Tuesday 24 August 2010

CCC 11 - Batik

Linda has us working on page 36 this week for the Compendium challenge.

This is a technique I haven't tried before and it didn't help that I didn't read the instructions properly.... nor do I have the right equipment (as it were) but I did remember to turn the steam setting off before I used my domestic iron.... Intrigued? You need to check the book!!

Anyhow, here is my tag. Base colour is wild honey, top colour chipped sapphire and stamps are by Tim, of course!   Sorry it's a bit wonky, blame the scanner (couldn't be my fault, obviously!)

I'm not overly happy with the finished tag, but for a first go at this page I suppose it's ok, and I quite enjoyed trying the technique, I am sure I will give it another go.

There are some great prizes on offer again, so pop over to Linda's for the details.

Thanks for looking.


  1. This is wonderful, I love it!!

  2. Terrific, it looks great. Annette x

  3. looks cool to me hun... loving that colour you got on there :O)) I use a travel iron :O)) x

  4. i think you did a great job...that orange really gives it a batik feel. I was a bit intimidated by the iron but after a few false starts I got it to work :) Nan

  5. Gosh, Helen, I think it's GORGEOUS! I love the stamps you used, and the reverse image you got using the blended batik process works so beautifully with the heart stamp! Great use of that tissue tape, too, and your color choices are lovely! Be proud of this-- it's fabulous!

  6. This is too funny, I almost used that very stamp.... I must say, it looks great with this technique, Helen! Fab work, love the colors and how you attached the sentiment with the trinket pin, way to go!

  7. This is terrific. The color combo makes it pop. I really really want the cityscape stamp.

  8. I love the contrast--I think your tag is wonderful!

  9. I Love that big sunburst it looks so cool!

  10. You should be happy with this tag. I think it is just wonderful. I love that you added a distress color to the paper before doing the technique.

  11. Love the heart and city scene! Wonderful colors! Wonderful!

  12. Wow! Your tag looks brilliant Helen! Love it! x


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