Stamperama show - shame on you

    although the stash looks great and cannot wait to see what you get from the Ally Pally

    thanks for the snoop and the lovely comment - put you on the scale at 9/10

    Hugs Kate xx

  45. ooooooh - Helen, love the new stamps, and fresh minted rubber too!!! Sounds like a great show. I look forward to seeing what you make with them.

    Great entry to SSS+S too - the face on the background text is beautiful.

    Julie :o)

  46. How fun. Love your Simon Says challenge bit.

  47. Nice new stash. Love those stamps, I looked at those a couple of days ago but as I'm on a stash diet I will just have to wait lol.

  48. Lovely looking stash there. I do like those stamps and haven't seen anything like them before. do the flower ones match a dye or will you hand cut them out?

  49. Wow! some seriously fabulous new stash. Enjoy. Lynne x

  50. Love those paperartsy stamps they are just fabulous,have a couple, must use them more! Have a great woyww! (((Lyn))

  51. O My! GREAT stash and love your card! so soft....

  52. ooh what a lot of new booty! How fab. Very much loving the big blue flower on your creation, very yummy

  53. Your SSSS entry looks gorgeous, love it!

  54. I want those stamps too! They look fab!


  55. Hi Helen. Loved the snoop as make me larf! I always see something new on your desk....what are you like?! LOL. Will hopefully see you again at AP but not sure of dates yet. TFS. ~Glen~

  56. love your card and all of the goodies on your desk! How fun! I barely have a stamping stash! Glad to follow.

  57. Nearly Wednesday again but I'm still going, your new stamps look lush as does your piece for Simon Says Stamp and Show.


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