Sunday 29 August 2010

Do You Want to Know a Secret? - Sunday Stampers

Hels' has gone back to her favourite Beatles for this week's song title-theme, setting "secrets" for the Sunday Stampers challenge.

Now, she has done a fab little book with lots of little secret pockets and tabs, which would have been great - but I couldn't copy that. So..... spent all morning musing. My eye alighted on some Paperartsy stamps and an idea started sprouting.

Remember these? I got some of these fab hinged arch wooden pieces at the Craft Barn after watching the uber-talented Leandra work with them. And, to be honest, my piece for today is heavily influenced by that day...  so many thanks, Leandra!

I gave it a base coat of gesso and then used some eco-green paints, applying with cut'n'dry foam.  I took a Paperartsy stamps and stamped it on the front and back with forest moss DI.

I stamped one of the moths and the 'secret garden' stamp from the PA sets on metal and stuck them to the front.

Now for the inside - it's a secret what's inside.....

Oh, ok I'll show you then!

I mixed a pale blue eco-green paint with some black (Kaiser) and some Studio dark blue to make a dark sky colour and sponged this on the top half of the arches.  Stamped the same grassy/birds stamp as outside, before the finishing flourishes:

-  Welcome to my secret night garden!! 

Stamped a cloudy moon (stampscapes) in white stazon and made up the 'night garden' phrase by using the bottom half of the 'secret garden' stamp, the 'N' of the ' secret garden' and the 'ight' of the 'take flight' stamp from one of the PA sets (and a lot of fiddling (swearing) with post it notes.....) Stuck that on with matte medium.

(there is a children's tv programme here which apparently has cult following amongst little ones called 'in the night garden', which brought to mind the phrase). NOT that I've ever watched it, not having children. Honest.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


  1. You've created the same serene peaceful feel to your artwork as Iggle Piggle does floating away at the end of the Night Garden too. LOVE that Eco green paint tone.

  2. How cool is this? Just love it Helen, and I think it's a hard challenge this week. Your take is gorgeous, and yes, I love that color of green paint!

  3. Beautiful colours on your arch Helen! x

  4. This is so lovely, your colours evoke such a serene feeling,a secret place to go.

  5. Fabulous work, as always. Love your take on the theme and the colours are beautiful. xx

  6. Oh how clever!!!! Love this loads Helen... and using the word secret is exactly what I hoped peeps would do... Thanks for joining in with the Sunday STamper... fabbylicious art! x
    BTW, haven't seen teh TV prog.. I am more of a Bodger and Badger girl meself LMAO

  7. Gorgeous! Love how you altered the arches!

  8. Ah, I think we all should have a serene Secret Garden!

    Love the work, and the colors.
    Hugs, Pat


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