Wednesday 14 April 2010

WOYWW - goodies!

Hi, all.  I have just got back from a couple of days with my Mum down on the south coast (west sussex) and the first thing I do is race upstairs (I live in a first floor maisonette!) to turn on my computer to get this posted - how mad is that! 

I left this on my workdesk (yes, the spot on the floor) when I left on Monday morning  - it's a Tim Holtz Rulerz book I've just started work on (i.e got as far as the base coat) , plus a tag I've coloured with rusty hinge (one of my new Ally Pally buys from Saturday)

I had a fab time, as I said in my post from Saturday evening, at Ally Pally - it was great to meet Linda and Alison and Carmen "in the flesh", Hels I had previously met - I think I should change my blog name to "I work on the floor" as you all seemed to know me as soon as I said, I'm Stamping by H!!!  In case any one missed it, here is a pic of my stash from Saturday - now THAT made my back ache carrying it...

Now all I need to do is find somewhere for it, eh?
Lots more stamps, inks - the rest of the new distress, some new shimmer sprays from Craftynotions, idea-ology, etc etc!

However, in the post waiting for me, was a bunch of goodies sent from the States from a blog buddy from the Everything Wendy Vecchi Yahoo group I belong to - how great are these piles of stash to play with!!
There is a ziplock back crammed with Maya Road frames, buttons and pins and all sorts - can't wait for a proper rummage (you'll probably see it better and quicker than I am....) and some Maya Road chips for me to decorate - and one Wanda has obviously done herself.
So I've had no time for swing rounds this week (not sure if there is anything you haven't seen now, amyway).

I am just going to grab some lunch and catch up on my blog whilst I've been away, and then I'm coming to find you!!  I can't wait to see what you've all been up to.
on the floor.


  1. oohooo all that lovely stash!! I bet you can't wait to play, maybe we'll see 'something' next week!

  2. Loving the US & Ally Pally stash. Have fun using it all

  3. Wow you got a fab haul at Ally Pally. It was lovely to meet you too - and I love the new idea for the bloggy name *g* As soon as you said it I knew straight away it was you! Lucky you did as no-one looks like I imagine them to. Thank you so much for saying I don't look old enough to have a teen :P You'll give me a huge head!

    What a lovely surprise to get in the mail too!

  4. Oh man, can barely see your floor through the fog of green jealousy - all that lovely new stash! I am of course, frighteend to death of most of it, and of your method - kneeling on the floor is a killer for me - that's why we remember your blog - we're so impressed!

  5. Wow love your stash, you got more than me at Ally Pally, I feel less guilty now! Love your stash from the states too. Tracey x

  6. You made quite a sweep at Ally Pally, then! What great stuff! Oooo, look at all that lovely chip! I wanna play, too!

  7. No need to find places to put it all away...get and play with it :-)
    A x

  8. Lots of lovely stash. Question is did you take your coat off before you posted, I quite often get home from work and post my desk before my coat comes off ! Hugs Pam x

  9. Great to meet up with like minds isn't it. You all have such fab stuff to work with.
    Word verification here is....

  10. Like the look of that flower shaped thingy on the edge of the mat what are you going to do with that it a stamp. What a great pressy to come home to.

  11. Your desk looks scrummy!! You certainly got a load at Ally Pally. The stash sent to you from the States looks gorgeous I can't wait to see what you make xx

  12. He he! Looks like we shop at the same places Helen! Was lovely to finally meet you! xx

  13. There is some fantastic new stash there - have fun playing with it.

  14. Wow... what a lot you got!! and then some more in the post!! I've gone all cabbage-like!!

  15. Sorry I rubbed it in about the space under my desk this week! But you have a lot more floor than me and the agility to get down and use it LOL!
    Love the stash - playtime...

  16. Can't wait to see what you turn all those lovely goodies into - happy crafting!!x

  17. what a load of lovely stuff you have to play with - i think its really funny that you are know as the woman who crafts on the floor - because if we met and you said - i'm Helen who crafts on the floor - id have visuals straight away of your lovely space that has as much stuff in as the local Hobbycraft place (but better) X X X

    Paula x x x

  18. Wow, your new goodies look soooo interesting. Lovely stamps and inks and... and.... you are going to have such fun playing. ikki x

  19. wow nice package!!!! i love your tim holtz ruler thing - looks interesting xx

  20. WOW what a fab package to arrive in the post, I never get packages like that, unless I've paid for it myself of course. Thinks me needs some more friends LOL., and crafting ones at that. I still don't know how you work on the floor but I always love to come and nose around at what you might have in your amazing stash. Have a good evening. Tracy Evans x x x

  21. love that rusty look to the tag

  22. can't wait to see what you make with all that lovely stash!

  23. Helen You are welcome to come and rummage and take some away but it's a long way to Lancashire from Surrey AND doesn't look like you need any of it or that you could fit it in!By the way Spyder is responsible for this excuse for me to spend even more time prevaricating instead of crafting. Love Betty

  24. Oh wow now that is what I call shopping! You've done a brilliant job with it. I'd be going through it over and over again!! xx

  25. fab shop Helen, and fab stash too; looks like that'll keep you busy for a while :)

  26. sounds like you've had fun. and you've got a fbulous new stash pile.
    Do you use a backpack for shopping? if you don't get one before you go to a craft place again, - you ca get more and no backache

  27. ooooooh lovely lovely stash!!! :O) x

  28. great creative space love the finished tag
    Christine x

  29. Oooh exciting looking stash :-)

  30. Oh look at all that lovely stash!


  31. I am sure I can find some room for a little bit more in my room ;)
    I have been sticking fruit stickers in my Wreck Journal that is about all I have had time for at the moment.

  32. Good grief that is stash and a half! Did you take out a mortgage to buy that lot?

  33. ooooh! such lovely goodies - I have not seen those Maya Road items before!
    thanks for visiting my desk
    Cathy, xxx

  34. I can't believe all that product. Wow, what I couldn't do with that (grin). Thanks for letting me snoop.

    Sorry I'm so late visiting, and on my first ever WOYWW. Unexpected company interrupted my computer time today. I'll be back, that's for sure.

  35. What a lot you got Helen. It was lovely to meet you at Ally Pally. I'm interested to see your finished TH project. *Ü* TFS. ~Glen~

  36. All that lovely stash, you look like you had a fab time. I love the tag btw, gorgeous colours

  37. omg all those amazing new stash, I cant quite take it all in, think I will leave that pic opened to drool at all day! love you bag of maya road goodies too! lucky ducky!

    hugs mandyxx

  38. I LOVE all your new goodies, but my god, where are you going to put them all?????!!


  39. Very jealous....fab stash!

  40. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your stash. Looks like you have a lot of fun things to play with.

  41. Ah another one who had a good old spend at ally pally, and met up with several of my friends too, shame i didn't get to meet you.
    have fun with your new stash, and good luck finding it all a new home i spent the whole day yesterday allocating spots for all mine lol

  42. You got some great new stash to play with. I can't wait to see your ruler book when you are done.

  43. I thought I left a comment but for some reason it has not come up on your blog, anyways you have a big pile of stash there girl! LUCKY YOU!!! Hope to see some nice projects come from it!

  44. Fun stuff on your desk this week...I have the same PB "moment's" stamp...a lovely one for sure!


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