Wednesday 19 May 2010

Updated WOYWW

I'm so excited!!  I know lots of you have already visited so may not want to come back again, but just LOOK what was delivered to me (at work, cos there's no way this was going through my letterbox!!) today
Oh yes, a craft spinner for my blending tools and some new idea-ology bits and grungepaper!!
and this is what it looks like put together (bearing in mind I walked through the door 5 minutes ago!)
Now, I am off to cook my dinner (chilli con carne tonight) and I'll be round the rest of you (got quite a few done at lunch time!) later. TTFN


  1. Looks like you'll be having some fun soon!

  2. No wonder you are excited! Have fun.
    Clare x

  3. Aha, now you have one you will want more, I have three stacked up and need another now LOL Enjoy the chilli - we just had our first BBQ of the year.. mmm, am as fat as a pig now LOL

  4. Wow, that looks awesome, I am jealous!

  5. Ooh lovely... and all those stamps I saw in your previous post

  6. Fabby new toy!!!! how great to come home from work to find something as yummy as that to build and play spin the ink blenders all evening :) I must say I'd love one but just don't have the room to stand it on my desk. thanks for popping by and leaving me a comment :)

  7. oh you lucky thing it's great!!!

  8. WOO HOO! Lucky you! (hey, that rhymes) It's soooo nice to have the tools on that spinner, you'll love it!

  9. oohhh you have a spinner! have fun!

    hugs mandyxx

  10. oh how fun...I got a HUGE box of these old handle stampers off of ebay years ago for $6. Wait till you see what I do with them!!!

  11. Oh don't you just love getting new stuff. It makes me happy for days. There's nothing like retail therapy for craft supplies. Especially when they help you get organized.

  12. What fab goodies - have fun with them.

  13. Always takes me about an hour to put anything together, must have been easy ;-)

  14. Love your purchases, I have been thinking of getting one of these myself, they look good! Have a great week! Tracey x

  15. Trouble is that little stand looks just like the one we used to have at work for keeping the rubber stamps in.Bet it costs a lot more. As my DH is fond of saying "If it's for crafting it'll be double the price".Still a girl's got to have it eh? Hugs BettyXXX

  16. Ooh lucky you! I am resisting the urge, i figure i don't have enough distress pads to justify it - i'm trying to stick to that rule but I keep buying more :)

  17. ooh i have been wanting one of those! too cool!

  18. Great spinner but what are swivel clasps???

    ** kate **

  19. OMGee - you need another one!! Whatcha planning for the clasps?? Enjoy. There really is nothing like new stuff!

  20. LOL! You do make me laugh Helen. I can just imagine you all happy clappy and bouncy at work when that turned up! How ever did you manage to get any work done??

  21. Ooh WOW! more fabbyness! ENJOY...XX


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