Monday 26 July 2010

Compendium - week 7 - tinted fragments

I love Mondays!! this week's Compendium challenge hosted by Linda is this week on page 55 - tinted vision fragments.  I can't give you the lowdown on the technique, you have to use the book.

There are already some great entries - and this week there are some even more stupendous prizes - so check it out.
I used tumbled glass and chipped sapphire inks on the tag and a pearly/DI  reinker for some shimmer, and I don't think it would hurt if I said I'd used denim, stream and caramel on the fragment.

 The fragment uses a picture of Queen Victoria from my hardly used Instant Art book that Suze produced some years ago -other than that, I've used Tim's mask and Tim's stamps throughout.  I took a "time" theme based on the longevity of Queen Victoria's reign on the throne. Unfortunately she's gone a bit wrinkly - that's me with too much glue, not her fault!! 

Enjoy the rest of your Monday. Can't wait to see what next week's theme is already!


  1. Luscious tag, Helen! Love the theme, and your fragment colors are great!

  2. Helen, your tag is fabulous! The Queen herself would be proud (and would forgive the wrinkles) if she could see this. I love how you used the theme of time with the image of Victoria-- and I love the design, too. The Fragment is perfection!

  3. This is wonderful, I wish that I'd thought to put more than one colour on my fragment x

  4. Awesome colors! Wonderful tag! Love it!

  5. love your colour combo on the fragment :)

  6. Beautiful tag, love the ink colors on the fragment - wrinkles add character!!!!

  7. Great tag, I love all the colours you used.

  8. Wow, love the bright colors you have used. Great effects.

  9. Great colors and I love that image you have chosen! Looks wonderful!

  10. Gorgeous Tag :)) am off to make mine now :))
    Hugs x

  11. Think your tag is just lovely...I like the way you did the fragment. Aren't these fun to work with? :)

  12. Oh wow this is fabulous. Love that fragment! Great tag.

  13. Gorgeous colours on the fragment really, really lovely :)

  14. Great tag and hey shes old and already has wrinkles! LOL so its perfect!

  15. I think wrinkly suits Queen Victoria - as does your lovely fragment treatment! Great job.

  16. What a nice tag! Love how you added that little wire piece to your fragment.

  17. Love the fact that your fragment has been coloured with multiple colours, looks great on your tag, lovely colours too. Tracy x

  18. Wonderful colors on your fragment!

  19. Wonderful sentiment and love the colors.


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