Wednesday 5 May 2010

WOYWW - are there 2 Wednesdays a week??

Hello again, all.  Thank you all for your lovely comments last week.  Another week has flown by. We've had a (mostly wet, mostly cold) Bank Holiday here int he UK and I braved the elements to go to Kew Gardens again on Saturday morning (photos on my other blog, check the link in the side bar) but other than that, not a lot's been going on here.  I've watched Liverpool lose another footie game (roll on next season...) 

Craftwise, I have got another couple of pages done for the Tim Holtz Rulerz book and they are still hanging around on my desk today.

I 've had these mini jigsaw pieces for ages and not used them before (!!)

I've used DI's throughout so far to colour the pages, but didn't keep track as I went, as to which ones.
The flowers are Prima - I love these pink and white ones (they come from the Essentials Shabby Chic tube - that I do know as they're still in it)

I've ordered some more new Wendy Vecchi stamps (at the time of writing - because I have to prep this on a Tuesday night - they haven't arrived yet) .... yes, I know, I know - but I resisted as long as I could, ok!! AND I will be going to the South Stamp Show at Worthing on Saturday - anyone else coming/going? I quite like this show, it's a small one compared to some but nice and friendly.  It's run by Hobby Art, who as you saw last week are responsible for getting me into this addiction I call a hobby..... My only "complaint" this time is that LB Crafts won't be there cos it clashes with one of their Artsycraft weekends (must go to one of those soon, they sound fantastic) - although that could be good for the wallet.

As I think I've shown you most of my boxes and drawers now, I've done a kind of "front on view" of the wall of my living room with all my boxes lined up along the wall. You are NOT seeing the other side of the room until I've cleared out some old (non crafting) magazines that are kind of taking over that area. I was going to do that over the weekend, but......!!

I still haven't done anything for my WOYWWAC so need to get my thinking cap on...

Last week we got to the magic 100 - wonder how many people will play along this week - pop over here to find out!  Have a great Wednesday, and if the office is quite and I get away with it, I'll come see you - otherwise, it will be this evening when I get home.


  1. i love the pages - the one with the playing cards and jigsaw pieces is simply yummy!!! and yup i agree, it does feel like there are 2 wednesdays in a week!!! LOL. have a great day xxx

  2. your pages are gorgeous, omg I am sitting here and my jaw just hit the floor, boxes galore, fantastic wouldnt mind a rummage round yours.
    Christine x

  3. That album is gonna be fab..why not add in a WOYWW page and be done!! As for the full frontal pick - I want all of your stamps!

  4. WOW all that storage, fantastic. I love your rulerz book too it looks great. And wow you been to Kew, I have not visited there yet, worth a visit? Gardening is my first passion. Loved my visit Helen, have a great Wednesday, Tracy Evans x x

  5. Your TH book is going to be fabulous. Already I've seen several lovely pages/tags in it. Sounds like a fun and busy weekend. You must really love those stamps. I've never heard of them. Have a happy WOYWW.

  6. Hiya

    your pages are lovely!, so many drawers with so much stash :O) lol


  7. Your pages are beautiful, love the full frontal pic too :-D

  8. Your pages look lovely .So glad im not the only one with stacks of boxes ,makes me feel much better!
    Have great Wednesday
    hugs jude

  9. Gonna be one fab ruler book when its done.. keep it up :)

  10. your pages are coming along so well, they look amazing, really cant wait to see your ruler finished. hope you had a fab time a Kew, would love to go some year, have a wonderful week, hugs mandyxx

  11. What lovely pages youre working on. Your storage looks amazing....I'd really love a good snoop through your drawers :-)
    A x

  12. Wow! So much stuff in so many drawers...I did my entry last night too so you are not alone in your naughtiness...have seen jigsaw pieces before and felt I'd like them, sure I would now.

  13. This is your LIVING ROOM? Where do you um .... live?? Liking the look of your work in progress, and I've just succumbed to those Wendy V stamps too!

  14. My goodness, that's a lot of storage! Enjoy the show in Saturday.
    Clare x

  15. Love the storage, great items that you are working on

  16. oh gorgeous pages you have done, luv all them box & draws oh to have a rummage, lol, sue,x

  17. I too have boxes if different sized jigsaw bits and have only used them a couple of times ....Love your 'play' page ...its going to be a great book. I love your wall of storage ...organized but not clinical can feel the love and creativity

  18. Hi Helen!
    Lots of luverly drawers, & your rulerz book pages are gorgeous! I'm going to Worthing on saturday, just for a look you know!!! Don't need to buy anymore stash! Look forward to seeing you again - I'll be the one with lots of stash bags!! Lol!
    Alison xx

  19. Ah, another Stampotique fan! Looks interesting. Love the colours!

    Mary Anne

  20. **pass the smelling salts** Blimey Helen, your work is .. DIVINE!! So much to see, I want to rummage now LOL Loving your pages too :O)) Hugs xx

  21. Your pages are gorgeous hun ... Go on ... just order all the WV stamps ... you know you will get them all in the end :0)

  22. Gorgeous pages Helen :) Ooh how lovely gong to Kew gardens, would love to go :)
    Anne x

  23. Your pages look lovely and I love the Wishes stamp its lovely! You have so many lovely drawers in your room, do you know whats in them all? Have a great week! Tracey x

  24. Great crafty things going on. Whatta lotta stuff you've got!

  25. Wouaw ! Ton espace est extra ! See you next week ;-D

  26. Thosde pages are looking good.

    Wow at all your storage, I have storage envy lol

  27. Hi, I just love your full frontal! You never cease to amaze me with your collection...and your work. ikki x

  28. Oh wow! just look at all those intriguing boxes lined up there!

    Your project is looking wonderful, thanks for the update.

    I think I said pretty much the same as you about the 2 Wednesdays a week in my WOYWW blog post today!

  29. Looking good, I love the one with the dog.

    I might find time to go to Worthing hopefully.

    Toodles and Binks

  30. OMG I can't believe all your storage - its fantastic!!

    Leanne xx

  31. Love your pages and all that storage, is it actually full of stuff for crafting???? You lucky woman!

  32. I'm prone to leaving things on the floor too! Great looking pages!

  33. I love things with jig-saw shapes they alway look fabulous. Your crafty space looks very interesting, I'd love to have a nose in all your draws!

    ps cupboard draws that is!!

  34. Love your choice of stamps in your project, so guess these drawers contain some real stamping treasures.

  35. Those pages are looking really good

  36. Your pages are looking lovely!!!

  37. I love your pages, especially the one with the cat :D Slink out of the office, go onnnnnn, I'll get the kettle on ;)

  38. Your pages are really good especially the cards and jigsaw pieces. Wow what a lot of storage drawers you have.

  39. Hi there I love your pages beautiful and I love that whole wall of draws too . What has happened to Liverpool hey xx Hugs Pascale

  40. Now that is what I call a set of drawers!! How do you remember what#s in where? Fab pages xx

  41. Your pages are stunning!! I have to agree with Kaz how do you remember whats in the drawers x

  42. all of your stash Helen. A busy desk is that of a creative mind! *Ü* TFS. ~Glen~

  43. Great pages, I love those jigsaw pieces! Hope you enjoy the show! She x

  44. Great pages and just look at your drawers!!!!! Glad you like my peacock - think I will have to do a dumfing tutorial next..

  45. gorgeous pages. I've said it before and I'll say it again "serious drawer storage here"!

  46. lovely pages, congrats on using those jigsaw pieces.

    what a lot of draws!

  47. Lovin all those drawers in your workspace!

  48. Thats a lovely sentiment you have used!
    My little girl loved the pic with all your drawers...she asked me what is in them all!!lol I told loads of magic stuff!!lol

  49. oh my how many drawers? I bet they hold some yummy scrapping stuff, they make me want to come around & have a rummage through them all.

  50. The pages are looking really good...and yes you must get yourself on an ArtsyCrafts weekend-I went in March and it was fantastic.


  51. Wow it all looks very interesting - love your storage.


  52. Your pages are gorgeous, and blimey, wot a lot of drawers, so want to see whats inside.

  53. That is a great looking stash box pile and your Tim Holtz Ruler book pages look fab. Jay xx

  54. Loving all the pages and everything else! Not going to Worthing because I need to save pennies as I am off to the next Artsy Crafts weekend in a couple of weeks. Been to one before and they are really fun and fabulous, you have to come to one!! As for footie, let's hope next season we have decent owners and can build up the squad - if Torres leaves though I shall miss next season because I shall kill myself :0

  55. Wow, what a lot of storage. Your pages look fab. Thanks for letting us snop.

  56. Lovely pages, but it's the boxes that totally rock. Now come on, be shameless and us the other side before you tidy. We won't judge. I certainly won't, not with the way my desk often looks!

  57. Wow you have sooooo much stuff! You have stamps in ALL those boxes????? and you actually USE them all? I'm not a stamper, so I just don't get it!

  58. Thanks so much for entering my giveaway and posting it on your blog ,make sure you come back and leave another message sawing so. I'm having a hard time trying to keep up! lol
    Thanks Lynn
    Best of luck!

  59. Your pages are gorgeous Helen...and I love all your storage you have some yummy stuff in them too!
    Debbie x

  60. Hi Helen, wowee great pages and I love your WOYWW! I promise I will open up my boxes for next week, I have forgotten whats in them, lol! Have a super week, Heidi xx

  61. Hi Helen - thanks for visiting my desk (while you were at work - tut tut LOL)

    I was telling someone about the stuff you had the other day (I have a poltry half dozen or so wooden stamps - but you are SOMETHING ELSE LOL...

    How on earth you can need MORE stamps - i cannot understand... maybe you should think about designing them yourself??? But i must say, you do make good projects!!!


    Paula x x x

  62. I understand!!!!
    your place is grand and the scrapbook is off to a pretty beginning!!!

  63. Love all your little storage drawers. Bet they are holding all sorts of goodies.

  64. I love all you storage drawers. You can never get enough of it I believe! Your pages are lookin awsome!


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