Wednesday 21 April 2010

WOYWW 21.4.10

Wow, Wednesday again!  There isn't much on my "desk" on the floor today (did you spot I added a bit to my blog header?!) after I finished the frame (yesterday's post) earlier than I thought.

I have however, found a few more drawers you haven't peaked in yet - more stamps - these are some of my Stampscapes stamps (I don't do anything by halves, as you may have gathered...) The drawer on the left has them double depth as it's a deep drawer.. and there are lots that haven't fitted in either drawer (I really wish Homebase hadn't stopped making these units....)

and this is a sort of anything goes drawer!
I haven't used some of these for a long time (possibly never for some of the train/plane/boat ones) I am sure I bought them for a reason...

Lastly this is a box of all sorts that is a real mess - boxes of glitter (bottom left) chalks, stuff I don't use much. My coloured UTEE is in here too, somewhere - I really WILL get my melt pot going again sometime...

The maps I tore out of an old diary a couple of years ago, as I thought I could use them - for something!!  One day....
This box lives on the spare armchair behind the "Timmy" box I showed you a couple of weeks ago.
(You can tell I don't get many visitors, can't you!)

I haven't got much further with the Tim H Ruler book - I stamped a Wendy V background on it, but in distress ink and found it wouldn't dry over the paint - it smudged even after heat drying and leaving it overnight - so in the end I washed it off with a damp paper towel and stamped it again in a permanent ink.
In the top right corner of my craft mat are some butterflies left over from the flower frame from yesterday.

I am not sure when I will get to link this to Julia's blog, but I will try and get round to see you all soon!!  If you have been reading this and don't know why I am showing this right mess, check it out here where every Wednesday an increasingly large number of like-minded people show everyone what they've been up to in their craft spaces.


  1. I'll link you over at my place H, then no-one willmiss your fab post. We share a passion for stamps for sure - I can count at least 8 that I have from your revealing drawers! Love the new title - I expect every new visitor will be as impressed as I am baout your floor space!

  2. ooh, love all your stamps - I am drooling ;-)

  3. what a wonderful collection of stamps. great storage as well. i like how easy it must be to locate a stamp. nice and neat. this appeals to me :)

  4. What a fab stash of stamps you have.
    A x

  5. see this is why i cant stamp! i cant afford to do it, i'd become way to obsessed lol
    loving all your stamps - ALL of them :) xxxxx

  6. Oh my goodness I am in awe of your stamp collection! They are fantastic! Tracey x

  7. oh my all those amazingly beautiful stamps! would love a root about in that box of bits and pieces!


  8. Wonderful, wonderful stamps! Fabulous drawers!
    I'm totally green with envy!

  9. Aw lots of lovely stamps and all nicely stored.

  10. noiticed your hesder change - hehehe

    Fabulous looking stamp collection

  11. OK... you have a serious stamp addiction problem!! That's a lot of stamps... I actually have one of them!! LOL

  12. I think you should've put in your header "I'm Helen, and I'm a stampaholic" LOL... Mrs - you need to go to a meeting to sort your addiction out... not really - just in awe really - how can one girl need so many? Thanks for showing us more stuff - I bet we still haven't seen everything have we?

    Paula x x x

  13. Fantastic collection of stamps
    hugs Susie xx

  14. What a wonderful collection of stamps, a woman after my own heart as the saying goes. Your passion for stamps is on a par with mine, I love stamps. I love coming to visit your desk cause I'm always amazed by how much stash you have, but I am catching up LOL. Have a great day, Tracy Evans x x

  15. Oh I envy that collection of stamps! You lucky girl!

  16. I need to see pics of cards you have made with some of those stamps. Fab collection!
    Hehe - its my day for funny word verifications... this one says..
    rednetis - sounds nasty!!

  17. Hi Helen

    wow you have 100's of stamps and so neatly packed in those draws!


  18. Fabulous collection of stamps Mrs ... I have several of those and if you remember why you bought them ... do let me know ... because I cannot for the life of me remember what I had planned for them either :0)

  19. Great stamps ! ** Kate **

  20. Wow! Fantastic set of stamps. I have some - a few, not sure how to say it when I see such a great collection! Stamping is new to me, and I am adding to my mixed media painting. They are wonderful to use. Love your addition to your header, we all work on the floor at one time or another, don't we??

  21. Hi helen
    wow what a gorgeous selection of stamps,sue.x

  22. You have such a lovely selection of stamps Helen! I love being nosy lol!
    Lesley x

  23. Oooooo what a load of gorgeous stamps you have. You're more than welcome to come and use my desk if you bring some with you!!! x

  24. Fantastic collection of stamps! I'm in awe!! Love your new title. ikki x

  25. ooooo love all those stamps hun. Unfotunately I don't get to use mine as often as I would like being on the DT for a digi stamp place now. I will get organised one day and start using them again though as I have soooomany cute ones - none as gorgeous as yours though!!
    Sam x

  26. You have a ton of rubber stamps. I like how you have them organized. Looks like you can find them easily. Happy WOYWW.

  27. Thanks for sharing your drawers, I haven't actually shown inside any of mine but may take the plunge next week :-/ I'm sure the train/boat/plane stamps and maps would be great for men's cards. But we all have stamps we've never, or very rarely used.
    Anne xx

  28. That was a lovely rummage through your drawers - how kind of you to share them! I am GREEN with envy at that amazing walk/dance/talk sing stamp - please Please TELL ME WHO MAKES IT???

  29. So many stamps and all wood too noo wonder yr draws are full! I love so many of them (the face one is so yum) biut alass I can not keep buying things just to look at lol I have made a firm promise to self I have to stop buying things at the end of May (unless essential glue card stock I mean really essential lol) so I can get to Paris for a few days think of the inspiration I could get lol

    Love your stamps mmmm

    Love Dawn xx

  30. Wow, very nice collection and so neat and tidy! Maybe I would stamp more if my collection was more organized! Thanks for sharing,

  31. Ok, so you know my current obsession with Stampscapes, so I'm really coveting those stamps of you keep your doors locked while you're at work??? lol

  32. Do you think you would notice if I came by the dead of night ...and 'borrowed' some of your wonderful stamps?

  33. Fab stamp collection. Hugs Pam x

  34. I still can't get over how many beautiful stamps you have, where on earth did you put the stash you got at the Ally Pally??!! As for not having many visitors, tell us where you live and I'm sure you'll be inundated!!


  35. How many times do we post. 'I've never used this. Don't remember why i bought this' etc?
    I wrote the same on my post today. What do think about the idea of a swap party?

  36. as soon as the post opened I went "wow" outloud and no one else is here! those stamps look yummy, oh would love to have a play with all of those.

  37. OOooo love all your stamps!

  38. Wow so many beautiful stamps.


  39. What a fabulous collection of clearly enjoy the ephemeral style.

    'll look around your blog now as I'm a Newbie to WOYWW (which you'll all tire of reading as I tour all this week's posts).

  40. What a mouthwatering selection of stamps you have :-)

  41. Oh I'm soooo jealous, I wish i had all those lovely stamps!!

  42. Loving your stamps and the floor space! ;o)

  43. ohoo I'm soooooo jealous of all you lovely draws full of wonderful stamps!! I only have what you see...a part from my 'clear' ones that are in a plastic container yes, I did notice your top bit, and I even put a bit in my post about, 'crafting' on the floor!

  44. wow look at all your yummy stamps, fab collection going on there!


  45. I'm loving all those gorgeous stamps and there are sooooo many to play with - absolutely gorgeous!

  46. The Stampscapes are gorgeous sets!

  47. There's a stamp fest going on tonight!! That is some serious horde!! Juliex

  48. Oh wow, you have some gorgeous stamps, and so neatly stored.

    Nicki, xx

  49. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the ruler book next Helen! x

  50. Helen I am identifying very strongly with your stash. Have also done the map saving thing but I did actually cut up an old ordnance survey map for a special wedding card which was hugely appreciated.The couple were orienteers and by chance I had included on the map the place where he proposed!Hugs Betty

  51. The stamps are to die for!

  52. What a lot of stamps, love looking at all of them, but how do you remember what you have?

  53. I've got to confess: I love stamps, buy them all the time, love how they look... but I never use them. I just can't figure out how!

  54. wow gorgeous stamps, really lovely. can't wait to see what you do with the book xx

  55. That's a lot of stamps, but it's a really great collection you've got there. I love that bicycle.

  56. I'm impressed with the floor and jealous of all your stamps, although I realised I have the sentiment stamp which you have used in your frame, which by the way is gorgeous.

  57. Wonderful batch of stamps you have...each one is a piece of art...that is why I can't bear to part with any of mine!

  58. Loved looking at your drawers - you have a really great stamp collection there. Will have to upload some of my pics once I get over my shyness

  59. Ooh what wonderful drawers. Your stamps all look lovely. :) Good luck with your ruler book. Your Stampotique card is looking FAB too. Have a great Sunday. Hugs, Gez.xx


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