Saturday 17 July 2010

Just for Fun

My cold is slowly getting better, and I decided to have a play - just for fun - today!  Just for a change (not!) I decided to use a tag.

I have used bundled sage and a little pumice stone on the tag itself and a plate of Tim stamps that I haven't used - well, only one or two of - before (hence the mish-mash on the tag here!)

I've used a variety of bits and bobs - a piece of paper from the Lost and Found stack, tissue tape (yum!!) and in the memo pin I used glossy accents and whilst it was drying I dropped some bundled sage reinker into the glue, and when it was a bit drier still, dabbed some of it off again, it was just too dark, you couldn't see the colour - but I like the marbled look it's created.  Looking at it closely the dabbing-off has caused a bubble..... let's pretend I wanted one!


  1. love it.. the memo pin looks FAB.. must try that :O))

  2. Fab collaged tag Helen! Glad you're feeling a bit better, your recent win must have helped! xx

  3. Glad you're up and at 'em again! I was beginning to wonder if I would have to call the stash police to check on you. This tag is great, so many bits and pieces of Tim, really great!

  4. Great tag. The colours look FAB. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Gez.xx


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